Added additional stat output values

Included in the output as well:
 - file extension
 - file attributes
 - file owner
 - creation, last access and last write timestamps (in UNIX format)
Constantin 2015-06-05 14:35:26 +01:00 committed by Matt Clay
parent 70b3290a3b
commit 7a7b8b913a
1 changed files with 12 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -19,6 +19,11 @@
$params = Parse-Args $args;
function Date_To_Timestamp($start_date, $end_date)
Write-Output (New-TimeSpan -Start $start_date -End $end_date).TotalSeconds
$path = Get-Attr $params "path" $FALSE;
If ($path -eq $FALSE)
@ -36,6 +41,7 @@ If (Test-Path $path)
Set-Attr $result.stat "exists" $TRUE;
$info = Get-Item $path;
$epoch_date = Get-Date -Date "01/01/1970"
If ($info.Directory) # Only files have the .Directory attribute.
Set-Attr $result.stat "isdir" $FALSE;
@ -45,6 +51,12 @@ If (Test-Path $path)
Set-Attr $result.stat "isdir" $TRUE;
Set-Attr $result.stat "extension" $info.Extension;
Set-Attr $result.stat "attributes" $info.Attributes.ToString();
Set-Attr $result.stat "owner" $info.GetAccessControl().Owner;
Set-Attr $result.stat "creationtime" (Date_To_Timestamp $epoch_date $info.CreationTime);
Set-Attr $result.stat "lastaccesstime" (Date_To_Timestamp $epoch_date $info.LastAccessTime);
Set-Attr $result.stat "lastwritetime" (Date_To_Timestamp $epoch_date $info.LastWriteTime);