Merge pull request #15337 from sivel/ignore-profile-crap
Guard against a shell profile printing extraneous datapull/4420/head
@ -136,10 +136,10 @@ except ImportError:
import simplejson as json
except ImportError:
print('{"msg": "Error: ansible requires the stdlib json or simplejson module, neither was found!", "failed": true}')
print('\n{"msg": "Error: ansible requires the stdlib json or simplejson module, neither was found!", "failed": true}')
except SyntaxError:
print('{"msg": "SyntaxError: probably due to installed simplejson being for a different python version", "failed": true}')
print('\n{"msg": "SyntaxError: probably due to installed simplejson being for a different python version", "failed": true}')
@ -574,7 +574,7 @@ class AnsibleModule(object):
except Exception:
e = get_exception()
# Use exceptions here because it isn't safe to call fail_json until no_log is processed
print('{"failed": true, "msg": "Module alias error: %s"}' % str(e))
print('\n{"failed": true, "msg": "Module alias error: %s"}' % str(e))
# Save parameter values that should never be logged
@ -1497,7 +1497,7 @@ class AnsibleModule(object):
params = json.loads(buffer.decode('utf-8'))
except ValueError:
# This helper used too early for fail_json to work.
print('{"msg": "Error: Module unable to decode valid JSON on stdin. Unable to figure out what parameters were passed", "failed": true}')
print('\n{"msg": "Error: Module unable to decode valid JSON on stdin. Unable to figure out what parameters were passed", "failed": true}')
if sys.version_info < (3,):
@ -1508,7 +1508,7 @@ class AnsibleModule(object):
self.constants = params['ANSIBLE_MODULE_CONSTANTS']
except KeyError:
# This helper used too early for fail_json to work.
print('{"msg": "Error: Module unable to locate ANSIBLE_MODULE_ARGS and ANSIBLE_MODULE_CONSTANTS in json data from stdin. Unable to figure out what parameters were passed", "failed": true}')
print('\n{"msg": "Error: Module unable to locate ANSIBLE_MODULE_ARGS and ANSIBLE_MODULE_CONSTANTS in json data from stdin. Unable to figure out what parameters were passed", "failed": true}')
def _log_to_syslog(self, msg):
@ -1700,7 +1700,7 @@ class AnsibleModule(object):
kwargs['invocation'] = {'module_args': self.params}
kwargs = remove_values(kwargs, self.no_log_values)
print('\n%s' % self.jsonify(kwargs))
def fail_json(self, **kwargs):
@ -1712,7 +1712,7 @@ class AnsibleModule(object):
kwargs['invocation'] = {'module_args': self.params}
kwargs = remove_values(kwargs, self.no_log_values)
print('\n%s' % self.jsonify(kwargs))
def fail_on_missing_params(self, required_params=None):
@ -240,7 +240,8 @@ class ActionBase(with_metaclass(ABCMeta, object)):
raise AnsibleConnectionFailure(output)
rc = self._connection._shell.join_path(result['stdout'].strip(), u'').splitlines()[-1]
stdout_parts = result['stdout'].strip().split('%s=' % basefile, 1)
rc = self._connection._shell.join_path(stdout_parts[-1], u'').splitlines()[-1]
except IndexError:
# stdout was empty or just space, set to / to trigger error in next if
rc = '/'
@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ class ShellBase(object):
basetmp = self.join_path(basetmpdir, basefile)
cmd = 'mkdir -p %s echo %s %s' % (self._SHELL_SUB_LEFT, basetmp, self._SHELL_SUB_RIGHT)
cmd += ' %s echo %s echo %s %s' % (self._SHELL_AND, self._SHELL_SUB_LEFT, basetmp, self._SHELL_SUB_RIGHT)
cmd += ' %s echo %s=%s echo %s %s' % (self._SHELL_AND, basefile, self._SHELL_SUB_LEFT, basetmp, self._SHELL_SUB_RIGHT)
# change the umask in a subshell to achieve the desired mode
# also for directories created with `mkdir -p`
Reference in New Issue