Making unarchive idempotent (#3307)

* WIP: Making unarchive idempotent

Currently unarchive is not idempotent and has many rough edges and bugs.
The current release is a workable improvement on many fronts:

- zip support is now idempotent (but gtar lacks check-mode)
- New option `exclude` to exclude specific paths/files
- New option `keep_newer` to exclude newer files on target
- New option `extra_opts` to influence unzip/gtar (like synchronize module)

The following items are still ongoing:

- Implement CRC32 support for .zip files
- Re-implement the zip support using native zipfile module
- Re-implement the gtar support using native tarfile/gzip/bz2 modules (lzma external)
- Implement check-mode (works in gzip, but fails using gtar)
- Implement diff-mode (discuss an appropriate output model, like synchronize module)

The re-implementation of unzip/gtar support using native python modules will not only simplify the codebase, additional functionality can be implemented correctly and identically, which is currently not possible. (Other archives could be implemented using native modules equally, incl. options)

* Assorted fixes to zip support (during quality checks)

- Support both rw---- and rwx--- permstr
- Better file type support (more qa needed)
- Symlink support
- Include fix from #3229

* Implement zip diff-mode (itemized change) and avoid changes permissions every time (!)

This commit implements:
- rsync-compatible itemized-change output in diff-mode (using zip)
- no longer changing permissions unconditionally (when idempotent)

* Small fixes to itemized change output

* Fixes to user/group ownership changes

- The implementation of user/group ownership is a bit more complex for idempotency
- We report when a ZIP file incorrectly tags a directory as a file/link
- We only offer diff output when there is a change

* Fix the handling of includes and excludes for unzip

* Remove test output from output (confuses easily)

* Logic and performance improvements to ownership handling, and umask fix

* Handle special files (type '?')

* Make exceptions compatible with python 2.4

* Implement CRC32 support

* Revert some unintended/unknown changes ?

* Taking over maintenance as offered by current maintainer

* Fix support for white-spaces in filenames

* Remove/rename incorrect regex

* Ensure that fat executables end up with execute permission

* Remove check_result from output when unchanged

* When unarchiving as a user, or when owner/group/mode is supplied --diff is insufficient

Only way to be sure is to check request with what is on disk (as we do for zip).
Leave this up to set_fs_attributes_if_different() instead of inducing a (false) change

* By default, don't send confusing check_results in verbose output

This fixes #74.
Dag Wieers 2016-04-18 22:31:06 +02:00 committed by Matt Clay
parent 1b94aa2d43
commit a26188e55d
1 changed files with 441 additions and 67 deletions

View File

@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
# (c) 2012, Michael DeHaan <>
# (c) 2013, Dylan Martin <>
# (c) 2015, Toshio Kuratomi <>
# (c) 2016, Dag Wieers <>
# This file is part of Ansible
@ -59,17 +60,34 @@ options:
choices: [ "yes", "no" ]
default: "no"
version_added: "2.0"
author: "Dylan Martin (@pileofrogs)"
- List the directory and file entries that you would like to exclude from the unarchive action.
required: false
default: []
version_added: "2.1"
- Do not replace existing files that are newer than files from the archive.
required: false
default: no
version_added: "2.1"
- Specify additional options by passing in an array.
required: false
version_added: "2.1"
author: "Dag Wieers (@dagwieers)"
- detect changed/unchanged for .zip files
- handle common unarchive args, like preserve owner/timestamp etc...
- re-implement tar support using native tarfile module
- re-implement zip support using native zipfile module
- requires C(tar)/C(unzip) command on target host
- requires C(gtar)/C(unzip) command on target host
- can handle I(gzip), I(bzip2) and I(xz) compressed as well as uncompressed tar files
- detects type of archive automatically
- uses tar's C(--diff arg) to calculate if changed or not. If this C(arg) is not
- uses gtar's C(--diff arg) to calculate if changed or not. If this C(arg) is not
supported, it will always unpack the archive
- does not detect if a .zip file is different from destination - always unzips
- existing files/directories in the destination which are not in the archive
are not touched. This is the same behavior as a normal archive extraction
- existing files/directories in the destination which are not in the archive
@ -89,46 +107,360 @@ EXAMPLES = '''
import re
import os
import stat
import pwd
import grp
import datetime
import time
import binascii
from zipfile import ZipFile
# String from tar that shows the tar contents are different from the
# filesystem
DIFFERENCE_RE = re.compile(r': (.*) differs$')
OWNER_DIFF_RE = re.compile(r': Uid differs$')
GROUP_DIFF_RE = re.compile(r': Gid differs$')
MODE_DIFF_RE = re.compile(r': Mode differs$')
#NEWER_DIFF_RE = re.compile(r' is newer or same age.$')
MISSING_FILE_RE = re.compile(r': Warning: Cannot stat: No such file or directory$')
ZIP_FILE_MODE_RE = re.compile(r'([r-][w-][stx-]){3}')
# When downloading an archive, how much of the archive to download before
# saving to a tempfile (64k)
BUFSIZE = 65536
# Return a CRC32 checksum of a file
def crc32(path):
return binascii.crc32(open(path).read()) & 0xffffffff
class UnarchiveError(Exception):
# class to handle .zip files
class ZipArchive(object):
def __init__(self, src, dest, module):
def __init__(self, src, dest, file_args, module):
self.src = src
self.dest = dest
self.file_args = file_args
self.opts = module.params['extra_opts']
self.module = module
self.excludes = module.params['exclude']
self.includes = []
self.cmd_path = self.module.get_bin_path('unzip')
self._files_in_archive = []
self._infodict = dict()
def _permstr_to_octal(self, modestr, umask):
''' Convert a Unix permission string (rw-r--r--) into a mode (0644) '''
revstr = modestr[::-1]
mode = 0
for j in range(0, 3):
for i in range(0, 3):
if revstr[i+3*j] in ['r', 'w', 'x', 's', 't']:
mode += 2**(i+3*j)
# The unzip utility does not support setting the stST bits
# if revstr[i+3*j] in ['s', 't', 'S', 'T' ]:
# mode += 2**(9+j)
return ( mode & ~umask )
def _crc32(self, path):
if self._infodict:
return self._infodict[path]
archive = ZipFile(self.src)
for item in archive.infolist():
self._infodict[item.filename] = long(item.CRC)
raise UnarchiveError('Unable to list files in the archive')
return self._infodict[path]
def files_in_archive(self, force_refresh=False):
if self._files_in_archive and not force_refresh:
return self._files_in_archive
self._files_in_archive = []
archive = ZipFile(self.src)
self._files_in_archive = archive.namelist()
for member in archive.namelist():
if member not in self.excludes:
raise UnarchiveError('Unable to list files in the archive')
return self._files_in_archive
def is_unarchived(self, mode, owner, group):
return dict(unarchived=False)
def is_unarchived(self):
cmd = '%s -ZT -s "%s"' % (self.cmd_path, self.src)
if self.excludes:
cmd += ' -x "' + '" "'.join(self.excludes) + '"'
rc, out, err = self.module.run_command(cmd)
old_out = out
diff = ''
out = ''
if rc == 0:
unarchived = True
unarchived = False
# Get some information related to user/group ownership
umask = os.umask(0)
# Get current user and group information
groups = os.getgroups()
run_uid = os.getuid()
run_gid = os.getgid()
run_owner = pwd.getpwuid(run_uid).pw_name
run_owner = run_uid
run_group = grp.getgrgid(run_gid).gr_name
run_group = run_gid
# Get future user ownership
fut_owner = fut_uid = None
if self.file_args['owner']:
tpw = pwd.getpwname(self.file_args['owner'])
tpw = pwd.getpwuid(self.file_args['owner'])
tpw = pwd.getpwuid(run_uid)
fut_owner = tpw.pw_name
fut_uid = tpw.pw_uid
fut_owner = run_owner
fut_uid = run_uid
# Get future group ownership
fut_group = fut_gid = None
if self.file_args['group']:
tgr = grp.getgrnam(self.file_args['group'])
tgr = grp.getgrgid(self.file_args['group'])
tgr = grp.getgrgid(run_gid)
fut_group = tgr.gr_name
fut_gid = tgr.gr_gid
fut_group = run_group
fut_gid = run_gid
for line in old_out.splitlines():
change = False
pcs = line.split()
if len(pcs) != 8: continue
ztype = pcs[0][0]
permstr = pcs[0][1:10]
version = pcs[0][1]
ostype = pcs[0][2]
size = int(pcs[3])
path = pcs[7]
# Skip excluded files
if path in self.excludes:
out += 'Path %s is excluded on request\n' % path
# Itemized change requires L for symlink
if path[-1] == '/':
if ztype != 'd':
err += 'Path %s incorrectly tagged as "%s", but is a directory.\n' % (path, ztype)
ftype = 'd'
elif ztype == 'l':
ftype = 'L'
elif ztype == '-':
ftype = 'f'
elif ztype == '?':
ftype = 'f'
# Some files may be storing FAT permissions, not Unix permissions
if len(permstr) == 6:
if path[-1] == '/':
permstr = 'rwxrwxrwx'
elif permstr == 'rwx---':
permstr = 'rwxrwxrwx'
permstr = 'rw-rw-rw-'
# Test string conformity
if len(permstr) != 9 or not ZIP_FILE_MODE_RE.match(permstr):
raise UnarchiveError('ZIP info perm format incorrect, %s' % permstr)
# err += "%s%s %10d %s\n" % (ztype, permstr, size, path)
dest = os.path.join(self.dest, path)
st = os.lstat(dest)
change = True
err += 'Path %s is missing\n' % path
diff += '>%s++++++.?? %s\n' % (ftype, path)
# Compare file types
if ftype == 'd' and not stat.S_ISDIR(st.st_mode):
change = True
err += 'File %s already exists, but not as a directory\n' % path
diff += 'c%s++++++.?? %s\n' % (ftype, path)
if ftype == 'f' and not stat.S_ISREG(st.st_mode):
change = True
unarchived = False
err += 'Directory %s already exists, but not as a regular file\n' % path
diff += 'c%s++++++.?? %s\n' % (ftype, path)
if ftype == 'L' and not stat.S_ISLNK(st.st_mode):
change = True
err += 'Directory %s already exists, but not as a symlink\n' % path
diff += 'c%s++++++.?? %s\n' % (ftype, path)
itemized = bytearray('.%s.......??' % ftype)
dt_object = datetime.datetime(*(time.strptime(pcs[6], '%Y%m%d.%H%M%S')[0:6]))
timestamp = time.mktime(dt_object.timetuple())
# Compare file timestamps
if stat.S_ISREG(st.st_mode):
if self.module.params['keep_newer']:
if timestamp > st.st_mtime:
change = True
err += 'File %s is older, replacing file\n' % path
itemized[4] = 't'
elif stat.S_ISREG(st.st_mode) and timestamp < st.st_mtime:
# Add to excluded files, ignore other changes
out += 'File %s is newer, excluding file\n' % path
if timestamp != st.st_mtime:
change = True
err += 'File %s differs in mtime (%f vs %f)\n' % (path, timestamp, st.st_mtime)
itemized[4] = 't'
# Compare file sizes
if stat.S_ISREG(st.st_mode) and size != st.st_size:
change = True
err += 'File %s differs in size (%d vs %d)\n' % (path, size, st.st_size)
itemized[3] = 's'
# Compare file checksums
if stat.S_ISREG(st.st_mode):
crc = crc32(dest)
if crc != self._crc32(path):
change = True
err += 'File %s differs in CRC32 checksum (0x%08x vs 0x%08x)\n' % (path, self._crc32(path), crc)
itemized[2] = 'c'
# Compare file permissions
# Do not handle permissions of symlinks
if ftype != 'L':
# Only special files require no umask-handling
if ztype == '?':
mode = self._permstr_to_octal(permstr, 0)
mode = self._permstr_to_octal(permstr, umask)
if self.file_args['mode'] and self.file_args['mode'] != stat.S_IMODE(st.st_mode):
change = True
err += 'Path %s differs in permissions (%o vs %o)\n' % (path, self.file_args['mode'], stat.S_IMODE(st.st_mode))
itemized[5] = 'p'
elif mode != stat.S_IMODE(st.st_mode):
change = True
itemized[5] = 'p'
err += 'Path %s differs in permissions (%o vs %o)\n' % (path, mode, stat.S_IMODE(st.st_mode))
# Compare file user ownership
owner = uid = None
owner = pwd.getpwuid(st.st_uid).pw_name
uid = st.st_uid
# If we are not root and requested owner is not our user, fail
if run_uid != 0 and (fut_owner != run_owner or fut_uid != run_uid):
raise UnarchiveError('Cannot change ownership of %s to %s, as user %s' % (path, fut_owner, run_owner))
if owner and owner != fut_owner:
change = True
err += 'Path %s is owned by user %s, not by user %s as expected\n' % (path, owner, fut_owner)
itemized[6] = 'o'
elif uid and uid != fut_uid:
change = True
err += 'Path %s is owned by uid %s, not by uid %s as expected\n' % (path, uid, fut_uid)
itemized[6] = 'o'
# Compare file group ownership
group = gid = None
group = grp.getgrgid(st.st_gid).gr_name
gid = st.st_gid
if run_uid != 0 and fut_gid not in groups:
raise UnarchiveError('Cannot change group ownership of %s to %s, as user %s' % (path, fut_group, run_owner))
if group and group != fut_group:
change = True
err += 'Path %s is owned by group %s, not by group %s as expected\n' % (path, group, fut_group)
itemized[6] = 'g'
elif gid and gid != fut_gid:
change = True
err += 'Path %s is owned by gid %s, not by gid %s as expected\n' % (path, gid, fut_gid)
itemized[6] = 'g'
# Register changed files and finalize diff output
if change:
if path not in self.includes:
diff += '%s %s\n' % (itemized, path)
if self.includes:
unarchived = False
# out = old_out + out
return dict(unarchived=unarchived, rc=rc, out=out, err=err, cmd=cmd, diff=diff)
def unarchive(self):
cmd = '%s -o "%s" -d "%s"' % (self.cmd_path, self.src, self.dest)
cmd = '%s -o "%s"' % (self.cmd_path, self.src)
if self.opts:
cmd += ' ' + ' '.join(self.opts)
if self.includes:
cmd += ' "' + '" "'.join(self.includes) + '"'
# We don't need to handle excluded files, since we simply do not include them
# if self.excludes:
# cmd += ' -x ' + ' '.join(self.excludes)
cmd += ' -d "%s"' % self.dest
rc, out, err = self.module.run_command(cmd)
return dict(cmd=cmd, rc=rc, out=out, err=err)
@ -145,10 +477,13 @@ class ZipArchive(object):
# class to handle gzipped tar files
class TgzArchive(object):
def __init__(self, src, dest, module):
def __init__(self, src, dest, file_args, module):
self.src = src
self.dest = dest
self.file_args = file_args
self.opts = module.params['extra_opts']
self.module = module
self.excludes = [ path.rstrip('/') for path in self.module.params['exclude']]
# Prefer gtar (GNU tar) as it supports the compression options -zjJ
self.cmd_path = self.module.get_bin_path('gtar', None)
if not self.cmd_path:
@ -162,49 +497,77 @@ class TgzArchive(object):
if self._files_in_archive and not force_refresh:
return self._files_in_archive
cmd = '%s -t%sf "%s"' % (self.cmd_path, self.zipflag, self.src)
cmd = '%s -t%s' % (self.cmd_path, self.zipflag)
if self.opts:
cmd += ' ' + ' '.join(self.opts)
if self.excludes:
cmd += ' --exclude="' + '" --exclude="'.join(self.excludes) + '"'
cmd += ' -f "%s"' % self.src
rc, out, err = self.module.run_command(cmd)
if rc != 0:
raise UnarchiveError('Unable to list files in the archive')
for filename in out.splitlines():
if filename:
if filename and filename not in self.excludes:
return self._files_in_archive
def is_unarchived(self, mode, owner, group):
cmd = '%s -C "%s" --diff -%sf "%s"' % (self.cmd_path, self.dest, self.zipflag, self.src)
def is_unarchived(self):
cmd = '%s -C "%s" -d%s' % (self.cmd_path, self.dest, self.zipflag)
if self.opts:
cmd += ' ' + ' '.join(self.opts)
if self.file_args['owner']:
cmd += ' --owner="%s"' % self.file_args['owner']
if self.file_args['group']:
cmd += ' --group="%s"' % self.file_args['group']
if self.file_args['mode']:
cmd += ' --mode="%s"' % self.file_args['mode']
if self.module.params['keep_newer']:
cmd += ' --keep-newer-files'
if self.excludes:
cmd += ' --exclude="' + '" --exclude="'.join(self.excludes) + '"'
cmd += ' -f "%s"' % self.src
rc, out, err = self.module.run_command(cmd)
unarchived = (rc == 0)
if not unarchived:
# Check whether the differences are in something that we're
# setting anyway
# What will be set
to_be_set = set()
for perm in (('Mode', mode), ('Gid', group), ('Uid', owner)):
if perm[1] is not None:
# What is different
changes = set()
if err:
# Assume changes if anything returned on stderr
# * Missing files are known to trigger this
return dict(unarchived=unarchived, rc=rc, out=out, err=err, cmd=cmd)
for line in out.splitlines():
match =
if not match:
# Unknown tar output. Assume we have changes
return dict(unarchived=unarchived, rc=rc, out=out, err=err, cmd=cmd)
if changes and changes.issubset(to_be_set):
unarchived = True
old_out = out
out = ''
run_uid = os.getuid()
# When unarchiving as a user, or when owner/group/mode is supplied --diff is insufficient
# Only way to be sure is to check request with what is on disk (as we do for zip)
# Leave this up to set_fs_attributes_if_different() instead of inducing a (false) change
for line in old_out.splitlines() + err.splitlines():
if run_uid == 0 and not self.file_args['owner'] and
out += line + '\n'
if run_uid == 0 and not self.file_args['group'] and
out += line + '\n'
if not self.file_args['mode'] and
out += line + '\n'
out += line + '\n'
if out:
unarchived = False
return dict(unarchived=unarchived, rc=rc, out=out, err=err, cmd=cmd)
def unarchive(self):
cmd = '%s -x%sf "%s"' % (self.cmd_path, self.zipflag, self.src)
cmd = '%s -C "%s" -x%s' % (self.cmd_path, self.dest, self.zipflag)
if self.opts:
cmd += ' ' + ' '.join(self.opts)
if self.file_args['owner']:
cmd += ' --owner="%s"' % self.file_args['owner']
if self.file_args['group']:
cmd += ' --group="%s"' % self.file_args['group']
if self.file_args['mode']:
cmd += ' --mode="%s"' % self.file_args['mode']
if self.module.params['keep_newer']:
cmd += ' --keep-newer-files'
if self.excludes:
cmd += ' --exclude="' + '" --exclude="'.join(self.excludes) + '"'
cmd += ' -f "%s"' % (self.src)
rc, out, err = self.module.run_command(cmd, cwd=self.dest)
return dict(cmd=cmd, rc=rc, out=out, err=err)
@ -224,30 +587,30 @@ class TgzArchive(object):
# class to handle tar files that aren't compressed
class TarArchive(TgzArchive):
def __init__(self, src, dest, module):
super(TarArchive, self).__init__(src, dest, module)
def __init__(self, src, dest, file_args, module):
super(TarArchive, self).__init__(src, dest, file_args, module)
self.zipflag = ''
# class to handle bzip2 compressed tar files
class TarBzipArchive(TgzArchive):
def __init__(self, src, dest, module):
super(TarBzipArchive, self).__init__(src, dest, module)
def __init__(self, src, dest, file_args, module):
super(TarBzipArchive, self).__init__(src, dest, file_args, module)
self.zipflag = 'j'
# class to handle xz compressed tar files
class TarXzArchive(TgzArchive):
def __init__(self, src, dest, module):
super(TarXzArchive, self).__init__(src, dest, module)
def __init__(self, src, dest, file_args, module):
super(TarXzArchive, self).__init__(src, dest, file_args, module)
self.zipflag = 'J'
# try handlers in order and return the one that works or bail if none work
def pick_handler(src, dest, module):
def pick_handler(src, dest, file_args, module):
handlers = [TgzArchive, ZipArchive, TarArchive, TarBzipArchive, TarXzArchive]
for handler in handlers:
obj = handler(src, dest, module)
obj = handler(src, dest, file_args, module)
if obj.can_handle_archive():
return obj
module.fail_json(msg='Failed to find handler for "%s". Make sure the required command to extract the file is installed.' % src)
@ -263,22 +626,25 @@ def main():
copy = dict(default=True, type='bool'),
creates = dict(required=False, type='path'),
list_files = dict(required=False, default=False, type='bool'),
keep_newer = dict(required=False, default=False, type='bool'),
exclude = dict(requited=False, default=[], type='list'),
extra_opts = dict(required=False, default=[], type='list'),
add_file_common_args = True,
# supports_check_mode = True,
src = module.params['src']
dest = module.params['dest']
src = os.path.expanduser(module.params['src'])
dest = os.path.expanduser(module.params['dest'])
copy = module.params['copy']
file_args = module.load_file_common_arguments(module.params)
# did tar file arrive?
if not os.path.exists(src):
if copy:
module.fail_json(msg="Source '%s' failed to transfer" % src)
# If copy=false, and src= contains ://, try and download the file to a temp directory.
elif '://' in src:
tempdir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
tempdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
package = os.path.join(tempdir, str(src.rsplit('/', 1)[1]))
rsp, info = fetch_url(module, src)
@ -314,14 +680,17 @@ def main():
if not os.path.isdir(dest):
module.fail_json(msg="Destination '%s' is not a directory" % dest)
handler = pick_handler(src, dest, module)
handler = pick_handler(src, dest, file_args, module)
res_args = dict(handler=handler.__class__.__name__, dest=dest, src=src)
# do we need to do unpack?
res_args['check_results'] = handler.is_unarchived(file_args['mode'],
file_args['owner'], file_args['group'])
if res_args['check_results']['unarchived']:
check_results = handler.is_unarchived()
# res_args['check_results'] = check_results
if check_results['unarchived']:
res_args['changed'] = False
# do the unpack
@ -334,6 +703,11 @@ def main():
res_args['changed'] = True
if check_results.get('diff', False):
res_args['diff'] = { 'prepared': check_results['diff'] }
# Run only if we found differences (idempotence) or diff was missing
if res_args.get('diff', True):
# do we need to change perms?
for filename in handler.files_in_archive:
file_args['path'] = os.path.join(dest, filename)