ovirt_host_networks: Fix removing of network attachments (#38816)

Ondra Machacek 2018-04-16 16:54:19 +02:00 committed by ansibot
parent bdbb89378f
commit 8c49c867d2
1 changed files with 4 additions and 3 deletions

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@ -433,12 +433,13 @@ def main():
] if networks else None,
elif state == 'absent' and nic:
attachments = []
nic_service = nics_service.nic_service(nic.id)
attachments_service = nic_service.network_attachments_service()
attachments = attachments_service.list()
attached_labels = set([str(lbl.id) for lbl in nic_service.network_labels_service().list()])
if networks:
attachments_service = nic_service.network_attachments_service()
attachments = attachments_service.list()
attachments = [
attachment for attachment in attachments
if get_link_name(connection, attachment.network) in network_names
@ -460,7 +461,7 @@ def main():
otypes.NetworkLabel(id=str(name)) for name in labels
] if labels else None,
removed_network_attachments=attachments if attachments else None,
nic = search_by_name(nics_service, nic_name)