[cloud] Add the ability to modify shard count to kinesis_stream module (#24805)

* Add the ability to modify shard count to kinesis_stream module

* Fixed an issue in kinesis_stream where update() reports not changed when it is changed

* Remove unreachable message and make the try and catch block shorter
jacky.chen 2017-08-30 07:13:46 +10:00 committed by Ryan Brown
parent d9fc3def94
commit 75998d3ca3
2 changed files with 109 additions and 11 deletions

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@ -36,8 +36,7 @@ options:
required: true
- "The number of shards you want to have with this stream. This can not
be modified after being created."
- "The number of shards you want to have with this stream."
- "This is required when state == present"
required: false
default: None
@ -334,9 +333,15 @@ def find_stream(client, stream_name, check_mode=False):
has_more_shards = results['HasMoreShards']
results['Shards'] = shards
num_closed_shards = len([s for s in shards if 'EndingSequenceNumber' in s['SequenceNumberRange']])
results['OpenShardsCount'] = len(shards) - num_closed_shards
results['ClosedShardsCount'] = num_closed_shards
results['ShardsCount'] = len(shards)
results = {
'OpenShardsCount': 5,
'ClosedShardsCount': 0,
'ShardsCount': 5,
'HasMoreShards': True,
'RetentionPeriodHours': 24,
'StreamName': stream_name,
@ -634,10 +639,10 @@ def stream_action(client, stream_name, shard_count=1, action='create',
def retention_action(client, stream_name, retention_period=24,
action='increase', check_mode=False):
"""Increase or Decreaste the retention of messages in the Kinesis stream.
"""Increase or Decrease the retention of messages in the Kinesis stream.
client (botocore.client.EC2): Boto3 client.
stream_name (str): The
stream_name (str): The name of the kinesis stream.
retention_period (int): This is how long messages will be kept before
@ -652,7 +657,7 @@ def retention_action(client, stream_name, retention_period=24,
>>> client = boto3.client('kinesis')
>>> stream_name = 'test-stream'
>>> retention_period = 48
>>> stream_action(client, stream_name, retention_period, action='create')
>>> retention_action(client, stream_name, retention_period, action='increase')
Tuple (bool, str)
@ -696,7 +701,44 @@ def retention_action(client, stream_name, retention_period=24,
return success, err_msg
def update(client, current_stream, stream_name, retention_period=None,
def update_shard_count(client, stream_name, number_of_shards=1, check_mode=False):
"""Increase or Decrease the number of shards in the Kinesis stream.
client (botocore.client.EC2): Boto3 client.
stream_name (str): The name of the kinesis stream.
number_of_shards (int): Number of shards this stream will use.
check_mode (bool): This will pass DryRun as one of the parameters to the aws api.
Basic Usage:
>>> client = boto3.client('kinesis')
>>> stream_name = 'test-stream'
>>> number_of_shards = 3
>>> update_shard_count(client, stream_name, number_of_shards)
Tuple (bool, str)
success = True
err_msg = ''
params = {
'StreamName': stream_name,
'ScalingType': 'UNIFORM_SCALING'
if not check_mode:
params['TargetShardCount'] = number_of_shards
except botocore.exceptions.ClientError as e:
return False, str(e)
return success, err_msg
def update(client, current_stream, stream_name, number_of_shards=1, retention_period=None,
tags=None, wait=False, wait_timeout=300, check_mode=False):
"""Update an Amazon Kinesis Stream.
@ -704,6 +746,8 @@ def update(client, current_stream, stream_name, retention_period=None,
stream_name (str): The name of the kinesis stream.
number_of_shards (int): Number of shards this stream will use.
retention_period (int): This is how long messages will be kept before
they are discarded. This can not be less than 24 hours.
tags (dict): The tags you want applied.
@ -717,6 +761,7 @@ def update(client, current_stream, stream_name, retention_period=None,
Basic Usage:
>>> client = boto3.client('kinesis')
>>> current_stream = {
'ShardCount': 3,
'HasMoreShards': True,
'RetentionPeriodHours': 24,
'StreamName': 'test-stream',
@ -725,8 +770,9 @@ def update(client, current_stream, stream_name, retention_period=None,
>>> stream_name = 'test-stream'
>>> retention_period = 48
>>> stream_action(client, current_stream, stream_name,
retention_period, action='create' )
>>> number_of_shards = 10
>>> update(client, current_stream, stream_name,
number_of_shards, retention_period )
Tuple (bool, bool, str)
@ -805,6 +851,36 @@ def update(client, current_stream, stream_name, retention_period=None,
return success, changed, err_msg
if current_stream['OpenShardsCount'] != number_of_shards:
success, err_msg = (
update_shard_count(client, stream_name, number_of_shards, check_mode=check_mode)
if not success:
return success, changed, err_msg
changed = True
if wait:
wait_success, wait_msg, current_stream = (
client, stream_name, 'ACTIVE', wait_timeout,
if not wait_success:
return wait_success, changed, wait_msg
stream_found, stream_msg, current_stream = (
find_stream(client, stream_name, check_mode=check_mode)
if stream_found and current_stream['StreamStatus'] != 'ACTIVE':
err_msg = (
'Number of shards for {0} is in the process of updating'
return success, changed, err_msg
if tags:
_, _, err_msg = (
update_tags(client, stream_name, tags, check_mode=check_mode)
@ -863,6 +939,7 @@ def create_stream(client, stream_name, number_of_shards=1, retention_period=None
stream_found, stream_msg, current_stream = (
find_stream(client, stream_name, check_mode=check_mode)
if stream_found and current_stream.get('StreamStatus') == 'DELETING' and wait:
wait_success, wait_msg, current_stream = (
@ -878,8 +955,8 @@ def create_stream(client, stream_name, number_of_shards=1, retention_period=None
if stream_found and current_stream.get('StreamStatus') != 'DELETING':
success, changed, err_msg = update(
client, current_stream, stream_name, retention_period, tags,
wait, wait_timeout, check_mode=check_mode
client, current_stream, stream_name, number_of_shards,
retention_period, tags, wait, wait_timeout, check_mode=check_mode
create_success, create_msg = (

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@ -98,6 +98,9 @@ class AnsibleKinesisStreamFunctions(unittest.TestCase):
kinesis_stream.find_stream(client, 'test', check_mode=True)
should_return = {
'OpenShardsCount': 5,
'ClosedShardsCount': 0,
'ShardsCount': 5,
'HasMoreShards': True,
'RetentionPeriodHours': 24,
'StreamName': 'test',
@ -115,6 +118,9 @@ class AnsibleKinesisStreamFunctions(unittest.TestCase):
should_return = {
'OpenShardsCount': 5,
'ClosedShardsCount': 0,
'ShardsCount': 5,
'HasMoreShards': True,
'RetentionPeriodHours': 24,
'StreamName': 'test',
@ -230,9 +236,21 @@ class AnsibleKinesisStreamFunctions(unittest.TestCase):
def test_update_shard_count(self):
client = boto3.client('kinesis', region_name=aws_region)
success, err_msg = (
client, 'test', 5, check_mode=True
def test_update(self):
client = boto3.client('kinesis', region_name=aws_region)
current_stream = {
'OpenShardsCount': 5,
'ClosedShardsCount': 0,
'ShardsCount': 1,
'HasMoreShards': True,
'RetentionPeriodHours': 24,
'StreamName': 'test',
@ -245,7 +263,7 @@ class AnsibleKinesisStreamFunctions(unittest.TestCase):
success, changed, err_msg = (
client, current_stream, 'test', retention_period=48,
client, current_stream, 'test', number_of_shards=2, retention_period=48,
tags=tags, check_mode=True
@ -266,6 +284,9 @@ class AnsibleKinesisStreamFunctions(unittest.TestCase):
should_return = {
'open_shards_count': 5,
'closed_shards_count': 0,
'shards_count': 5,
'has_more_shards': True,
'retention_period_hours': 24,
'stream_name': 'test',