Add laps_password lookup for retrieving a Windows LAPS Password (#52012)

* Add laps_password lookup for retrieving a Windows LAPS Password

* Remove python-ldap from requirements and fix doc typos

* enable unit tests without ldap dependency

* use config options for lookup plugin

* Update docs and tests based on further distro testing
Jordan Borean 2019-02-25 05:30:12 +10:00 committed by GitHub
parent ee416fd01d
commit 9717bc4bcf
No known key found for this signature in database
2 changed files with 874 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,357 @@
# (c) 2019 Ansible Project
# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)
__metaclass__ = type
lookup: laps_password
author: Jordan Borean (@jborean93)
version_added: "2.8"
short_description: Retrieves the LAPS password for a server.
- This lookup returns the LAPS password set for a server from the Active Directory database.
- See U( for more information around installing
pre-requisites and testing.
- The host name to retrieve the LAPS password for.
- This is the C(Common Name (CN)) of the host.
required: True
type: str
- When set to C(yes), will allow traffic to be sent unencrypted.
- It is highly recommended to not touch this to avoid any credentials being exposed over the network.
- Use C(scheme=ldaps), C(auth=gssapi), or C(start_tls=yes) to ensure the traffic is encrypted.
default: no
type: bool
- The type of authentication to use when connecting to the Active Directory server
- When using C(simple), the I(username) and I(password) options must be set. If not using C(scheme=ldaps) or
C(start_tls=True) then these credentials are exposed in plaintext in the network traffic.
- It is recommended ot use C(gssapi) as it will encrypt the traffic automatically.
- When using C(gssapi), run C(kinit) before running Ansible to get a valid Kerberos ticket.
- You cannot use C(gssapi) when either C(scheme=ldaps) or C(start_tls=True) is set.
- simple
- gssapi
default: gssapi
type: str
- The path to a CA certificate PEM file to use for certificate validation.
- Certificate validation is used when C(scheme=ldaps) or C(start_tls=yes).
- This may fail on hosts with an older OpenLDAP install like MacOS, this will have to be updated before
reinstalling python-ldap to get working again.
type: str
- The domain to search in to retrieve the LAPS password.
- This could either be a Windows domain name visible to the Ansible controller from DNS or a specific domain
controller FQDN.
- Supports either just the domain/host name or an explicit LDAP URI with the domain/host already filled in.
- If the URI is set, I(port) and I(scheme) are ignored.
required: True
type: str
- The password for C(username).
- Required when C(username) is set.
type: str
- The LDAP port to communicate over.
- If I(kdc) is already an LDAP URI then this is ignored.
type: int
- The LDAP scheme to use.
- When using C(ldap), it is recommended to set C(auth=gssapi), or C(start_tls=yes), otherwise traffic will be in
- The Active Directory host must be configured for C(ldaps) with a certificate before it can be used.
- If I(kdc) is already an LDAP URI then this is ignored.
- ldap
- ldaps
default: ldap
- Changes the search base used when searching for the host in Active Directory.
- Will default to search in the C(defaultNamingContext) of the Active Directory server.
- If multiple matches are found then a more explicit search_base is required so only 1 host is found.
- If searching a larger Active Directory database, it is recommended to narrow the search_base for performance
type: str
- When C(scheme=ldap), will use the StartTLS extension to encrypt traffic sent over the wire.
- This requires the Active Directory to be set up with a certificate that supports StartTLS.
- This is ignored when C(scheme=ldaps) as the traffic is already encrypted.
type: bool
default: no
- Required when using C(auth=simple).
- The username to authenticate with.
- Recommended to use the username in the UPN format, e.g. C(username@DOMAIN.COM).
- This is required when C(auth=simple) and is not supported when C(auth=gssapi).
- Call C(kinit) outside of Ansible if C(auth=gssapi) is required.
type: str
- When using C(scheme=ldaps) or C(start_tls=yes), this controls the certificate validation behaviour.
- C(demand) will fail if no certificate or an invalid certificate is provided.
- C(try) will fail for invalid certificates but will continue if no certificate is provided.
- C(allow) will request and check a certificate but will continue even if it is invalid.
- C(never) will not request a certificate from the server so no validation occurs.
default: demand
- never
- allow
- try
- demand
type: str
- python-ldap
- If a host was found but had no LAPS password attribute C(ms-Mcs-AdmPwd), the lookup will fail.
- Due to the sensitive nature of the data travelling across the network, it is highly recommended to run with either
C(auth=gssapi), C(scheme=ldaps), or C(start_tls=yes).
- Failing to run with one of the above settings will result in the account credentials as well as the LAPS password to
be sent in plaintext.
- Some scenarios may not work when running on a host with an older OpenLDAP install like MacOS. It is recommended to
install the latest OpenLDAP version and build python-ldap against this, see
U( for more information.
# This isn't mandatory but it is a way to call kinit from within Ansible before calling the lookup
- name: call kinit to retrieve Kerberos token
command: kinit username@ANSIBLE.COM
(?i)password: SecretPass1
no_log: True
- name: Get the LAPS password using Kerberos auth, relies on kinit already being called
ansible_password: "{{ lookup('laps_password', 'SERVER', domain='') }}"
- name: Specific the domain host using an explicit LDAP URI
ansible_password: "{{ lookup('laps_password', 'SERVER', domain='ldap://') }}"
- name: Use Simple auth over LDAPS
ansible_password: "{{ lookup('laps_password', 'server',
password='SuperSecret123') }}"
- name: Use Simple auth with LDAP and StartTLS
ansible_password: "{{ lookup('laps_password', 'app01',
password='SuperSecret123') }}"
- name: Narrow down the search base to a an OU
ansible_password: "{{ lookup('laps_password', 'sql10',
search_base='OU=Databases,DC=ansible,DC=com') }}"
- name: Set certificate file to use when validating the TLS certificate
ansible_password: "{{ lookup('laps_password', 'windows-pc',
cacert_file='/usr/local/share/certs/ad.pem') }}"
RETURN = """
- The LAPS password(s) for the host(s) requested.
type: str
import os
import traceback
from ansible.errors import AnsibleLookupError
from ansible.module_utils._text import to_bytes, to_native, to_text
from ansible.module_utils.basic import missing_required_lib
from ansible.plugins.lookup import LookupBase
import ldap
import ldapurl
except ImportError:
LDAP_IMP_ERR = traceback.format_exc()
HAS_LDAP = False
def get_laps_password(conn, cn, search_base):
search_filter = u"(&(objectClass=computer)(CN=%s))" % to_text(cn)
ldap_results = conn.search_s(to_text(search_base), ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE, search_filter,
attrlist=[u"distinguishedName", u"ms-Mcs-AdmPwd"])
# Filter out non server hosts, search_s seems to return 3 extra entries
# that are not computer classes, they do not have a distinguished name
# set in the returned results
valid_results = [attr for dn, attr in ldap_results if dn]
if len(valid_results) == 0:
raise AnsibleLookupError("Failed to find the server '%s' in the base '%s'" % (cn, search_base))
elif len(valid_results) > 1:
found_servers = [to_native(attr['distinguishedName'][0]) for attr in valid_results]
raise AnsibleLookupError("Found too many results for the server '%s' in the base '%s'. Specify a more "
"explicit search base for the server required. Found servers '%s'"
% (cn, search_base, "', '".join(found_servers)))
password = valid_results[0].get('ms-Mcs-AdmPwd', None)
if not password:
distinguished_name = to_native(valid_results[0]['distinguishedName'][0])
raise AnsibleLookupError("The server '%s' did not have the LAPS attribute 'ms-Mcs-AdmPwd'" % distinguished_name)
return to_native(password[0])
class LookupModule(LookupBase):
def run(self, terms, variables=None, **kwargs):
if not HAS_LDAP:
msg = missing_required_lib("python-ldap", url="")
msg += ". Import Error: %s" % LDAP_IMP_ERR
raise AnsibleLookupError(msg)
# Load the variables and direct args into the lookup options
self.set_options(var_options=variables, direct=kwargs)
domain = self.get_option('domain')
port = self.get_option('port')
scheme = self.get_option('scheme')
start_tls = self.get_option('start_tls')
validate_certs = self.get_option('validate_certs')
cacert_file = self.get_option('cacert_file')
search_base = self.get_option('search_base')
username = self.get_option('username')
password = self.get_option('password')
auth = self.get_option('auth')
allow_plaintext = self.get_option('allow_plaintext')
# Validate and set input values
validate_certs_map = {
'never': ldap.OPT_X_TLS_NEVER,
'allow': ldap.OPT_X_TLS_ALLOW,
'try': ldap.OPT_X_TLS_TRY,
'demand': ldap.OPT_X_TLS_DEMAND, # Same as OPT_X_TLS_HARD
validate_certs_value = validate_certs_map.get(validate_certs, None)
if validate_certs_value is None:
valid_keys = list(validate_certs_map.keys())
raise AnsibleLookupError("Invalid validate_certs value '%s': valid values are '%s'"
% (validate_certs, "', '".join(valid_keys)))
if auth not in ['gssapi', 'simple']:
raise AnsibleLookupError("Invalid auth value '%s': expecting either 'gssapi', or 'simple'" % auth)
elif auth == 'gssapi':
if not ldap.SASL_AVAIL:
raise AnsibleLookupError("Cannot use auth=gssapi when SASL is not configured with the local LDAP "
if username or password:
raise AnsibleLookupError("Explicit credentials are not supported when auth='gssapi'. Call kinit "
"outside of Ansible")
elif auth == 'simple' and not (username and password):
raise AnsibleLookupError("The username and password values are required when auth=simple")
if ldapurl.isLDAPUrl(domain):
ldap_url = ldapurl.LDAPUrl(ldapUrl=domain)
port = port if port else 389 if scheme == 'ldap' else 636
ldap_url = ldapurl.LDAPUrl(hostport="%s:%d" % (domain, port), urlscheme=scheme)
# We have encryption if using LDAPS, or StartTLS is used, or we auth with SASL/GSSAPI
encrypted = ldap_url.urlscheme == 'ldaps' or start_tls or auth == 'gssapi'
if not encrypted and not allow_plaintext:
raise AnsibleLookupError("Current configuration will result in plaintext traffic exposing credentials. "
"Set auth=gssapi, scheme=ldaps, start_tls=True, or allow_plaintext=True to "
if ldap_url.urlscheme == 'ldaps' or start_tls:
# We cannot use conn.set_option as OPT_X_TLS_NEWCTX (required to use the new context) is not supported on
# older distros like EL7. Setting it on the ldap object works instead
if not ldap.TLS_AVAIL:
raise AnsibleLookupError("Cannot use TLS as the local LDAP installed has not been configured to support it")
ldap.set_option(ldap.OPT_X_TLS_REQUIRE_CERT, validate_certs_value)
if cacert_file:
cacert_path = os.path.expanduser(os.path.expandvars(cacert_file))
if not os.path.exists(to_bytes(cacert_path)):
raise AnsibleLookupError("The cacert_file specified '%s' does not exist" % to_native(cacert_path))
# While this is a path, python-ldap expects a str/unicode and not bytes
ldap.set_option(ldap.OPT_X_TLS_CACERTFILE, to_text(cacert_path))
except ValueError:
raise AnsibleLookupError("Failed to set path to cacert file, this is a known issue with older "
"OpenLDAP libraries on the host. Update OpenLDAP and reinstall "
"python-ldap to continue")
conn_url = ldap_url.initializeUrl()
conn = ldap.initialize(conn_url, bytes_mode=False)
conn.set_option(ldap.OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, 3)
conn.set_option(ldap.OPT_REFERRALS, 0) # Allow us to search from the base
# Make sure we run StartTLS before doing the bind to protect the credentials
if start_tls:
except ldap.LDAPError as err:
raise AnsibleLookupError("Failed to send StartTLS to LDAP host '%s': %s"
% (conn_url, to_native(err)))
if auth == 'simple':
conn.bind_s(to_text(username), to_text(password))
except ldap.LDAPError as err:
raise AnsibleLookupError("Failed to simple bind against LDAP host '%s': %s"
% (conn_url, to_native(err)))
except ldap.AUTH_UNKNOWN as err:
# The SASL GSSAPI binding is not installed, e.g. cyrus-sasl-gssapi. Give a better error message than
# what python-ldap provides
raise AnsibleLookupError("Failed to do a sasl bind against LDAP host '%s', the GSSAPI mech is not "
"installed: %s" % (conn_url, to_native(err)))
except ldap.LDAPError as err:
raise AnsibleLookupError("Failed to do a sasl bind against LDAP host '%s': %s"
% (conn_url, to_native(err)))
if not search_base:
root_dse = conn.read_rootdse_s()
search_base = root_dse['defaultNamingContext'][0]
ret = []
# TODO: change method to search for all servers in 1 request instead of multiple requests
for server in terms:
ret.append(get_laps_password(conn, server, search_base))
return ret

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@ -0,0 +1,517 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# (c) 2019, Jordan Borean <>
# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or
# Make coding more python3-ish
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)
__metaclass__ = type
import os
import platform
import pytest
import sys
from units.compat.mock import MagicMock
from ansible.errors import AnsibleLookupError
from ansible.plugins.loader import lookup_loader
class FakeLDAPError(Exception):
class FakeLDAPAuthUnknownError(Exception):
class FakeLdap(object):
LDAPError = FakeLDAPError
AUTH_UNKNOWN = FakeLDAPAuthUnknownError
def initialize(uri, bytes_mode=None, **kwargs):
return MagicMock()
def set_option(option, invalue):
class FakeLdapUrl(object):
def __init__(self, ldapUrl=None, urlscheme='ldap', hostport='', **kwargs):
url = ldapUrl if ldapUrl else "%s://%s" % (urlscheme, hostport)
self.urlscheme = url.split('://', 2)[0].lower()
self._url = url
def initializeUrl(self):
return self._url
def fake_is_ldap_url(s):
s_lower = s.lower()
return s_lower.startswith("ldap://") or s_lower.startswith("ldaps://") or s_lower.startswith("ldapi://")
def laps_password():
"""Imports and the laps_password lookup with a mocks laps module for testing"""
# Build the fake ldap and ldapurl Python modules
fake_ldap_obj = FakeLdap()
fake_ldap_url_obj = MagicMock()
fake_ldap_url_obj.isLDAPUrl.side_effect = fake_is_ldap_url
fake_ldap_url_obj.LDAPUrl.side_effect = FakeLdapUrl
# Take a snapshot of sys.modules before we manipulate it
orig_modules = sys.modules.copy()
sys.modules["ldap"] = fake_ldap_obj
sys.modules["ldapurl"] = fake_ldap_url_obj
from ansible.plugins.lookup import laps_password
# ensure the changes to these globals aren't persisted after each test
orig_has_ldap = laps_password.HAS_LDAP
orig_ldap_imp_err = laps_password.LDAP_IMP_ERR
yield laps_password
laps_password.HAS_LDAP = orig_has_ldap
laps_password.LDAP_IMP_ERR = orig_ldap_imp_err
# Restore sys.modules back to our pre-shenanigans
sys.modules = orig_modules
def test_missing_ldap(laps_password):
laps_password.HAS_LDAP = False
laps_password.LDAP_IMP_ERR = "no import for you!"
with pytest.raises(AnsibleLookupError) as err:
lookup_loader.get('laps_password').run(["host"], domain="test")
assert str(err.value) == "Failed to import the required Python library (python-ldap) on %s's Python %s. See " \
" for more info. Please read module documentation " \
"and install in the appropriate location. " \
"Import Error: no import for you!" % (platform.node(), sys.executable)
def test_invalid_cert_mapping():
with pytest.raises(AnsibleLookupError) as err:
lookup_loader.get('laps_password').run(["host"], domain="test", validate_certs="incorrect")
assert str(err.value) == "Invalid validate_certs value 'incorrect': valid values are 'allow', 'demand', " \
"'never', 'try'"
def test_invalid_auth():
with pytest.raises(AnsibleLookupError) as err:
lookup_loader.get('laps_password').run(["host"], domain="test", auth="fail")
assert str(err.value) == "Invalid auth value 'fail': expecting either 'gssapi', or 'simple'"
def test_gssapi_without_sasl(monkeypatch, ):
monkeypatch.setattr("ldap.SASL_AVAIL", 0)
with pytest.raises(AnsibleLookupError) as err:
lookup_loader.get('laps_password').run(["host"], domain="test")
assert str(err.value) == "Cannot use auth=gssapi when SASL is not configured with the local LDAP install"
def test_simple_auth_without_credentials():
with pytest.raises(AnsibleLookupError) as err:
lookup_loader.get('laps_password').run(["host"], domain="test", auth="simple")
assert str(err.value) == "The username and password values are required when auth=simple"
def test_gssapi_auth_with_credentials():
with pytest.raises(AnsibleLookupError) as err:
lookup_loader.get('laps_password').run(["host"], domain="test", auth="gssapi", username="u", password="p")
assert str(err.value) == "Explicit credentials are not supported when auth='gssapi'. Call kinit outside of Ansible"
def test_not_encrypted_without_override():
with pytest.raises(AnsibleLookupError) as err:
lookup_loader.get('laps_password').run(["host"], domain="dc01", auth="simple", username="test", password="test")
assert str(err.value) == "Current configuration will result in plaintext traffic exposing credentials. Set " \
"auth=gssapi, scheme=ldaps, start_tls=True, or allow_plaintext=True to continue"
def test_ldaps_without_tls(monkeypatch, ):
monkeypatch.setattr("ldap.TLS_AVAIL", 0)
with pytest.raises(AnsibleLookupError) as err:
lookup_loader.get('laps_password').run(["host"], domain="dc01", scheme="ldaps")
assert str(err.value) == "Cannot use TLS as the local LDAP installed has not been configured to support it"
def test_start_tls_without_tls(monkeypatch, ):
monkeypatch.setattr("ldap.TLS_AVAIL", 0)
with pytest.raises(AnsibleLookupError) as err:
lookup_loader.get('laps_password').run(["host"], domain="dc01", start_tls=True)
assert str(err.value) == "Cannot use TLS as the local LDAP installed has not been configured to support it"
def test_normal_run(monkeypatch, laps_password):
def get_laps_password(conn, cn, search_base):
return "CN=%s,%s" % (cn, search_base)
mock_ldap = MagicMock()
mock_ldap.return_value.read_rootdse_s.return_value = {"defaultNamingContext": ["DC=domain,DC=com"]}
monkeypatch.setattr("ldap.initialize", mock_ldap)
mock_get_laps_password = MagicMock(side_effect=get_laps_password)
monkeypatch.setattr(laps_password, "get_laps_password", mock_get_laps_password)
actual = lookup_loader.get('laps_password').run(["host1", "host2"], domain="dc01")
assert actual == ["CN=host1,DC=domain,DC=com", "CN=host2,DC=domain,DC=com"]
# Verify the call count to get_laps_password
assert mock_get_laps_password.call_count == 2
# Verify the initialize() method call
assert mock_ldap.call_count == 1
assert mock_ldap.call_args[0] == ("ldap://dc01:389",)
assert mock_ldap.call_args[1] == {"bytes_mode": False}
# Verify the number of calls made to the mocked LDAP object
assert mock_ldap.mock_calls[1][0] == "().set_option"
assert mock_ldap.mock_calls[1][1] == (FakeLdap.OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, 3)
assert mock_ldap.mock_calls[2][0] == "().set_option"
assert mock_ldap.mock_calls[2][1] == (FakeLdap.OPT_REFERRALS, 0)
assert mock_ldap.mock_calls[3][0] == '().sasl_gssapi_bind_s'
assert mock_ldap.mock_calls[3][1] == ()
assert mock_ldap.mock_calls[4][0] == "().read_rootdse_s"
assert mock_ldap.mock_calls[4][1] == ()
assert mock_ldap.mock_calls[5][0] == "().unbind_s"
assert mock_ldap.mock_calls[5][1] == ()
def test_run_with_simple_auth_and_search_base(monkeypatch, laps_password):
def get_laps_password(conn, cn, search_base):
return "CN=%s,%s" % (cn, search_base)
mock_ldap = MagicMock()
monkeypatch.setattr("ldap.initialize", mock_ldap)
mock_get_laps_password = MagicMock(side_effect=get_laps_password)
monkeypatch.setattr(laps_password, "get_laps_password", mock_get_laps_password)
actual = lookup_loader.get('laps_password').run(["host1", "host2"], domain="dc01", auth="simple", username="user",
password="pass", allow_plaintext=True,
assert actual == ["CN=host1,OU=Workstations,DC=domain,DC=com", "CN=host2,OU=Workstations,DC=domain,DC=com"]
# Verify the call count to get_laps_password
assert mock_get_laps_password.call_count == 2
# Verify the initialize() method call
assert mock_ldap.call_count == 1
assert mock_ldap.call_args[0] == ("ldap://dc01:389",)
assert mock_ldap.call_args[1] == {"bytes_mode": False}
# Verify the number of calls made to the mocked LDAP object
assert mock_ldap.mock_calls[1][0] == "().set_option"
assert mock_ldap.mock_calls[1][1] == (FakeLdap.OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, 3)
assert mock_ldap.mock_calls[2][0] == "().set_option"
assert mock_ldap.mock_calls[2][1] == (FakeLdap.OPT_REFERRALS, 0)
assert mock_ldap.mock_calls[3][0] == '().bind_s'
assert mock_ldap.mock_calls[3][1] == (u"user", u"pass")
assert mock_ldap.mock_calls[4][0] == "().unbind_s"
assert mock_ldap.mock_calls[4][1] == ()
@pytest.mark.parametrize("kwargs, expected", [
[{"domain": "dc01"}, "ldap://dc01:389"],
[{"domain": "dc02", "port": 1234}, "ldap://dc02:1234"],
[{"domain": "dc03", "scheme": "ldaps"}, "ldaps://dc03:636"],
# Verifies that an explicit URI ignores port and scheme
[{"domain": "ldap://dc04", "port": 1234, "scheme": "ldaps"}, "ldap://dc04"],
def test_uri_options(monkeypatch, kwargs, expected):
mock_ldap = MagicMock()
monkeypatch.setattr("ldap.initialize", mock_ldap)
lookup_loader.get('laps_password').run([], **kwargs)
assert mock_ldap.call_count == 1
assert mock_ldap.call_args[0] == (expected,)
assert mock_ldap.call_args[1] == {"bytes_mode": False}
@pytest.mark.parametrize("validate, expected", [
["never", FakeLdap.OPT_X_TLS_NEVER],
["allow", FakeLdap.OPT_X_TLS_ALLOW],
["try", FakeLdap.OPT_X_TLS_TRY],
["demand", FakeLdap.OPT_X_TLS_DEMAND],
def test_certificate_validation(monkeypatch, validate, expected):
mock_ldap_option = MagicMock()
monkeypatch.setattr(FakeLdap, "set_option", mock_ldap_option)
mock_ldap = MagicMock()
monkeypatch.setattr("ldap.initialize", mock_ldap)
lookup_loader.get('laps_password').run([], domain="dc01", start_tls=True, validate_certs=validate)
assert mock_ldap_option.mock_calls[0][1] == (FakeLdap.OPT_X_TLS_REQUIRE_CERT, expected)
assert mock_ldap.mock_calls[3][0] == "().start_tls_s"
assert mock_ldap.mock_calls[3][1] == ()
assert mock_ldap.mock_calls[4][0] == "().sasl_gssapi_bind_s"
assert mock_ldap.mock_calls[4][1] == ()
def test_certificate_validate_with_custom_cacert(monkeypatch):
mock_ldap_option = MagicMock()
monkeypatch.setattr(FakeLdap, "set_option", mock_ldap_option)
mock_ldap = MagicMock()
monkeypatch.setattr("ldap.initialize", mock_ldap)
monkeypatch.setattr(os.path, 'exists', lambda x: True)
lookup_loader.get('laps_password').run([], domain="dc01", scheme="ldaps", cacert_file="cacert.pem")
assert mock_ldap_option.mock_calls[0][1] == (FakeLdap.OPT_X_TLS_REQUIRE_CERT, FakeLdap.OPT_X_TLS_DEMAND)
assert mock_ldap_option.mock_calls[1][1] == (FakeLdap.OPT_X_TLS_CACERTFILE, u"cacert.pem")
assert mock_ldap.mock_calls[3][0] == "().sasl_gssapi_bind_s"
assert mock_ldap.mock_calls[3][1] == ()
def test_certificate_validate_with_custom_cacert_fail(monkeypatch):
def set_option(self, key, value):
if key == FakeLdap.OPT_X_TLS_CACERTFILE:
raise ValueError("set_option() failed")
monkeypatch.setattr(FakeLdap, "set_option", set_option)
monkeypatch.setattr(os.path, 'exists', lambda x: True)
with pytest.raises(AnsibleLookupError) as err:
lookup_loader.get('laps_password').run([], domain="dc01", scheme="ldaps", cacert_file="cacert.pem")
assert str(err.value) == "Failed to set path to cacert file, this is a known issue with older OpenLDAP " \
"libraries on the host. Update OpenLDAP and reinstall python-ldap to continue"
@pytest.mark.parametrize("path", [
def test_certificate_invalid_path(monkeypatch, path):
monkeypatch.setattr(os.path, 'exists', lambda x: False)
expected_path = os.path.expanduser(os.path.expandvars(path))
with pytest.raises(AnsibleLookupError) as err:
lookup_loader.get('laps_password').run([], domain="dc01", scheme="ldaps", cacert_file=path)
assert str(err.value) == "The cacert_file specified '%s' does not exist" % expected_path
def test_simple_auth_with_ldaps(monkeypatch):
mock_ldap_option = MagicMock()
monkeypatch.setattr(FakeLdap, "set_option", mock_ldap_option)
mock_ldap = MagicMock()
monkeypatch.setattr("ldap.initialize", mock_ldap)
lookup_loader.get('laps_password').run([], domain="dc01", scheme="ldaps", auth="simple", username="user",
assert mock_ldap_option.mock_calls[0][1] == (FakeLdap.OPT_X_TLS_REQUIRE_CERT, FakeLdap.OPT_X_TLS_DEMAND)
assert mock_ldap.mock_calls[3][0] == '().bind_s'
assert mock_ldap.mock_calls[3][1] == (u"user", u"pass")
assert mock_ldap.mock_calls[4][0] == "().read_rootdse_s"
assert mock_ldap.mock_calls[4][1] == ()
def test_simple_auth_with_start_tls(monkeypatch):
mock_ldap_option = MagicMock()
monkeypatch.setattr(FakeLdap, "set_option", mock_ldap_option)
mock_ldap = MagicMock()
monkeypatch.setattr("ldap.initialize", mock_ldap)
lookup_loader.get('laps_password').run([], domain="dc01", start_tls=True, auth="simple", username="user",
assert mock_ldap_option.mock_calls[0][1] == (FakeLdap.OPT_X_TLS_REQUIRE_CERT, FakeLdap.OPT_X_TLS_DEMAND)
assert mock_ldap.mock_calls[3][0] == "().start_tls_s"
assert mock_ldap.mock_calls[3][1] == ()
assert mock_ldap.mock_calls[4][0] == '().bind_s'
assert mock_ldap.mock_calls[4][1] == (u"user", u"pass")
assert mock_ldap.mock_calls[5][0] == "().read_rootdse_s"
assert mock_ldap.mock_calls[5][1] == ()
def test_start_tls_ldap_error(monkeypatch):
mock_ldap = MagicMock()
mock_ldap.return_value.start_tls_s.side_effect = FakeLDAPError("fake error")
monkeypatch.setattr("ldap.initialize", mock_ldap)
with pytest.raises(AnsibleLookupError) as err:
lookup_loader.get('laps_password').run([], domain="dc01", start_tls=True)
assert str(err.value) == "Failed to send StartTLS to LDAP host 'ldap://dc01:389': fake error"
def test_simple_bind_ldap_error(monkeypatch):
mock_ldap = MagicMock()
mock_ldap.return_value.bind_s.side_effect = FakeLDAPError("fake error")
monkeypatch.setattr("ldap.initialize", mock_ldap)
with pytest.raises(AnsibleLookupError) as err:
lookup_loader.get('laps_password').run([], domain="dc01", auth="simple", username="user", password="pass",
assert str(err.value) == "Failed to simple bind against LDAP host 'ldap://dc01:389': fake error"
def test_sasl_bind_ldap_error(monkeypatch):
mock_ldap = MagicMock()
mock_ldap.return_value.sasl_gssapi_bind_s.side_effect = FakeLDAPError("fake error")
monkeypatch.setattr("ldap.initialize", mock_ldap)
with pytest.raises(AnsibleLookupError) as err:
lookup_loader.get('laps_password').run([], domain="dc01")
assert str(err.value) == "Failed to do a sasl bind against LDAP host 'ldap://dc01:389': fake error"
def test_sasl_bind_ldap_no_mechs_error(monkeypatch):
mock_ldap = MagicMock()
mock_ldap.return_value.sasl_gssapi_bind_s.side_effect = FakeLDAPAuthUnknownError("no mechs")
monkeypatch.setattr("ldap.initialize", mock_ldap)
with pytest.raises(AnsibleLookupError) as err:
lookup_loader.get('laps_password').run([], domain="dc01")
assert str(err.value) == "Failed to do a sasl bind against LDAP host 'ldap://dc01:389', the GSSAPI mech is " \
"not installed: no mechs"
def test_get_password_valid(laps_password):
mock_conn = MagicMock()
mock_conn.search_s.return_value = [
{"ms-Mcs-AdmPwd": ["pass"], "distinguishedName": ["CN=server,DC=domain,DC=local"]}),
# Replicates the 3 extra entries AD returns that aren't server objects
(None, ["ldap://,DC=domain,DC=com"]),
(None, ["ldap://,DC=domain,DC=com"]),
(None, ["ldap://,DC=domain,DC=com"]),
actual = laps_password.get_laps_password(mock_conn, "server", "DC=domain,DC=local")
assert actual == "pass"
assert len(mock_conn.method_calls) == 1
assert mock_conn.method_calls[0][0] == "search_s"
assert mock_conn.method_calls[0][1] == ("DC=domain,DC=local", FakeLdap.SCOPE_SUBTREE,
assert mock_conn.method_calls[0][2] == {"attrlist": ["distinguishedName", "ms-Mcs-AdmPwd"]}
def test_get_password_laps_not_configured(laps_password):
mock_conn = MagicMock()
mock_conn.search_s.return_value = [
("CN=server,DC=domain,DC=local", {"distinguishedName": ["CN=server,DC=domain,DC=local"]}),
(None, ["ldap://,DC=domain,DC=com"]),
(None, ["ldap://,DC=domain,DC=com"]),
(None, ["ldap://,DC=domain,DC=com"]),
with pytest.raises(AnsibleLookupError) as err:
laps_password.get_laps_password(mock_conn, "server2", "DC=test,DC=local")
assert str(err.value) == \
"The server 'CN=server,DC=domain,DC=local' did not have the LAPS attribute 'ms-Mcs-AdmPwd'"
assert len(mock_conn.method_calls) == 1
assert mock_conn.method_calls[0][0] == "search_s"
assert mock_conn.method_calls[0][1] == ("DC=test,DC=local", FakeLdap.SCOPE_SUBTREE,
assert mock_conn.method_calls[0][2] == {"attrlist": ["distinguishedName", "ms-Mcs-AdmPwd"]}
def test_get_password_no_results(laps_password):
mock_conn = MagicMock()
mock_conn.search_s.return_value = [
(None, ["ldap://,DC=domain,DC=com"]),
(None, ["ldap://,DC=domain,DC=com"]),
(None, ["ldap://,DC=domain,DC=com"]),
with pytest.raises(AnsibleLookupError) as err:
laps_password.get_laps_password(mock_conn, "server", "DC=domain,DC=local")
assert str(err.value) == "Failed to find the server 'server' in the base 'DC=domain,DC=local'"
assert len(mock_conn.method_calls) == 1
assert mock_conn.method_calls[0][0] == "search_s"
assert mock_conn.method_calls[0][1] == ("DC=domain,DC=local", FakeLdap.SCOPE_SUBTREE,
assert mock_conn.method_calls[0][2] == {"attrlist": ["distinguishedName", "ms-Mcs-AdmPwd"]}
def test_get_password_multiple_results(laps_password):
mock_conn = MagicMock()
mock_conn.search_s.return_value = [
{"ms-Mcs-AdmPwd": ["pass"], "distinguishedName": ["CN=server,OU=Workstations,DC=domain,DC=local"]}),
{"ms-Mcs-AdmPwd": ["pass"], "distinguishedName": ["CN=server,OU=Servers,DC=domain,DC=local"]}),
(None, ["ldap://,DC=domain,DC=com"]),
(None, ["ldap://,DC=domain,DC=com"]),
(None, ["ldap://,DC=domain,DC=com"]),
with pytest.raises(AnsibleLookupError) as err:
laps_password.get_laps_password(mock_conn, "server", "DC=domain,DC=local")
assert str(err.value) == \
"Found too many results for the server 'server' in the base 'DC=domain,DC=local'. Specify a more explicit " \
"search base for the server required. Found servers 'CN=server,OU=Workstations,DC=domain,DC=local', " \
assert len(mock_conn.method_calls) == 1
assert mock_conn.method_calls[0][0] == "search_s"
assert mock_conn.method_calls[0][1] == ("DC=domain,DC=local", FakeLdap.SCOPE_SUBTREE,
assert mock_conn.method_calls[0][2] == {"attrlist": ["distinguishedName", "ms-Mcs-AdmPwd"]}