add https_proxy (#31062)
* add https_proxy * fix indentation * use http.nonProxyHostspull/4420/head
@ -144,7 +144,28 @@ def check_cert_present(module, executable, keystore_path, keystore_pass, alias):
def import_cert_url(module, executable, url, port, keystore_path, keystore_pass, alias):
''' Import certificate from URL into keystore located at keystore_path '''
fetch_cmd = ("%s -printcert -rfc -sslserver %s:%d")%(executable, url, port)
import re
https_proxy = os.getenv("https_proxy")
no_proxy = os.getenv("no_proxy")
proxy_opts = ''
if https_proxy is not None:
(proxy_host, proxy_port) = https_proxy.split(':')
proxy_opts = ("-J-Dhttps.proxyHost=%s -J-Dhttps.proxyPort=%s")%(proxy_host, proxy_port)
if no_proxy is not None:
# For Java's nonProxyHosts property, items are separated by '|',
# and patterns have to start with "*".
non_proxy_hosts = no_proxy.replace(',', '|')
non_proxy_hosts = re.sub(r'(^|\|)\.', r'\1*.', non_proxy_hosts)
# The property name is http.nonProxyHosts, there is no
# separate setting for HTTPS.
proxy_opts += (" -J-Dhttp.nonProxyHosts='%s'")%(non_proxy_hosts)
fetch_cmd = ("%s -printcert -rfc -sslserver %s %s:%d")%(executable, proxy_opts, url, port)
import_cmd = ("%s -importcert -noprompt -keystore '%s' "
"-storepass '%s' -alias '%s'")%(executable, keystore_path,
keystore_pass, alias)
Reference in New Issue