win_find - fix glob like paths (#54005)

Jordan Borean 2019-03-19 10:30:11 +10:00 committed by GitHub
parent c053bc1fc7
commit 8a4079ddbf
No known key found for this signature in database
6 changed files with 98 additions and 76 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
- win_find - Fix issues when using paths with glob like characters, e.g. ``[``, ``]``
- win_find - Ensure found files are sorted alphabetically by the path instead of it being random

View File

@ -78,13 +78,13 @@ $env:TMP = $original_tmp
Function Assert-Age($info) {
$valid_match = $true
if ($age -ne $null) {
if ($null -ne $age) {
$seconds_per_unit = @{'s'=1; 'm'=60; 'h'=3600; 'd'=86400; 'w'=604800}
$seconds_pattern = '^(-?\d+)(s|m|h|d|w)?$'
$match = $age -match $seconds_pattern
if ($match) {
[int]$specified_seconds = $matches[1]
if ($matches[2] -eq $null) {
if ($null -eq $matches[2]) {
$chosen_unit = 's'
} else {
$chosen_unit = $matches[2]
@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ Function Assert-Hidden($info) {
Function Assert-Pattern($info) {
$valid_match = $false
if ($patterns -ne $null) {
if ($null -ne $patterns) {
foreach ($pattern in $patterns) {
if ($use_regex -eq $true) {
# Use -match for regex matching
@ -172,13 +172,13 @@ Function Assert-Pattern($info) {
Function Assert-Size($info) {
$valid_match = $true
if ($size -ne $null) {
if ($null -ne $size) {
$bytes_per_unit = @{'b'=1; 'k'=1024; 'm'=1024*1024; 'g'=1024*1024*1024; 't'=1024*1024*1024*1024}
$size_pattern = '^(-?\d+)(b|k|m|g|t)?$'
$match = $size -match $size_pattern
if ($match) {
[int]$specified_size = $matches[1]
if ($matches[2] -eq $null) {
if ($null -eq $matches[2]) {
$chosen_byte = 'b'
} else {
$chosen_byte = $matches[2]
@ -255,19 +255,24 @@ Function Get-FileStat($file) {
$isdir = $true
$share_info = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Share -Filter "Path='$($file.Fullname -replace '\\', '\\')'"
if ($share_info -ne $null) {
if ($null -ne $share_info) {
$isshared = $true
$file_stat.sharename = $share_info.Name
# only get the size of a directory if there are files (not directories) inside the folder
$dir_files_sum = Get-ChildItem $file.FullName -Recurse | Where-Object { -not $_.PSIsContainer }
# Get-ChildItem -LiteralPath does not work properly on older OS', use .NET instead
$dir_files = @()
try {
$dir_files = $file.EnumerateFiles("*", [System.IO.SearchOption]::AllDirectories)
} catch [System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException] { # Broken ReparsePoint/Symlink, cannot enumerate
} catch [System.UnauthorizedAccessException] {} # No ListDirectory permissions, Get-ChildItem ignored this
if ($dir_files_sum -eq $null -or ($ -contains 'length' -eq $false)) {
$file_stat.size = 0
} else {
$file_stat.size = ($dir_files_sum | Measure-Object -property length -sum).Sum
$size = 0
foreach ($dir_file in $dir_files) {
$size += $dir_file.Length
$file_stat.size = $size
} else {
$file_stat.size = $file.length
$file_stat.extension = $file.Extension
@ -291,8 +296,17 @@ Function Get-FileStat($file) {
Function Get-FilesInFolder($path) {
$items = @()
foreach ($item in (Get-ChildItem -Force -Path $path -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) {
if ($item.PSIsContainer -and $recurse) {
# Get-ChildItem -LiteralPath can bomb out on older OS', use .NET instead
$dir = New-Object -TypeName System.IO.DirectoryInfo -ArgumentList $path
$dir_files = @()
try {
$dir_files = $dir.EnumerateFileSystemInfos("*", [System.IO.SearchOption]::TopDirectoryOnly)
} catch [System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException] { # Broken ReparsePoint/Symlink, cannot enumerate
} catch [System.UnauthorizedAccessException] {} # No ListDirectory permissions, Get-ChildItem ignored this
foreach ($item in $dir_files) {
if ($item -is [System.IO.DirectoryInfo] -and $recurse) {
if (($item.Attributes -like '*ReparsePoint*' -and $follow) -or ($item.Attributes -notlike '*ReparsePoint*')) {
# File is a link and we want to follow a link OR file is not a link
$items += $item.FullName
@ -311,8 +325,8 @@ Function Get-FilesInFolder($path) {
$paths_to_check = @()
foreach ($path in $paths) {
if (Test-Path $path) {
if ((Get-Item -Force $path).PSIsContainer) {
if (Test-Path -LiteralPath $path) {
if ((Get-Item -LiteralPath $path -Force).PSIsContainer) {
$paths_to_check += Get-FilesInFolder -path $path
} else {
Fail-Json $result "Argument path $path is a file not a directory"
@ -321,11 +335,11 @@ foreach ($path in $paths) {
Fail-Json $result "Argument path $path does not exist cannot get information on"
$paths_to_check = $paths_to_check | Select-Object -Unique
$paths_to_check = $paths_to_check | Select-Object -Unique | Sort-Object
foreach ($path in $paths_to_check) {
try {
$file = Get-Item -Force -Path $path
$file = Get-Item -LiteralPath $path -Force
$info = Get-FileStat -file $file
} catch {
Add-Warning -obj $result -message "win_find failed to check some files, these files were ignored and will not be part of the result output"

View File

@ -214,7 +214,8 @@ matched:
type: int
sample: 2
description: Information on the files/folders that match the criteria returned as a list of dictionary elements for each file matched.
description: Information on the files/folders that match the criteria returned as a list of dictionary elements
for each file matched. The entries are sorted by the path value alphabetically.
returned: success
type: complex

View File

@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
win_find_dir: "{{win_output_dir}}\\win_find"
win_find_dir: '{{ win_output_dir }}\win_find .ÅÑŚÌβŁÈ [$!@^&test(;)]'
test_win_find_username: testuser

View File

@ -22,8 +22,10 @@
$tmp_dir = '{{ win_find_dir }}'
foreach ($directory in $directories) {
New-Item -Path "{{win_find_dir}}\$directory" -ItemType Directory
New-Item -Path "$tmp_dir\$directory" -ItemType Directory
$normal_content = "abcdefg1234567"
@ -42,40 +44,42 @@
foreach ($file in $normal_files) {
New-Item -Path "{{win_find_dir}}\$file" -ItemType File
[System.IO.File]::WriteAllText("{{win_find_dir}}\$file", $normal_content)
New-Item -Path "$tmp_dir\$file" -ItemType File
[System.IO.File]::WriteAllText("$tmp_dir\$file", $normal_content)
New-Item -Path "{{win_find_dir}}\single\small.ps1" -ItemType File
[System.IO.File]::WriteAllText("{{win_find_dir}}\single\small.ps1", "a")
New-Item -Path "$tmp_dir\single\small.ps1" -ItemType File
[System.IO.File]::WriteAllText("$tmp_dir\single\small.ps1", "a")
New-Item -Path "{{win_find_dir}}\date\new.ps1" -ItemType File
[System.IO.File]::WriteAllText("{{win_find_dir}}\date\new.ps1", "random text for new date")
New-Item -Path "$tmp_dir\date\new.ps1" -ItemType File
[System.IO.File]::WriteAllText("$tmp_dir\date\new.ps1", "random text for new date")
New-Item -Path "{{win_find_dir}}\date\old.ps1" -ItemType File
[System.IO.File]::WriteAllText("{{win_find_dir}}\date\old.ps1", "random text for old date")
New-Item -Path "$tmp_dir\date\old.ps1" -ItemType File
[System.IO.File]::WriteAllText("$tmp_dir\date\old.ps1", "random text for old date")
New-Item -Path "{{win_find_dir}}\single\large.ps1" -ItemType File
Set-Content -Path "{{win_find_dir}}\single\large.ps1" -Value ('abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' * 10000)
New-Item -Path "$tmp_dir\single\large.ps1" -ItemType File
Set-Content -LiteralPath "$tmp_dir\single\large.ps1" -Value ('abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' * 10000)
$share_stat = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Share -Filter "name='folder-share'"
if ($share_stat) {
$wmi = [wmiClass] 'Win32_Share'
$wmi.Create("{{win_find_dir}}\shared\folder", "folder-share", 0)
$wmi.Create("$tmp_dir\shared\folder", "folder-share", 0)
cmd.exe /c mklink /D "$tmp_dir\nested\link" "$tmp_dir\link-dest"
cmd.exe /c mklink /D "$tmp_dir\broken-link" "$tmp_dir\broken-link-dest"
cmd.exe /c mklink /H "$tmp_dir\hard-link-dest\hard-link.log" "$tmp_dir\hard-link-dest\file-abc.log"
cmd.exe /c mklink /J "$tmp_dir\junction-link" "$tmp_dir\junction-link-dest"
cmd.exe /c mklink /D "{{win_find_dir}}\nested\link" "{{win_find_dir}}\link-dest"
cmd.exe /c mklink /D "{{win_find_dir}}\broken-link" "{{win_find_dir}}\broken-link-dest"
cmd.exe /c mklink /H "{{win_find_dir}}\hard-link-dest\hard-link.log" "{{win_find_dir}}\hard-link-dest\file-abc.log"
cmd.exe /c mklink /J "{{win_find_dir}}\junction-link" "{{win_find_dir}}\junction-link-dest"
$date = Get-Date -Year 2016 -Month 11 -Day 1 -Hour 7 -Minute 10 -Second 5 -Millisecond 0
Get-ChildItem -Path "{{win_find_dir}}" -Recurse | Where-Object { $_.Name -ne "new.ps1" } | ForEach-Object {
Set-Location -LiteralPath $tmp_dir
Get-ChildItem -Recurse | Where-Object { $_.Name -ne "new.ps1" } | ForEach-Object {
$_.CreationTime = $date
$_.LastAccessTime = $date
$_.LastWriteTime = $date
$attributes = @{
"hidden" = "Hidden"
@ -85,7 +89,7 @@
"single\hidden.ps1" = "Hidden"
foreach ($attribute in $attributes.GetEnumerator()) {
$item = Get-Item -Path "{{win_find_dir}}\$($attribute.Name)"
$item = Get-Item -LiteralPath "$tmp_dir\$($attribute.Name)"
$file_attributes = $item.Attributes -split ','
if ($file_attributes -notcontains $attribute.Value) {
$file_attributes += $attribute.Value
@ -93,7 +97,7 @@
$item.Attributes = $file_attributes -join ','
Remove-Item -Path "{{win_find_dir}}\broken-link-dest" -Force
Remove-Item -LiteralPath "$tmp_dir\broken-link-dest" -Force
- block:
- include_tasks: tests.yml

View File

@ -7,19 +7,19 @@
- name: expect failure when setting paths to a file
paths: "{{win_output_dir}}\\win_find\\single\\large.ps1"
paths: "{{win_find_dir}}\\single\\large.ps1"
register: actual
failed_when: actual.msg != 'Argument path ' + win_output_dir + '\\win_find\\single\\large.ps1 is a file not a directory'
failed_when: actual.msg != 'Argument path ' + win_find_dir + '\\single\\large.ps1 is a file not a directory'
- name: expect failure when path is set to a non existent folder
paths: "{{win_output_dir}}\\win_find\\thisisafakefolder"
paths: "{{win_find_dir}}\\thisisafakefolder"
register: actual
failed_when: actual.msg != 'Argument path ' + win_output_dir + '\\win_find\\thisisafakefolder does not exist cannot get information on'
failed_when: actual.msg != 'Argument path ' + win_find_dir + '\\thisisafakefolder does not exist cannot get information on'
- name: get files in single directory
paths: "{{win_output_dir}}\\win_find\\single"
paths: "{{win_find_dir}}\\single"
register: actual
- name: set expected value for files in a single directory
@ -192,22 +192,6 @@
examined: 8
failed: False
- { isarchive: True,
attributes: Archive,
checksum: 8df33cee3325596517df5bb5aa980cf9c5c1fda3,
creationtime: 1477984205,
extension: .ps1,
filename: test.ps1,
ishidden: False,
isdir: False,
islnk: False,
lastaccesstime: 1477984205,
lastwritetime: 1477984205,
owner: BUILTIN\Administrators,
path: "{{win_find_dir}}\\nested\\sub-nest\\test.ps1",
isreadonly: False,
isshared: False,
size: 14 }
- { isarchive: True,
attributes: Archive,
checksum: 8df33cee3325596517df5bb5aa980cf9c5c1fda3,
@ -224,6 +208,22 @@
isreadonly: False,
isshared: False,
size: 14 }
- { isarchive: True,
attributes: Archive,
checksum: 8df33cee3325596517df5bb5aa980cf9c5c1fda3,
creationtime: 1477984205,
extension: .ps1,
filename: test.ps1,
ishidden: False,
isdir: False,
islnk: False,
lastaccesstime: 1477984205,
lastwritetime: 1477984205,
owner: BUILTIN\Administrators,
path: "{{win_find_dir}}\\nested\\sub-nest\\test.ps1",
isreadonly: False,
isshared: False,
size: 14 }
- { isarchive: True,
attributes: Archive,
checksum: 8df33cee3325596517df5bb5aa980cf9c5c1fda3,
@ -261,6 +261,22 @@
examined: 10
failed: False
- { isarchive: True,
attributes: Archive,
checksum: 8df33cee3325596517df5bb5aa980cf9c5c1fda3,
creationtime: 1477984205,
extension: .ps1,
filename: file.ps1,
ishidden: False,
isdir: False,
islnk: False,
lastaccesstime: 1477984205,
lastwritetime: 1477984205,
owner: BUILTIN\Administrators,
path: "{{win_find_dir}}\\nested\\file.ps1",
isreadonly: False,
isshared: False,
size: 14 }
- { isarchive: True,
attributes: Archive,
checksum: 8df33cee3325596517df5bb5aa980cf9c5c1fda3,
@ -293,22 +309,6 @@
isreadonly: False,
isshared: False,
size: 14 }
- { isarchive: True,
attributes: Archive,
checksum: 8df33cee3325596517df5bb5aa980cf9c5c1fda3,
creationtime: 1477984205,
extension: .ps1,
filename: file.ps1,
ishidden: False,
isdir: False,
islnk: False,
lastaccesstime: 1477984205,
lastwritetime: 1477984205,
owner: BUILTIN\Administrators,
path: "{{win_find_dir}}\\nested\\file.ps1",
isreadonly: False,
isshared: False,
size: 14 }
- { isarchive: True,
attributes: Archive,
checksum: 8df33cee3325596517df5bb5aa980cf9c5c1fda3,