jira - module revamp -> moved code to class (#2208)
* rebased after jira bugfix * Update plugins/modules/web_infrastructure/jira.py Co-authored-by: Felix Fontein <felix@fontein.de> Co-authored-by: Felix Fontein <felix@fontein.de>pull/2359/head
@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
- jira - revamped the module as a class using ``ModuleHelper`` (https://github.com/ansible-collections/community.general/pull/2208).
@ -355,271 +355,16 @@ import mimetypes
import os
import os
import random
import random
import string
import string
import sys
import traceback
import traceback
from ansible_collections.community.general.plugins.module_utils.module_helper import StateModuleHelper, cause_changes
from ansible.module_utils.six.moves.urllib.request import pathname2url
from ansible.module_utils.six.moves.urllib.request import pathname2url
from ansible.module_utils._text import to_text, to_bytes, to_native
from ansible.module_utils._text import to_text, to_bytes, to_native
from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule
from ansible.module_utils.urls import fetch_url
from ansible.module_utils.urls import fetch_url
def request(
class JIRA(StateModuleHelper):
module = dict(
if data and content_type == 'application/json':
data = json.dumps(data)
# NOTE: fetch_url uses a password manager, which follows the
# standard request-then-challenge basic-auth semantics. However as
# JIRA allows some unauthorised operations it doesn't necessarily
# send the challenge, so the request occurs as the anonymous user,
# resulting in unexpected results. To work around this we manually
# inject the basic-auth header up-front to ensure that JIRA treats
# the requests as authorized for this user.
auth = to_text(base64.b64encode(to_bytes('{0}:{1}'.format(user, passwd), errors='surrogate_or_strict')))
headers = {}
if isinstance(additional_headers, dict):
headers = additional_headers.copy()
"Content-Type": content_type,
"Authorization": "Basic %s" % auth,
response, info = fetch_url(
module, url, data=data, method=method, timeout=timeout, headers=headers
if info['status'] not in (200, 201, 204):
error = None
error = json.loads(info['body'])
except Exception:
module.fail_json(msg=to_native(info['body']), exception=traceback.format_exc())
if error:
msg = []
for key in ('errorMessages', 'errors'):
if error.get(key):
if msg:
module.fail_json(msg=', '.join(msg))
# Fallback print body, if it cant be decoded
body = response.read()
if body:
return json.loads(to_text(body, errors='surrogate_or_strict'))
return {}
def post(url, user, passwd, timeout, data, content_type='application/json', additional_headers=None):
return request(url, user, passwd, timeout, data=data, method='POST', content_type=content_type, additional_headers=additional_headers)
def put(url, user, passwd, timeout, data):
return request(url, user, passwd, timeout, data=data, method='PUT')
def get(url, user, passwd, timeout):
return request(url, user, passwd, timeout)
def create(restbase, user, passwd, params):
createfields = {
'project': {'key': params['project']},
'summary': params['summary'],
'issuetype': {'name': params['issuetype']}}
if params['description']:
createfields['description'] = params['description']
# Merge in any additional or overridden fields
if params['fields']:
data = {'fields': createfields}
url = restbase + '/issue/'
return True, post(url, user, passwd, params['timeout'], data)
def comment(restbase, user, passwd, params):
data = {
'body': params['comment']
url = restbase + '/issue/' + params['issue'] + '/comment'
return True, post(url, user, passwd, params['timeout'], data)
def edit(restbase, user, passwd, params):
data = {
'fields': params['fields']
url = restbase + '/issue/' + params['issue']
return True, put(url, user, passwd, params['timeout'], data)
def update(restbase, user, passwd, params):
data = {
"update": params['fields'],
url = restbase + '/issue/' + params['issue']
return True, put(url, user, passwd, params['timeout'], data)
def fetch(restbase, user, passwd, params):
url = restbase + '/issue/' + params['issue']
return False, get(url, user, passwd, params['timeout'])
def search(restbase, user, passwd, params):
url = restbase + '/search?jql=' + pathname2url(params['jql'])
if params['fields']:
fields = params['fields'].keys()
url = url + '&fields=' + '&fields='.join([pathname2url(f) for f in fields])
if params['maxresults']:
url = url + '&maxResults=' + str(params['maxresults'])
return False, get(url, user, passwd, params['timeout'])
def transition(restbase, user, passwd, params):
# Find the transition id
turl = restbase + '/issue/' + params['issue'] + "/transitions"
tmeta = get(turl, user, passwd, params['timeout'])
target = params['status']
tid = None
for t in tmeta['transitions']:
if t['name'] == target:
tid = t['id']
if not tid:
raise ValueError("Failed find valid transition for '%s'" % target)
fields = dict(params['fields'])
if params['summary'] is not None:
fields.update({'summary': params['summary']})
if params['description'] is not None:
fields.update({'description': params['description']})
# Perform it
url = restbase + '/issue/' + params['issue'] + "/transitions"
data = {'transition': {"id": tid},
'fields': fields}
if params['comment'] is not None:
data.update({"update": {
"comment": [{
"add": {"body": params['comment']}
return True, post(url, user, passwd, params['timeout'], data)
def link(restbase, user, passwd, params):
data = {
'type': {'name': params['linktype']},
'inwardIssue': {'key': params['inwardissue']},
'outwardIssue': {'key': params['outwardissue']},
url = restbase + '/issueLink/'
return True, post(url, user, passwd, params['timeout'], data)
def attach(restbase, user, passwd, params):
filename = params['attachment'].get('filename')
content = params['attachment'].get('content')
if not any((filename, content)):
raise ValueError('at least one of filename or content must be provided')
mime = params['attachment'].get('mimetype')
if not os.path.isfile(filename):
raise ValueError('The provided filename does not exist: %s' % filename)
content_type, data = _prepare_attachment(filename, content, mime)
url = restbase + '/issue/' + params['issue'] + '/attachments'
return True, post(
url, user, passwd, params['timeout'], data, content_type=content_type,
additional_headers={"X-Atlassian-Token": "no-check"}
# Ideally we'd just use prepare_multipart from ansible.module_utils.urls, but
# unfortunately it does not support specifying the encoding and also defaults to
# base64. Jira doesn't support base64 encoded attachments (and is therefore not
# spec compliant. Go figure). I originally wrote this function as an almost
# exact copypasta of prepare_multipart, but ran into some encoding issues when
# using the noop encoder. Hand rolling the entire message body seemed to work
# out much better.
# https://community.atlassian.com/t5/Jira-questions/Jira-dosen-t-decode-base64-attachment-request-REST-API/qaq-p/916427
# content is expected to be a base64 encoded string since Ansible doesn't
# support passing raw bytes objects.
def _prepare_attachment(filename, content=None, mime_type=None):
def escape_quotes(s):
return s.replace('"', '\\"')
boundary = "".join(random.choice(string.digits + string.ascii_letters) for i in range(30))
name = to_native(os.path.basename(filename))
if not mime_type:
mime_type = mimetypes.guess_type(filename or '', strict=False)[0] or 'application/octet-stream'
except Exception:
mime_type = 'application/octet-stream'
main_type, sep, sub_type = mime_type.partition('/')
if not content and filename:
with open(to_bytes(filename, errors='surrogate_or_strict'), 'rb') as f:
content = f.read()
content = base64.b64decode(content)
except binascii.Error as e:
raise Exception("Unable to base64 decode file content: %s" % e)
lines = [
'Content-Disposition: form-data; name="file"; filename={0}'.format(escape_quotes(name)),
"Content-Type: {0}".format("{0}/{1}".format(main_type, sub_type)),
return (
"multipart/form-data; boundary={0}".format(boundary),
def main():
global module
module = AnsibleModule(
attachment=dict(type='dict', options=dict(
attachment=dict(type='dict', options=dict(
@ -627,8 +372,11 @@ def main():
uri=dict(type='str', required=True),
uri=dict(type='str', required=True),
operation=dict(type='str', choices=['attach', 'create', 'comment', 'edit', 'update', 'fetch', 'transition', 'link', 'search'],
aliases=['command'], required=True),
choices=['attach', 'create', 'comment', 'edit', 'update', 'fetch', 'transition', 'link', 'search'],
aliases=['command'], required=True
username=dict(type='str', required=True),
username=dict(type='str', required=True),
password=dict(type='str', required=True, no_log=True),
password=dict(type='str', required=True, no_log=True),
project=dict(type='str', ),
project=dict(type='str', ),
@ -662,35 +410,258 @@ def main():
op = module.params['operation']
state_param = 'operation'
# Handle rest of parameters
def __init_module__(self):
uri = module.params['uri']
if self.vars.fields is None:
user = module.params['username']
self.vars.fields = {}
passwd = module.params['password']
if self.vars.assignee:
if module.params['assignee']:
self.vars.fields['assignee'] = {'name': self.vars.assignee}
module.params['fields']['assignee'] = {'name': module.params['assignee']}
if self.vars.account_id:
if module.params['account_id']:
self.vars.fields['assignee'] = {'accountId': self.vars.account_id}
module.params['fields']['assignee'] = {'accountId': module.params['account_id']}
self.vars.uri = self.vars.uri.strip('/')
self.vars.set('restbase', self.vars.uri + '/rest/api/2')
if not uri.endswith('/'):
uri = uri + '/'
def operation_create(self):
restbase = uri + 'rest/api/2'
createfields = {
'project': {'key': self.vars.project},
'summary': self.vars.summary,
'issuetype': {'name': self.vars.issuetype}}
# Dispatch
if self.vars.description:
createfields['description'] = self.vars.description
# Lookup the corresponding method for this operation. This is
# Merge in any additional or overridden fields
# safe as the AnsibleModule should remove any unknown operations.
if self.vars.fields:
thismod = sys.modules[__name__]
method = getattr(thismod, op)
changed, ret = method(restbase, user, passwd, module.params)
data = {'fields': createfields}
url = self.vars.restbase + '/issue/'
self.vars.meta = self.post(url, data)
except Exception as e:
return module.fail_json(msg=to_native(e), exception=traceback.format_exc())
def operation_comment(self):
data = {
'body': self.vars.comment
url = self.vars.restbase + '/issue/' + self.vars.issue + '/comment'
self.vars.meta = self.post(url, data)
module.exit_json(changed=changed, meta=ret)
def operation_edit(self):
data = {
'fields': self.vars.fields
url = self.vars.restbase + '/issue/' + self.vars.issue
self.vars.meta = self.put(url, data)
def operation_update(self):
data = {
"update": self.vars.fields,
url = self.vars.restbase + '/issue/' + self.vars.issue
self.vars.meta = self.put(url, data)
def operation_fetch(self):
url = self.vars.restbase + '/issue/' + self.vars.issue
self.vars.meta = self.get(url)
def operation_search(self):
url = self.vars.restbase + '/search?jql=' + pathname2url(self.vars.jql)
if self.vars.fields:
fields = self.vars.fields.keys()
url = url + '&fields=' + '&fields='.join([pathname2url(f) for f in fields])
if self.vars.maxresults:
url = url + '&maxResults=' + str(self.vars.maxresults)
self.vars.meta = self.get(url)
def operation_transition(self):
# Find the transition id
turl = self.vars.restbase + '/issue/' + self.vars.issue + "/transitions"
tmeta = self.get(turl)
target = self.vars.status
tid = None
for t in tmeta['transitions']:
if t['name'] == target:
tid = t['id']
raise ValueError("Failed find valid transition for '%s'" % target)
fields = dict(self.vars.fields)
if self.vars.summary is not None:
fields.update({'summary': self.vars.summary})
if self.vars.description is not None:
fields.update({'description': self.vars.description})
# Perform it
data = {'transition': {"id": tid},
'fields': fields}
if self.vars.comment is not None:
data.update({"update": {
"comment": [{
"add": {"body": self.vars.comment}
url = self.vars.restbase + '/issue/' + self.vars.issue + "/transitions"
self.vars.meta = self.post(url, data)
def operation_link(self):
data = {
'type': {'name': self.vars.linktype},
'inwardIssue': {'key': self.vars.inwardissue},
'outwardIssue': {'key': self.vars.outwardissue},
url = self.vars.restbase + '/issueLink/'
self.vars.meta = self.post(url, data)
def operation_attach(self):
v = self.vars
filename = v.attachment.get('filename')
content = v.attachment.get('content')
if not any((filename, content)):
raise ValueError('at least one of filename or content must be provided')
mime = v.attachment.get('mimetype')
if not os.path.isfile(filename):
raise ValueError('The provided filename does not exist: %s' % filename)
content_type, data = self._prepare_attachment(filename, content, mime)
url = v.restbase + '/issue/' + v.issue + '/attachments'
return True, self.post(
url, data, content_type=content_type, additional_headers={"X-Atlassian-Token": "no-check"}
# Ideally we'd just use prepare_multipart from ansible.module_utils.urls, but
# unfortunately it does not support specifying the encoding and also defaults to
# base64. Jira doesn't support base64 encoded attachments (and is therefore not
# spec compliant. Go figure). I originally wrote this function as an almost
# exact copypasta of prepare_multipart, but ran into some encoding issues when
# using the noop encoder. Hand rolling the entire message body seemed to work
# out much better.
# https://community.atlassian.com/t5/Jira-questions/Jira-dosen-t-decode-base64-attachment-request-REST-API/qaq-p/916427
# content is expected to be a base64 encoded string since Ansible doesn't
# support passing raw bytes objects.
def _prepare_attachment(filename, content=None, mime_type=None):
def escape_quotes(s):
return s.replace('"', '\\"')
boundary = "".join(random.choice(string.digits + string.ascii_letters) for dummy in range(30))
name = to_native(os.path.basename(filename))
if not mime_type:
mime_type = mimetypes.guess_type(filename or '', strict=False)[0] or 'application/octet-stream'
except Exception:
mime_type = 'application/octet-stream'
main_type, sep, sub_type = mime_type.partition('/')
if not content and filename:
with open(to_bytes(filename, errors='surrogate_or_strict'), 'rb') as f:
content = f.read()
content = base64.b64decode(content)
except binascii.Error as e:
raise Exception("Unable to base64 decode file content: %s" % e)
lines = [
'Content-Disposition: form-data; name="file"; filename={0}'.format(escape_quotes(name)),
"Content-Type: {0}".format("{0}/{1}".format(main_type, sub_type)),
return (
"multipart/form-data; boundary={0}".format(boundary),
def request(
if data and content_type == 'application/json':
data = json.dumps(data)
# NOTE: fetch_url uses a password manager, which follows the
# standard request-then-challenge basic-auth semantics. However as
# JIRA allows some unauthorised operations it doesn't necessarily
# send the challenge, so the request occurs as the anonymous user,
# resulting in unexpected results. To work around this we manually
# inject the basic-auth header up-front to ensure that JIRA treats
# the requests as authorized for this user.
auth = to_text(base64.b64encode(to_bytes('{0}:{1}'.format(self.vars.username, self.vars.password),
headers = {}
if isinstance(additional_headers, dict):
headers = additional_headers.copy()
"Content-Type": content_type,
"Authorization": "Basic %s" % auth,
response, info = fetch_url(
self.module, url, data=data, method=method, timeout=self.vars.timeout, headers=headers
if info['status'] not in (200, 201, 204):
error = None
error = json.loads(info['body'])
except Exception:
self.module.fail_json(msg=to_native(info['body']), exception=traceback.format_exc())
if error:
msg = []
for key in ('errorMessages', 'errors'):
if error.get(key):
if msg:
self.module.fail_json(msg=', '.join(msg))
# Fallback print body, if it cant be decoded
body = response.read()
if body:
return json.loads(to_text(body, errors='surrogate_or_strict'))
return {}
def post(self, url, data, content_type='application/json', additional_headers=None):
return self.request(url, data=data, method='POST', content_type=content_type,
def put(self, url, data):
return self.request(url, data=data, method='PUT')
def get(self, url):
return self.request(url)
def main():
jira = JIRA()
if __name__ == '__main__':
if __name__ == '__main__':
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
- community.general.jira:
- name: create test ticket
uri: "{{ uri }}"
uri: "{{ uri }}"
username: "{{ user }}"
username: "{{ user }}"
password: "{{ pasw }}"
password: "{{ pasw }}"
@ -9,10 +10,15 @@
description: bla bla bla
description: bla bla bla
issuetype: Task
issuetype: Task
register: issue
register: issue
- debug:
- debug:
msg: Issue={{ issue }}
msg: Issue={{ issue }}
- name: Add comment bleep bleep
- name: assert test ticket
- issue is changed
- issue.meta.key.startswith(proj)
- name: add comment bleep bleep
uri: "{{ uri }}"
uri: "{{ uri }}"
username: "{{ user }}"
username: "{{ user }}"
@ -20,7 +26,15 @@
issue: "{{ issue.meta.key }}"
issue: "{{ issue.meta.key }}"
operation: comment
operation: comment
comment: bleep bleep!
comment: bleep bleep!
- name: Transition -> In Progress with comment
register: comment_bleep_bleep
- name: assert comment bleep bleep
- comment_bleep_bleep is changed
- comment_bleep_bleep.meta.body == "bleep bleep!"
- comment_bleep_bleep.meta.body != None
- name: transition -> In Progress with comment
uri: "{{ uri }}"
uri: "{{ uri }}"
username: "{{ user }}"
username: "{{ user }}"
@ -29,15 +43,27 @@
operation: transition
operation: transition
status: Start Progress
status: Start Progress
comment: -> in progress
comment: -> in progress
- name: Change assignee
register: transition_inprog
- name: assert transition -> In Progress with comment
- transition_inprog is changed
- name: change assignee
uri: "{{ uri }}"
uri: "{{ uri }}"
username: "{{ user }}"
username: "{{ user }}"
password: "{{ pasw }}"
password: "{{ pasw }}"
issue: "{{ issue.meta.key }}"
issue: "{{ issue.meta.key }}"
operation: edit
operation: edit
accountId: "{{ user2 }}"
account_id: "{{ user2 }}"
- name: Transition -> Resolved with comment
register: assign
- name: assert change assignee
- assign is changed
- name: transition -> Resolved with comment
uri: "{{ uri }}"
uri: "{{ uri }}"
username: "{{ user }}"
username: "{{ user }}"
@ -46,11 +72,16 @@
operation: transition
operation: transition
status: Resolve Issue
status: Resolve Issue
comment: -> resolved
comment: -> resolved
accountId: "{{ user1 }}"
account_id: "{{ user1 }}"
name: Done
name: Done
description: wakawakawakawaka
description: wakawakawakawaka
register: transition_resolved
- name: assert transition -> Resolved with comment
- transition_resolved is changed
- debug:
- debug:
Reference in New Issue