Add package requirements for openSUSE for nmcli (#54489)

Sebastian Meyer 2019-04-02 22:29:48 +02:00 committed by Alicia Cozine
parent 7da6088ec5
commit a8474ba91f
1 changed files with 2 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -31,6 +31,8 @@ description:
libnm-qt-devel.x86_64, nm-connection-editor.x86_64, libsemanage-python, policycoreutils-python.'
- 'On Ubuntu and Debian like systems, the requirements can be met by installing the following packages: network-manager,
python-dbus (or python3-dbus, depending on the Python version in use), libnm-glib-dev.'
- 'On openSUSE, the requirements can be met by installing the following packages: NetworkManager, python2-dbus-python (or
python3-dbus-python), typelib-1_0-NMClient-1_0 and typelib-1_0-NetworkManager-1_0.'