Updates to `archive` module based on code review (#2699)

* Use common file arguments on destination file
* Rename 'compression' to 'format' h/t @abadger
* Add support for plain 'tar' format
* Ensure check_mode is respected
Benjamin Doherty 2016-09-13 12:40:07 -04:00 committed by Matt Clay
parent 4932df69bc
commit ac72df08dd
1 changed files with 90 additions and 74 deletions

View File

@ -1,6 +1,10 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# import module snippets
from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule
from ansible.module_utils.pycompat24 import get_exception
(c) 2016, Ben Doherty <bendohmv@gmail.com>
Sponsored by Oomph, Inc. http://www.oomphinc.com
@ -34,7 +38,7 @@ options:
- Remote absolute path, glob, or list of paths or globs for the file or files to compress or archive.
required: true
- The type of compression to use. Can be 'gz', 'bz2', or 'zip'.
choices: [ 'gz', 'bz2', 'zip' ]
@ -65,7 +69,7 @@ EXAMPLES = '''
- archive: path=/path/to/foo remove=True
# Create a zip archive of /path/to/foo
- archive: path=/path/to/foo compression=zip
- archive: path=/path/to/foo format=zip
# Create a bz2 archive of multiple files, rooted at /path
- archive:
@ -73,7 +77,7 @@ EXAMPLES = '''
- /path/to/foo
- /path/wong/foo
dest: /path/file.tar.bz2
compression: bz2
format: bz2
RETURN = '''
@ -102,9 +106,8 @@ expanded_paths:
type: list
import stat
import os
import errno
import re
import glob
import shutil
import gzip
@ -117,8 +120,8 @@ def main():
module = AnsibleModule(
argument_spec = dict(
path = dict(type='list', required=True),
compression = dict(choices=['gz', 'bz2', 'zip'], default='gz', required=False),
dest = dict(required=False),
format = dict(choices=['gz', 'bz2', 'zip', 'tar'], default='gz', required=False),
dest = dict(required=False, type='path'),
remove = dict(required=False, default=False, type='bool'),
@ -126,11 +129,13 @@ def main():
params = module.params
check_mode = module.check_mode
paths = params['path']
dest = params['dest']
remove = params['remove']
expanded_paths = []
compression = params['compression']
format = params['format']
globby = False
changed = False
state = 'absent'
@ -140,11 +145,16 @@ def main():
successes = []
for i, path in enumerate(paths):
path = os.path.expanduser(path)
path = os.path.expanduser(os.path.expandvars(path))
# Detect glob-like characters
if any((c in set('*?')) for c in path):
# Expand any glob characters. If found, add the expanded glob to the
# list of expanded_paths, which might be empty.
if ('*' in path or '?' in path):
expanded_paths = expanded_paths + glob.glob(path)
globby = True
# If there are no glob characters the path is added to the expanded paths
# whether the path exists or not
@ -156,11 +166,9 @@ def main():
archive = globby or os.path.isdir(expanded_paths[0]) or len(expanded_paths) > 1
# Default created file name (for single-file archives) to
# <file>.<compression>
if dest:
dest = os.path.expanduser(dest)
elif not archive:
dest = '%s.%s' % (expanded_paths[0], compression)
# <file>.<format>
if not dest and not archive:
dest = '%s.%s' % (expanded_paths[0], format)
# Force archives to specify 'dest'
if archive and not dest:
@ -168,7 +176,6 @@ def main():
archive_paths = []
missing = []
exclude = []
arcroot = ''
for path in expanded_paths:
@ -177,7 +184,7 @@ def main():
if arcroot == '':
arcroot = os.path.dirname(path) + os.sep
for i in xrange(len(arcroot)):
for i in range(len(arcroot)):
if path[i] != arcroot[i]:
@ -198,7 +205,7 @@ def main():
# No source files were found but the named archive exists: are we 'compress' or 'archive' now?
if len(missing) == len(expanded_paths) and dest and os.path.exists(dest):
# Just check the filename to know if it's an archive or simple compressed file
if re.search(r'(\.tar\.gz|\.tgz|.tbz2|\.tar\.bz2|\.zip)$', os.path.basename(dest), re.IGNORECASE):
if re.search(r'(\.tar|\.tar\.gz|\.tgz|.tbz2|\.tar\.bz2|\.zip)$', os.path.basename(dest), re.IGNORECASE):
state = 'archive'
state = 'compress'
@ -221,15 +228,22 @@ def main():
size = os.path.getsize(dest)
if state != 'archive':
if check_mode:
changed = True
# Slightly more difficult (and less efficient!) compression using zipfile module
if compression == 'zip':
if format == 'zip':
arcfile = zipfile.ZipFile(dest, 'w', zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED)
# Easier compression using tarfile module
elif compression == 'gz' or compression == 'bz2':
arcfile = tarfile.open(dest, 'w|' + compression)
elif format == 'gz' or format == 'bz2':
arcfile = tarfile.open(dest, 'w|' + format)
# Or plain tar archiving
elif format == 'tar':
arcfile = tarfile.open(dest, 'w')
for path in archive_paths:
if os.path.isdir(path):
@ -243,7 +257,7 @@ def main():
arcname = fullpath[len(arcroot):]
if compression == 'zip':
if format == 'zip':
arcfile.write(fullpath, arcname)
arcfile.add(fullpath, arcname, recursive=False)
@ -258,7 +272,7 @@ def main():
if not filecmp.cmp(fullpath, dest):
if compression == 'zip':
if format == 'zip':
arcfile.write(fullpath, arcname)
arcfile.add(fullpath, arcname, recursive=False)
@ -268,7 +282,7 @@ def main():
e = get_exception()
errors.append('Adding %s: %s' % (path, str(e)))
if compression == 'zip':
if format == 'zip':
arcfile.write(path, path[len(arcroot):])
arcfile.add(path, path[len(arcroot):], recursive=False)
@ -277,7 +291,7 @@ def main():
except Exception:
e = get_exception()
return module.fail_json(msg='Error when writing %s archive at %s: %s' % (compression == 'zip' and 'zip' or ('tar.' + compression), dest, str(e)))
return module.fail_json(msg='Error when writing %s archive at %s: %s' % (format == 'zip' and 'zip' or ('tar.' + format), dest, str(e)))
if arcfile:
@ -291,7 +305,7 @@ def main():
if os.path.isdir(path):
elif not check_mode:
except OSError:
e = get_exception()
@ -331,7 +345,7 @@ def main():
size = os.path.getsize(dest)
if compression == 'zip':
if format == 'zip':
arcfile = zipfile.ZipFile(dest, 'w', zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED)
arcfile.write(path, path[len(arcroot):])
@ -340,12 +354,12 @@ def main():
f_in = open(path, 'rb')
if compression == 'gz':
if format == 'gz':
f_out = gzip.open(dest, 'wb')
elif compression == 'bz2':
elif format == 'bz2':
f_out = bz2.BZ2File(dest, 'wb')
raise OSError("Invalid compression")
raise OSError("Invalid format")
shutil.copyfileobj(f_in, f_out)
@ -353,7 +367,6 @@ def main():
except OSError:
e = get_exception()
module.fail_json(path=path, dest=dest, msg='Unable to write to compressed file: %s' % str(e))
if arcfile:
@ -369,7 +382,7 @@ def main():
state = 'compress'
if remove:
if remove and not check_mode:
@ -377,9 +390,12 @@ def main():
e = get_exception()
module.fail_json(path=path, msg='Unable to remove source file: %s' % str(e))
params['path'] = dest
file_args = module.load_file_common_arguments(params)
changed = module.set_fs_attributes_if_different(file_args, changed)
module.exit_json(archived=successes, dest=dest, changed=changed, state=state, arcroot=arcroot, missing=missing, expanded_paths=expanded_paths)
# import module snippets
from ansible.module_utils.basic import *
if __name__ == '__main__':