ACME: use Cryptography (if a new enough version is available) instead of OpenSSL (#42170)

* Collecting PEM -> DER conversions.

* Using cryptography instead of OpenSSL binary in some situations.

* Moving key-to-disk writing for key content to parse_account_key.

* Rename parse_account_key -> parse_key.

* Move OpenSSL specific code for key parsing and request signing into global functions.

* Also using cryptography for key parsing and request signing.

* Remove assert statements.

* Fixing handling of key contents for cryptography code path.

* Allow to disable the use of cryptography.

* Updating documentation.

* 1.5 seems to work as well (earlier versions don't have EC sign function). Making Python 2.x adjustments.

* Changing option to select_crypto_backend.

* Python 2.6 compatibility.

* Trying to test both backends separately for acme_account.

* Also testing both backends separately for acme_certificate and acme_certificate_revoke.

* Adding changelog entry which informs about select_crypto_backend option in case autodetect fails.

* Fixing YAML.
Felix Fontein 2018-08-12 19:12:01 +02:00 committed by René Moser
parent 7f41f0168a
commit aef16ee195
13 changed files with 1031 additions and 671 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
- "The acme_account and acme_certificate modules now support two backends:
the Python cryptograpy module or the OpenSSL binary. By default, the
modules detect if a new enough cryptography module is available and
use it, with the OpenSSL binary being a fallback. If the detection
fails for some reason, the OpenSSL binary backend can be explicitly
selected by setting select_crypto_backend to openssl."

View File

@ -17,17 +17,38 @@ __metaclass__ = type
import base64
import binascii
import copy
import datetime
import hashlib
import json
import os
import re
import shutil
import sys
import tempfile
import traceback
from ansible.module_utils._text import to_native, to_text, to_bytes
from ansible.module_utils.urls import fetch_url as _fetch_url
import cryptography
import cryptography.hazmat.backends
import cryptography.hazmat.primitives.serialization
import cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.rsa
import cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.padding
import cryptography.hazmat.primitives.hashes
import cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.utils
import cryptography.x509
import cryptography.x509.oid
from distutils.version import LooseVersion
CRYPTOGRAPHY_VERSION = cryptography.__version__
_cryptography_backend = cryptography.hazmat.backends.default_backend()
except Exception as _:
class ModuleFailException(Exception):
@ -83,6 +104,14 @@ def simple_get(module, url):
return result
def read_file(fn, mode='b'):
with open(fn, 'r' + mode) as f:
except Exception as e:
raise ModuleFailException('Error while reading file "{0}": {1}'.format(fn, e))
# function source: network/basics/
def write_file(module, dest, content):
@ -141,6 +170,296 @@ def write_file(module, dest, content):
return changed
def pem_to_der(pem_filename):
Load PEM file, and convert to DER.
If PEM contains multiple entities, the first entity will be used.
certificate_lines = []
with open(pem_filename, "rt") as f:
header_line_count = 0
for line in f:
if line.startswith('-----'):
header_line_count += 1
if header_line_count == 2:
# If certificate file contains other certs appended
# (like intermediate certificates), ignore these.
except Exception as err:
raise ModuleFailException("cannot load PEM file {0}: {1}".format(pem_filename, to_native(err)), exception=traceback.format_exc())
return base64.b64decode(''.join(certificate_lines))
def _parse_key_openssl(openssl_binary, module, key_file=None, key_content=None):
Parses an RSA or Elliptic Curve key file in PEM format and returns a pair
(error, key_data).
# If key_file isn't given, but key_content, write that to a temporary file
if key_file is None:
fd, tmpsrc = tempfile.mkstemp()
module.add_cleanup_file(tmpsrc) # Ansible will delete the file on exit
f = os.fdopen(fd, 'wb')
key_file = tmpsrc
except Exception as err:
except Exception as e:
raise ModuleFailException("failed to create temporary content file: %s" % to_native(err), exception=traceback.format_exc())
# Parse key
account_key_type = None
with open(key_file, "rt") as f:
for line in f:
m = re.match(r"^\s*-{5,}BEGIN\s+(EC|RSA)\s+PRIVATE\s+KEY-{5,}\s*$", line)
if m is not None:
account_key_type =
if account_key_type is None:
# This happens for example if openssl_privatekey created this key
# (as opposed to the OpenSSL binary). For now, we assume this is
# an RSA key.
# FIXME: add some kind of auto-detection
account_key_type = "rsa"
if account_key_type not in ("rsa", "ec"):
return 'unknown key type "%s"' % account_key_type, {}
openssl_keydump_cmd = [openssl_binary, account_key_type, "-in", key_file, "-noout", "-text"]
dummy, out, dummy = module.run_command(openssl_keydump_cmd, check_rc=True)
if account_key_type == 'rsa':
pub_hex, pub_exp =
r"modulus:\n\s+00:([a-f0-9\:\s]+?)\npublicExponent: ([0-9]+)",
to_text(out, errors='surrogate_or_strict'), re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL).groups()
pub_exp = "{0:x}".format(int(pub_exp))
if len(pub_exp) % 2:
pub_exp = "0{0}".format(pub_exp)
return None, {
'key_file': key_file,
'type': 'rsa',
'alg': 'RS256',
'jwk': {
"kty": "RSA",
"e": nopad_b64(binascii.unhexlify(pub_exp.encode("utf-8"))),
"n": nopad_b64(binascii.unhexlify(re.sub(r"(\s|:)", "", pub_hex).encode("utf-8"))),
'hash': 'sha256',
elif account_key_type == 'ec':
pub_data =
r"pub:\s*\n\s+04:([a-f0-9\:\s]+?)\nASN1 OID: (\S+)(?:\nNIST CURVE: (\S+))?",
to_text(out, errors='surrogate_or_strict'), re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL)
if pub_data is None:
return 'cannot parse elliptic curve key', {}
pub_hex = binascii.unhexlify(re.sub(r"(\s|:)", "","utf-8"))
asn1_oid_curve =
nist_curve = if else None
if asn1_oid_curve == 'prime256v1' or nist_curve == 'p-256':
bits = 256
alg = 'ES256'
hash = 'sha256'
point_size = 32
curve = 'P-256'
elif asn1_oid_curve == 'secp384r1' or nist_curve == 'p-384':
bits = 384
alg = 'ES384'
hash = 'sha384'
point_size = 48
curve = 'P-384'
elif asn1_oid_curve == 'secp521r1' or nist_curve == 'p-521':
# Not yet supported on Let's Encrypt side, see
bits = 521
alg = 'ES512'
hash = 'sha512'
point_size = 66
curve = 'P-521'
return 'unknown elliptic curve: %s / %s' % (asn1_oid_curve, nist_curve), {}
bytes = (bits + 7) // 8
if len(pub_hex) != 2 * bytes:
return 'bad elliptic curve point (%s / %s)' % (asn1_oid_curve, nist_curve), {}
return None, {
'key_file': key_file,
'type': 'ec',
'alg': alg,
'jwk': {
"kty": "EC",
"crv": curve,
"x": nopad_b64(pub_hex[:bytes]),
"y": nopad_b64(pub_hex[bytes:]),
'hash': hash,
'point_size': point_size,
def _sign_request_openssl(openssl_binary, module, payload64, protected64, key_data):
openssl_sign_cmd = [openssl_binary, "dgst", "-{0}".format(key_data['hash']), "-sign", key_data['key_file']]
sign_payload = "{0}.{1}".format(protected64, payload64).encode('utf8')
dummy, out, dummy = module.run_command(openssl_sign_cmd, data=sign_payload, check_rc=True, binary_data=True)
if key_data['type'] == 'ec':
dummy, der_out, dummy = module.run_command(
[openssl_binary, "asn1parse", "-inform", "DER"],
data=out, binary_data=True)
expected_len = 2 * key_data['point_size']
sig = re.findall(
r"prim:\s+INTEGER\s+:([0-9A-F]{1,%s})\n" % expected_len,
to_text(der_out, errors='surrogate_or_strict'))
if len(sig) != 2:
raise ModuleFailException(
"failed to generate Elliptic Curve signature; cannot parse DER output: {0}".format(
to_text(der_out, errors='surrogate_or_strict')))
sig[0] = (expected_len - len(sig[0])) * '0' + sig[0]
sig[1] = (expected_len - len(sig[1])) * '0' + sig[1]
out = binascii.unhexlify(sig[0]) + binascii.unhexlify(sig[1])
return {
"protected": protected64,
"payload": payload64,
"signature": nopad_b64(to_bytes(out)),
if sys.version_info[0] >= 3:
# Python 3 (and newer)
def _count_bytes(n):
return (n.bit_length() + 7) // 8 if n > 0 else 0
def _convert_int_to_bytes(count, no):
return no.to_bytes(count, byteorder='big')
def _pad_hex(n, digits):
res = hex(n)[2:]
if len(res) < digits:
res = '0' * (digits - len(res)) + res
return res
# Python 2
def _count_bytes(n):
if n <= 0:
return 0
h = '%x' % n
return (len(h) + 1) // 2
def _convert_int_to_bytes(count, n):
h = '%x' % n
if len(h) > 2 * count:
raise Exception('Number {1} needs more than {0} bytes!'.format(count, n))
return ('0' * (2 * count - len(h)) + h).decode('hex')
def _pad_hex(n, digits):
h = '%x' % n
if len(h) < digits:
h = '0' * (digits - len(h)) + h
return h
def _parse_key_cryptography(module, key_file=None, key_content=None):
Parses an RSA or Elliptic Curve key file in PEM format and returns a pair
(error, key_data).
# If key_content isn't given, read key_file
if key_content is None:
key_content = read_file(key_file)
key_content = to_bytes(key_content)
# Parse key
key = cryptography.hazmat.primitives.serialization.load_pem_private_key(key_content, password=None, backend=_cryptography_backend)
except Exception as e:
return 'error while loading key: {0}'.format(e), None
if isinstance(key, cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.rsa.RSAPrivateKey):
pk = key.public_key().public_numbers()
return None, {
'key_obj': key,
'type': 'rsa',
'alg': 'RS256',
'jwk': {
"kty": "RSA",
"e": nopad_b64(_convert_int_to_bytes(_count_bytes(pk.e), pk.e)),
"n": nopad_b64(_convert_int_to_bytes(_count_bytes(pk.n), pk.n)),
'hash': 'sha256',
elif isinstance(key,
pk = key.public_key().public_numbers()
if == 'secp256r1':
bits = 256
alg = 'ES256'
hash = 'sha256'
point_size = 32
curve = 'P-256'
elif == 'secp384r1':
bits = 384
alg = 'ES384'
hash = 'sha384'
point_size = 48
curve = 'P-384'
elif == 'secp521r1':
# Not yet supported on Let's Encrypt side, see
bits = 521
alg = 'ES512'
hash = 'sha512'
point_size = 66
curve = 'P-521'
return 'unknown elliptic curve: {0}'.format(, {}
bytes = (bits + 7) // 8
return None, {
'key_obj': key,
'type': 'ec',
'alg': alg,
'jwk': {
"kty": "EC",
"crv": curve,
"x": nopad_b64(_convert_int_to_bytes(bytes, pk.x)),
"y": nopad_b64(_convert_int_to_bytes(bytes, pk.y)),
'hash': hash,
'point_size': point_size,
return 'unknown key type "{0}"'.format(type(key)), {}
def _sign_request_cryptography(module, payload64, protected64, key_data):
sign_payload = "{0}.{1}".format(protected64, payload64).encode('utf8')
if isinstance(key_data['key_obj'], cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.rsa.RSAPrivateKey):
padding = cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.padding.PKCS1v15()
hash = cryptography.hazmat.primitives.hashes.SHA256()
signature = key_data['key_obj'].sign(sign_payload, padding, hash)
elif isinstance(key_data['key_obj'],
if key_data['hash'] == 'sha256':
hash = cryptography.hazmat.primitives.hashes.SHA256
elif key_data['hash'] == 'sha384':
hash = cryptography.hazmat.primitives.hashes.SHA384
elif key_data['hash'] == 'sha512':
hash = cryptography.hazmat.primitives.hashes.SHA512
ecdsa =
r, s = cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.utils.decode_dss_signature(key_data['key_obj'].sign(sign_payload, ecdsa))
rr = _pad_hex(r, 2 * key_data['point_size'])
ss = _pad_hex(s, 2 * key_data['point_size'])
signature = binascii.unhexlify(rr) + binascii.unhexlify(ss)
return {
"protected": protected64,
"payload": payload64,
"signature": nopad_b64(signature),
class ACMEDirectory(object):
The ACME server directory. Gives access to the available resources,
@ -199,24 +518,8 @@ class ACMEAccount(object):
self._openssl_bin = module.get_bin_path('openssl', True)
# Create a key file from content, key (path) and key content are mutually exclusive
if self.key_content is not None:
fd, tmpsrc = tempfile.mkstemp()
module.add_cleanup_file(tmpsrc) # Ansible will delete the file on exit
f = os.fdopen(fd, 'wb')
self.key = tmpsrc
except Exception as err:
except Exception as e:
raise ModuleFailException("failed to create temporary content file: %s" % to_native(err), exception=traceback.format_exc())
if self.key is not None:
error, self.key_data = self.parse_account_key(self.key)
if self.key is not None or self.key_content is not None:
error, self.key_data = self.parse_key(self.key, self.key_content)
if error:
raise ModuleFailException("error while parsing account key: %s" % error)
self.jwk = self.key_data['jwk']
@ -234,136 +537,37 @@ class ACMEAccount(object):
thumbprint = nopad_b64(hashlib.sha256(accountkey_json.encode('utf8')).digest())
return "{0}.{1}".format(token, thumbprint)
def parse_account_key(self, key):
def parse_key(self, key_file=None, key_content=None):
Parses an RSA or Elliptic Curve key file in PEM format and returns a pair
(error, key_data).
account_key_type = None
with open(key, "rt") as f:
for line in f:
m = re.match(r"^\s*-{5,}BEGIN\s+(EC|RSA)\s+PRIVATE\s+KEY-{5,}\s*$", line)
if m is not None:
account_key_type =
if account_key_type is None:
# This happens for example if openssl_privatekey created this key
# (as opposed to the OpenSSL binary). For now, we assume this is
# an RSA key.
# FIXME: add some kind of auto-detection
account_key_type = "rsa"
if account_key_type not in ("rsa", "ec"):
return 'unknown key type "%s"' % account_key_type, {}
if key_file is None and key_content is None:
raise AssertionError('One of key_file and key_content must be specified!')
return _parse_key_cryptography(self.module, key_file, key_content)
return _parse_key_openssl(self._openssl_bin, self.module, key_file, key_content)
openssl_keydump_cmd = [self._openssl_bin, account_key_type, "-in", key, "-noout", "-text"]
dummy, out, dummy = self.module.run_command(openssl_keydump_cmd, check_rc=True)
if account_key_type == 'rsa':
pub_hex, pub_exp =
r"modulus:\n\s+00:([a-f0-9\:\s]+?)\npublicExponent: ([0-9]+)",
to_text(out, errors='surrogate_or_strict'), re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL).groups()
pub_exp = "{0:x}".format(int(pub_exp))
if len(pub_exp) % 2:
pub_exp = "0{0}".format(pub_exp)
return None, {
'type': 'rsa',
'alg': 'RS256',
'jwk': {
"kty": "RSA",
"e": nopad_b64(binascii.unhexlify(pub_exp.encode("utf-8"))),
"n": nopad_b64(binascii.unhexlify(re.sub(r"(\s|:)", "", pub_hex).encode("utf-8"))),
'hash': 'sha256',
elif account_key_type == 'ec':
pub_data =
r"pub:\s*\n\s+04:([a-f0-9\:\s]+?)\nASN1 OID: (\S+)(?:\nNIST CURVE: (\S+))?",
to_text(out, errors='surrogate_or_strict'), re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL)
if pub_data is None:
return 'cannot parse elliptic curve key', {}
pub_hex = binascii.unhexlify(re.sub(r"(\s|:)", "","utf-8"))
asn1_oid_curve =
nist_curve = if else None
if asn1_oid_curve == 'prime256v1' or nist_curve == 'p-256':
bits = 256
alg = 'ES256'
hash = 'sha256'
point_size = 32
curve = 'P-256'
elif asn1_oid_curve == 'secp384r1' or nist_curve == 'p-384':
bits = 384
alg = 'ES384'
hash = 'sha384'
point_size = 48
curve = 'P-384'
elif asn1_oid_curve == 'secp521r1' or nist_curve == 'p-521':
# Not yet supported on Let's Encrypt side, see
bits = 521
alg = 'ES512'
hash = 'sha512'
point_size = 66
curve = 'P-521'
return 'unknown elliptic curve: %s / %s' % (asn1_oid_curve, nist_curve), {}
bytes = (bits + 7) // 8
if len(pub_hex) != 2 * bytes:
return 'bad elliptic curve point (%s / %s)' % (asn1_oid_curve, nist_curve), {}
return None, {
'type': 'ec',
'alg': alg,
'jwk': {
"kty": "EC",
"crv": curve,
"x": nopad_b64(pub_hex[:bytes]),
"y": nopad_b64(pub_hex[bytes:]),
'hash': hash,
'point_size': point_size,
def sign_request(self, protected, payload, key_data, key):
def sign_request(self, protected, payload, key_data):
payload64 = nopad_b64(self.module.jsonify(payload).encode('utf8'))
protected64 = nopad_b64(self.module.jsonify(protected).encode('utf8'))
except Exception as e:
raise ModuleFailException("Failed to encode payload / headers as JSON: {0}".format(e))
openssl_sign_cmd = [self._openssl_bin, "dgst", "-{0}".format(key_data['hash']), "-sign", key]
sign_payload = "{0}.{1}".format(protected64, payload64).encode('utf8')
dummy, out, dummy = self.module.run_command(openssl_sign_cmd, data=sign_payload, check_rc=True, binary_data=True)
return _sign_request_cryptography(self.module, payload64, protected64, key_data)
return _sign_request_openssl(self._openssl_bin, self.module, payload64, protected64, key_data)
if key_data['type'] == 'ec':
dummy, der_out, dummy = self.module.run_command(
[self._openssl_bin, "asn1parse", "-inform", "DER"],
data=out, binary_data=True)
expected_len = 2 * key_data['point_size']
sig = re.findall(
r"prim:\s+INTEGER\s+:([0-9A-F]{1,%s})\n" % expected_len,
to_text(der_out, errors='surrogate_or_strict'))
if len(sig) != 2:
raise ModuleFailException(
"failed to generate Elliptic Curve signature; cannot parse DER output: {0}".format(
to_text(der_out, errors='surrogate_or_strict')))
sig[0] = (expected_len - len(sig[0])) * '0' + sig[0]
sig[1] = (expected_len - len(sig[1])) * '0' + sig[1]
out = binascii.unhexlify(sig[0]) + binascii.unhexlify(sig[1])
return {
"protected": protected64,
"payload": payload64,
"signature": nopad_b64(to_bytes(out)),
def send_signed_request(self, url, payload, key_data=None, key=None, jws_header=None):
def send_signed_request(self, url, payload, key_data=None, jws_header=None):
Sends a JWS signed HTTP POST request to the ACME server and returns
the response as dictionary
key_data = key_data or self.key_data
key = key or self.key
jws_header = jws_header or self.jws_header
failed_tries = 0
while True:
@ -372,7 +576,7 @@ class ACMEAccount(object):
if self.version != 1:
protected["url"] = url
data = self.sign_request(protected, payload, key_data, key)
data = self.sign_request(protected, payload, key_data)
if self.version == 1:
data["header"] = jws_header
data = self.module.jsonify(data)
@ -530,3 +734,67 @@ class ACMEAccount(object):
result, dummy = self.send_signed_request(self.uri, upd_reg)
changed = True
return new_account or changed
def cryptography_get_csr_domains(module, csr_filename):
Return a set of requested domains (CN and SANs) for the CSR.
domains = set([])
csr = cryptography.x509.load_pem_x509_csr(read_file(csr_filename), _cryptography_backend)
for sub in csr.subject:
if sub.oid == cryptography.x509.oid.NameOID.COMMON_NAME:
for extension in csr.extensions:
if extension.oid == cryptography.x509.oid.ExtensionOID.SUBJECT_ALTERNATIVE_NAME:
for name in extension.value:
if isinstance(name, cryptography.x509.DNSName):
return domains
def cryptography_get_cert_days(module, cert_file):
Return the days the certificate in cert_file remains valid and -1
if the file was not found. If cert_file contains more than one
certificate, only the first one will be considered.
if not os.path.exists(cert_file):
return -1
cert = cryptography.x509.load_pem_x509_certificate(read_file(cert_file), _cryptography_backend)
except Exception as e:
raise ModuleFailException('Cannot parse certificate {0}: {1}'.format(cert_file, e))
now =
return (cert.not_valid_after - now).days
def set_crypto_backend(module):
Sets which crypto backend to use (default: auto detection).
Does not care whether a new enough cryptoraphy is available or not. Must
be called before any real stuff is done which might evaluate
# Choose backend
backend = module.params['select_crypto_backend']
if backend == 'auto':
elif backend == 'openssl':
elif backend == 'cryptography':
except Exception as _:
module.fail_json(msg='Cannot find cryptography module!')
module.fail_json(msg='Unknown crypto backend "{0}"!'.format(backend))
# Inform about choices
module.debug('Using cryptography backend (library version {0})'.format(CRYPTOGRAPHY_VERSION))
module.debug('Using OpenSSL binary backend')

View File

@ -116,15 +116,10 @@ account_uri:
from ansible.module_utils.acme import (
ModuleFailException, ACMEAccount
ModuleFailException, ACMEAccount, set_crypto_backend,
import os
import tempfile
import traceback
from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule
from ansible.module_utils._text import to_native
def main():
@ -141,6 +136,7 @@ def main():
contact=dict(required=False, type='list', default=[]),
new_account_key_content=dict(type='str', no_log=True),
select_crypto_backend=dict(required=False, choices=['auto', 'openssl', 'cryptography'], default='auto', type='str'),
['account_key_src', 'account_key_content'],
@ -156,6 +152,7 @@ def main():
if not module.params.get('validate_certs'):
module.warn(warning='Disabling certificate validation for communications with ACME endpoint. ' +
@ -203,24 +200,11 @@ def main():
raise ModuleFailException(msg='Account does not exist or is deactivated.')
module.exit_json(changed=changed, account_uri=account.uri)
elif state == 'changed_key':
# Get hold of new account key
new_key = module.params.get('new_account_key_src')
if new_key is None:
fd, tmpsrc = tempfile.mkstemp()
module.add_cleanup_file(tmpsrc) # Ansible will delete the file on exit
f = os.fdopen(fd, 'wb')
new_key = tmpsrc
except Exception as err:
except Exception as e:
raise ModuleFailException("failed to create temporary content file: %s" % to_native(err), exception=traceback.format_exc())
# Parse new account key
error, new_key_data = account.parse_account_key(new_key)
error, new_key_data = account.parse_key(
if error:
raise ModuleFailException("error while parsing account key: %s" % error)
# Verify that the account exists and has not been deactivated
@ -249,7 +233,7 @@ def main():
"oldKey": account.jwk, # discussed in,
# might be required in draft 13
data = account.sign_request(protected, payload, new_key_data, new_key)
data = account.sign_request(protected, payload, new_key_data)
# Send request and verify result
result, info = account.send_signed_request(url, data)
if info['status'] != 200:

View File

@ -328,7 +328,9 @@ account_uri:
from ansible.module_utils.acme import (
ModuleFailException, fetch_url, write_file, nopad_b64, simple_get, ACMEAccount
ModuleFailException, fetch_url, write_file, nopad_b64, simple_get, pem_to_der, ACMEAccount,
HAS_CURRENT_CRYPTOGRAPHY, cryptography_get_csr_domains, cryptography_get_cert_days,
import base64
@ -350,6 +352,8 @@ def get_cert_days(module, cert_file):
if the file was not found. If cert_file contains more than one
certificate, only the first one will be considered.
return cryptography_get_cert_days(module, cert_file)
if not os.path.exists(cert_file):
return -1
@ -422,6 +426,8 @@ class ACMEClient(object):
Parse the CSR and return the list of requested domains
return cryptography_get_csr_domains(self.module, self.csr)
openssl_csr_cmd = [self._openssl_bin, "req", "-in", self.csr, "-noout", "-text"]
dummy, out, dummy = self.module.run_command(openssl_csr_cmd, check_rc=True)
@ -569,11 +575,9 @@ class ACMEClient(object):
Return the certificate object as dict
openssl_csr_cmd = [self._openssl_bin, "req", "-in", self.csr, "-outform", "DER"]
dummy, out, dummy = self.module.run_command(openssl_csr_cmd, check_rc=True)
csr = pem_to_der(self.csr)
new_cert = {
"csr": nopad_b64(to_bytes(out)),
"csr": nopad_b64(csr),
result, info = self.account.send_signed_request(self.finalize_uri, new_cert)
if info['status'] not in [200]:
@ -650,12 +654,10 @@ class ACMEClient(object):
Return the certificate object as dict
openssl_csr_cmd = [self._openssl_bin, "req", "-in", self.csr, "-outform", "DER"]
dummy, out, dummy = self.module.run_command(openssl_csr_cmd, check_rc=True)
csr = pem_to_der(self.csr)
new_cert = {
"resource": "new-cert",
"csr": nopad_b64(to_bytes(out)),
"csr": nopad_b64(csr),
result, info = self.account.send_signed_request(['new-cert'], new_cert)
@ -883,6 +885,7 @@ def main():
remaining_days=dict(required=False, default=10, type='int'),
deactivate_authzs=dict(required=False, default=False, type='bool'),
force=dict(required=False, default=False, type='bool'),
select_crypto_backend=dict(required=False, choices=['auto', 'openssl', 'cryptography'], default='auto', type='str'),
['account_key_src', 'account_key_content'],
@ -895,6 +898,7 @@ def main():
if module._name == 'letsencrypt':
module.deprecate("The 'letsencrypt' module is being renamed 'acme_certificate'", version='2.10')
# AnsibleModule() changes the locale, so change it back to C because we rely on time.strptime() when parsing certificate dates.
module.run_command_environ_update = dict(LANG='C', LC_ALL='C', LC_MESSAGES='C', LC_CTYPE='C')

View File

@ -53,6 +53,10 @@ options:
important private key it can be used to change the account key,
or to revoke your certificates without knowing their private keys
, this might not be acceptable."
- "In case C(cryptography) is used, the content is not written into a
temporary file. It can still happen that it is written to disk by
Ansible in the process of moving the module with its argument to
the node where it is executed."
- "One of the revocation reasonCodes defined in
@ -80,16 +84,10 @@ RETURN = '''
from ansible.module_utils.acme import (
ModuleFailException, ACMEAccount, nopad_b64
ModuleFailException, ACMEAccount, nopad_b64, pem_to_der, set_crypto_backend,
import base64
import os
import tempfile
import traceback
from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule
from ansible.module_utils._text import to_native
def main():
@ -104,6 +102,7 @@ def main():
private_key_content=dict(type='str', no_log=True),
certificate=dict(required=True, type='path'),
revoke_reason=dict(required=False, type='int'),
select_crypto_backend=dict(required=False, choices=['auto', 'openssl', 'cryptography'], default='auto', type='str'),
['account_key_src', 'account_key_content', 'private_key_src', 'private_key_content'],
@ -113,6 +112,7 @@ def main():
if not module.params.get('validate_certs'):
module.warn(warning='Disabling certificate validation for communications with ACME endpoint. ' +
@ -122,22 +122,8 @@ def main():
account = ACMEAccount(module)
# Load certificate
certificate_lines = []
with open(module.params.get('certificate'), "rt") as f:
header_line_count = 0
for line in f:
if line.startswith('-----'):
header_line_count += 1
if header_line_count == 2:
# If certificate file contains other certs appended
# (like intermediate certificates), ignore these.
except Exception as err:
raise ModuleFailException("cannot load certificate file: %s" % to_native(err), exception=traceback.format_exc())
certificate = nopad_b64(base64.b64decode(''.join(certificate_lines)))
certificate = pem_to_der(module.params.get('certificate'))
certificate = nopad_b64(certificate)
# Construct payload
payload = {
'certificate': certificate
@ -152,24 +138,11 @@ def main():
endpoint =['revokeCert']
# Get hold of private key (if available) and make sure it comes from disk
private_key = module.params.get('private_key_src')
if module.params.get('private_key_content') is not None:
fd, tmpsrc = tempfile.mkstemp()
module.add_cleanup_file(tmpsrc) # Ansible will delete the file on exit
f = os.fdopen(fd, 'wb')
private_key = tmpsrc
except Exception as err:
except Exception as e:
raise ModuleFailException("failed to create temporary content file: %s" % to_native(err), exception=traceback.format_exc())
private_key_content = module.params.get('private_key_content')
# Revoke certificate
if private_key:
if private_key or private_key_content:
# Step 1: load and parse private key
error, private_key_data = account.parse_account_key(private_key)
error, private_key_data = account.parse_key(private_key, private_key_content)
if error:
raise ModuleFailException("error while parsing private key: %s" % error)
# Step 2: sign revokation request with private key
@ -177,8 +150,7 @@ def main():
"alg": private_key_data['alg'],
"jwk": private_key_data['jwk'],
result, info = account.send_signed_request(endpoint, payload, key=private_key,
key_data=private_key_data, jws_header=jws_header)
result, info = account.send_signed_request(endpoint, payload, key_data=private_key_data, jws_header=jws_header)
# Step 1: get hold of account URI
changed = account.init_account(

View File

@ -8,9 +8,18 @@ class ModuleDocFragment(object):
# Standard files documentation fragment
- "Note that if a new enough version of the C(cryptography) library
is available (see Requirements for details), it will be used
instead of the C(openssl) binary. This can be explicitly disabled
or enabled with the C(select_crypto_backend) option. Note that using
the C(openssl) binary will be slower and less secure, as private key
contents always have to be stored on disk (see
- "python >= 2.6"
- openssl
- "either openssl, ..."
- "... or L(cryptography, >= 1.5"
@ -32,6 +41,10 @@ options:
important private key it can be used to change the account key,
or to revoke your certificates without knowing their private keys
, this might not be acceptable."
- "In case C(cryptography) is used, the content is not written into a
temporary file. It can still happen that it is written to disk by
Ansible in the process of moving the module with its argument to
the node where it is executed."
version_added: "2.5"
@ -64,5 +77,20 @@ options:
for example when testing against a local Pebble server."
type: bool
default: 'yes'
version_added: 2.5
version_added: "2.5"
- "Determines which crypto backend to use. The default choice is C(auto),
which tries to use C(cryptography) if available, and falls back to
- "If set to C(openssl), will try to use the C(openssl) binary."
- "If set to C(cryptography), will try to use the
L(cryptography, library."
type: str
default: 'auto'
- auto
- cryptography
- openssl
version_added: "2.7"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
- name: Generate account key
command: openssl ecparam -name prime256v1 -genkey -out {{ output_dir }}/accountkey.pem
- name: Parse account key (to ease debugging some test failures)
command: openssl ec -in {{ output_dir }}/accountkey.pem -noout -text
- name: Do not try to create account
select_crypto_backend: "{{ select_crypto_backend }}"
account_key_src: "{{ output_dir }}/accountkey.pem"
acme_version: 2
acme_directory: https://{{ acme_host }}:14000/dir
validate_certs: no
state: present
allow_creation: no
ignore_errors: yes
register: account_not_created
- name: Create it now
select_crypto_backend: "{{ select_crypto_backend }}"
account_key_src: "{{ output_dir }}/accountkey.pem"
acme_version: 2
acme_directory: https://{{ acme_host }}:14000/dir
validate_certs: no
state: present
allow_creation: yes
terms_agreed: yes
register: account_created
- name: Change email address
select_crypto_backend: "{{ select_crypto_backend }}"
account_key_content: "{{ lookup('file', output_dir ~ '/accountkey.pem') }}"
acme_version: 2
acme_directory: https://{{ acme_host }}:14000/dir
validate_certs: no
state: present
# allow_creation: no
register: account_modified
- name: Change email address (idempotent)
select_crypto_backend: "{{ select_crypto_backend }}"
account_key_src: "{{ output_dir }}/accountkey.pem"
acme_version: 2
acme_directory: https://{{ acme_host }}:14000/dir
validate_certs: no
state: present
# allow_creation: no
register: account_modified_idempotent
- name: Generate new account key
command: openssl ecparam -name secp384r1 -genkey -out {{ output_dir }}/accountkey2.pem
- name: Parse account key (to ease debugging some test failures)
command: openssl ec -in {{ output_dir }}/accountkey2.pem -noout -text
# Note that pebble has no change key endpoint implemented yet!
# When it has (and the container was updated), uncomment the
# uncomment the following tests, and delete the ones below the
# out-commented ones.
# - name: Change account key
# acme_account:
# select_crypto_backend: "{{ select_crypto_backend }}"
# account_key_src: "{{ output_dir }}/accountkey.pem"
# acme_version: 2
# acme_directory: https://{{ acme_host }}:14000/dir
# validate_certs: no
# new_account_key_src: "{{ output_dir }}/accountkey2.pem"
# state: changed_key
# contact:
# -
# register: account_change_key
# - name: Deactivate account
# acme_account:
# select_crypto_backend: "{{ select_crypto_backend }}"
# account_key_src: "{{ output_dir }}/accountkey2.pem"
# acme_version: 2
# acme_directory: https://{{ acme_host }}:14000/dir
# validate_certs: no
# state: absent
# register: account_deactivate
# - name: Deactivate account (idempotent)
# acme_account:
# select_crypto_backend: "{{ select_crypto_backend }}"
# account_key_src: "{{ output_dir }}/accountkey2.pem"
# acme_version: 2
# acme_directory: https://{{ acme_host }}:14000/dir
# validate_certs: no
# state: absent
# register: account_deactivate_idempotent
# - name: Do not try to create account II
# acme_account:
# select_crypto_backend: "{{ select_crypto_backend }}"
# account_key_src: "{{ output_dir }}/accountkey2.pem"
# acme_version: 2
# acme_directory: https://{{ acme_host }}:14000/dir
# validate_certs: no
# state: present
# allow_creation: no
# ignore_errors: yes
# register: account_not_created_2
# - name: Do not try to create account III
# acme_account:
# select_crypto_backend: "{{ select_crypto_backend }}"
# account_key_src: "{{ output_dir }}/accountkey.pem"
# acme_version: 2
# acme_directory: https://{{ acme_host }}:14000/dir
# validate_certs: no
# state: present
# allow_creation: no
# ignore_errors: yes
# register: account_not_created_3
- name: Deactivate account
select_crypto_backend: "{{ select_crypto_backend }}"
account_key_src: "{{ output_dir }}/accountkey.pem"
acme_version: 2
acme_directory: https://{{ acme_host }}:14000/dir
validate_certs: no
state: absent
register: account_deactivate
- name: Deactivate account (idempotent)
select_crypto_backend: "{{ select_crypto_backend }}"
account_key_src: "{{ output_dir }}/accountkey.pem"
acme_version: 2
acme_directory: https://{{ acme_host }}:14000/dir
validate_certs: no
state: absent
register: account_deactivate_idempotent
- name: Do not try to create account II
select_crypto_backend: "{{ select_crypto_backend }}"
account_key_src: "{{ output_dir }}/accountkey.pem"
acme_version: 2
acme_directory: https://{{ acme_host }}:14000/dir
validate_certs: no
state: present
allow_creation: no
ignore_errors: yes
register: account_not_created_2

View File

@ -1,152 +1,31 @@
- block:
- name: Generate account key
command: openssl ecparam -name prime256v1 -genkey -out {{ output_dir }}/accountkey.pem
- name: Parse account key (to ease debugging some test failures)
command: openssl ec -in {{ output_dir }}/accountkey.pem -noout -text
- name: Do not try to create account
account_key_src: "{{ output_dir }}/accountkey.pem"
acme_version: 2
acme_directory: https://{{ acme_host }}:14000/dir
validate_certs: no
state: present
allow_creation: no
ignore_errors: yes
register: account_not_created
- name: Create it now
account_key_src: "{{ output_dir }}/accountkey.pem"
acme_version: 2
acme_directory: https://{{ acme_host }}:14000/dir
validate_certs: no
state: present
allow_creation: yes
terms_agreed: yes
register: account_created
- name: Change email address
account_key_content: "{{ lookup('file', output_dir ~ '/accountkey.pem') }}"
acme_version: 2
acme_directory: https://{{ acme_host }}:14000/dir
validate_certs: no
state: present
# allow_creation: no
register: account_modified
- name: Change email address (idempotent)
account_key_src: "{{ output_dir }}/accountkey.pem"
acme_version: 2
acme_directory: https://{{ acme_host }}:14000/dir
validate_certs: no
state: present
# allow_creation: no
register: account_modified_idempotent
- name: Generate new account key
command: openssl ecparam -name secp384r1 -genkey -out {{ output_dir }}/accountkey2.pem
- name: Parse account key (to ease debugging some test failures)
command: openssl ec -in {{ output_dir }}/accountkey2.pem -noout -text
# Note that pebble has no change key endpoint implemented yet!
# When it has (and the container was updated), uncomment the
# uncomment the following tests, and delete the ones below the
# out-commented ones.
# - name: Change account key
# acme_account:
# account_key_src: "{{ output_dir }}/accountkey.pem"
# acme_version: 2
# acme_directory: https://{{ acme_host }}:14000/dir
# validate_certs: no
# new_account_key_src: "{{ output_dir }}/accountkey2.pem"
# state: changed_key
# contact:
# -
# register: account_change_key
# - name: Deactivate account
# acme_account:
# account_key_src: "{{ output_dir }}/accountkey2.pem"
# acme_version: 2
# acme_directory: https://{{ acme_host }}:14000/dir
# validate_certs: no
# state: absent
# register: account_deactivate
# - name: Deactivate account (idempotent)
# acme_account:
# account_key_src: "{{ output_dir }}/accountkey2.pem"
# acme_version: 2
# acme_directory: https://{{ acme_host }}:14000/dir
# validate_certs: no
# state: absent
# register: account_deactivate_idempotent
# - name: Do not try to create account II
# acme_account:
# account_key_src: "{{ output_dir }}/accountkey2.pem"
# acme_version: 2
# acme_directory: https://{{ acme_host }}:14000/dir
# validate_certs: no
# state: present
# allow_creation: no
# ignore_errors: yes
# register: account_not_created_2
# - name: Do not try to create account III
# acme_account:
# account_key_src: "{{ output_dir }}/accountkey.pem"
# acme_version: 2
# acme_directory: https://{{ acme_host }}:14000/dir
# validate_certs: no
# state: present
# allow_creation: no
# ignore_errors: yes
# register: account_not_created_3
- name: Deactivate account
account_key_src: "{{ output_dir }}/accountkey.pem"
acme_version: 2
acme_directory: https://{{ acme_host }}:14000/dir
validate_certs: no
state: absent
register: account_deactivate
- name: Deactivate account (idempotent)
account_key_src: "{{ output_dir }}/accountkey.pem"
acme_version: 2
acme_directory: https://{{ acme_host }}:14000/dir
validate_certs: no
state: absent
register: account_deactivate_idempotent
- name: Do not try to create account II
account_key_src: "{{ output_dir }}/accountkey.pem"
acme_version: 2
acme_directory: https://{{ acme_host }}:14000/dir
validate_certs: no
state: present
allow_creation: no
ignore_errors: yes
register: account_not_created_2
- name: Running tests with OpenSSL backend
include_tasks: impl.yml
select_crypto_backend: openssl
- import_tasks: ../tests/validate.yml
# Old 0.9.8 versions have insufficient CLI support for signing with EC keys
when: openssl_version.stdout is version('1.0.0', '>=')
- name: Remove output directory
path: "{{ output_dir }}"
state: absent
- name: Re-create output directory
path: "{{ output_dir }}"
state: directory
- block:
- name: Running tests with cryptography backend
include_tasks: impl.yml
select_crypto_backend: cryptography
- import_tasks: ../tests/validate.yml
when: cryptography_version.stdout is version('1.5', '>=')

View File

@ -0,0 +1,240 @@
## SET UP ACCOUNT KEYS ########################################################################
- name: Create ECC256 account key
command: openssl ecparam -name prime256v1 -genkey -out {{ output_dir }}/account-ec256.pem
- name: Create ECC384 account key
command: openssl ecparam -name secp384r1 -genkey -out {{ output_dir }}/account-ec384.pem
- name: Create RSA-2048 account key
command: openssl genrsa -out {{ output_dir }}/account-rsa2048.pem 2048
## SET UP ACCOUNTS ############################################################################
- name: Make sure ECC256 account hasn't been created yet
select_crypto_backend: "{{ select_crypto_backend }}"
acme_version: 2
acme_directory: https://{{ acme_host }}:14000/dir
validate_certs: no
account_key_src: "{{ output_dir }}/account-ec256.pem"
state: absent
- name: Create ECC384 account
select_crypto_backend: "{{ select_crypto_backend }}"
acme_version: 2
acme_directory: https://{{ acme_host }}:14000/dir
validate_certs: no
account_key_content: "{{ lookup('file', output_dir ~ '/account-ec384.pem') }}"
state: present
allow_creation: yes
terms_agreed: yes
- name: Create RSA-2048 account
select_crypto_backend: "{{ select_crypto_backend }}"
acme_version: 2
acme_directory: https://{{ acme_host }}:14000/dir
validate_certs: no
account_key_src: "{{ output_dir }}/account-rsa2048.pem"
state: present
allow_creation: yes
terms_agreed: yes
contact: []
## OBTAIN CERTIFICATES ########################################################################
- name: Obtain cert 1
include_tasks: obtain-cert.yml
certgen_title: Certificate 1
certificate_name: cert-1
key_type: rsa
rsa_bits: 2048
subject_alt_name: ""
subject_alt_name_critical: no
account_key: account-ec256
challenge: http-01
modify_account: yes
deactivate_authzs: no
force: no
remaining_days: 10
terms_agreed: yes
account_email: ""
- name: Obtain cert 2
include_tasks: obtain-cert.yml
certgen_title: Certificate 2
certificate_name: cert-2
key_type: ec256
subject_alt_name: "DNS:*,"
subject_alt_name_critical: yes
account_key: account-ec384
challenge: dns-01
modify_account: no
deactivate_authzs: yes
force: no
remaining_days: 10
terms_agreed: no
account_email: ""
- name: Obtain cert 3
include_tasks: obtain-cert.yml
certgen_title: Certificate 3
certificate_name: cert-3
key_type: ec384
subject_alt_name: "DNS:*,,"
subject_alt_name_critical: no
account_key_content: "{{ lookup('file', output_dir ~ '/account-rsa2048.pem') }}"
challenge: dns-01
modify_account: no
deactivate_authzs: no
force: no
remaining_days: 10
terms_agreed: no
account_email: ""
- name: Obtain cert 4
include_tasks: obtain-cert.yml
certgen_title: Certificate 4
certificate_name: cert-4
key_type: rsa
rsa_bits: 2048
subject_alt_name: ",,,,"
subject_alt_name_critical: no
account_key: account-rsa2048
challenge: http-01
modify_account: no
deactivate_authzs: yes
force: yes
remaining_days: 10
terms_agreed: no
account_email: ""
- name: Obtain cert 5
include_tasks: obtain-cert.yml
certgen_title: Certificate 5, Iteration 1/4
certificate_name: cert-5
key_type: ec521
subject_alt_name: ""
subject_alt_name_critical: no
account_key: account-ec384
challenge: http-01
modify_account: no
deactivate_authzs: yes
force: yes
remaining_days: 10
terms_agreed: no
account_email: ""
- name: Obtain cert 5 (should not, since already there and valid for more than 10 days)
include_tasks: obtain-cert.yml
certgen_title: Certificate 5, Iteration 2/4
certificate_name: cert-5
key_type: ec521
subject_alt_name: ""
subject_alt_name_critical: no
account_key: account-ec384
challenge: http-01
modify_account: no
deactivate_authzs: yes
force: no
remaining_days: 10
terms_agreed: no
account_email: ""
- set_fact:
cert_5_recreate_1: "{{ challenge_data is changed }}"
- name: Obtain cert 5 (should again by less days)
include_tasks: obtain-cert.yml
certgen_title: Certificate 5, Iteration 3/4
certificate_name: cert-5
key_type: ec521
subject_alt_name: ""
subject_alt_name_critical: no
account_key: account-ec384
challenge: http-01
modify_account: no
deactivate_authzs: yes
force: yes
remaining_days: 1000
terms_agreed: no
account_email: ""
- set_fact:
cert_5_recreate_2: "{{ challenge_data is changed }}"
- name: Obtain cert 5 (should again by force)
include_tasks: obtain-cert.yml
certgen_title: Certificate 5, Iteration 4/4
certificate_name: cert-5
key_type: ec521
subject_alt_name: ""
subject_alt_name_critical: no
account_key_content: "{{ lookup('file', output_dir ~ '/account-ec384.pem') }}"
challenge: http-01
modify_account: no
deactivate_authzs: yes
force: yes
remaining_days: 10
terms_agreed: no
account_email: ""
- set_fact:
cert_5_recreate_3: "{{ challenge_data is changed }}"
- name: Obtain cert 6
include_tasks: obtain-cert.yml
certgen_title: Certificate 6
certificate_name: cert-6
key_type: rsa
rsa_bits: 2048
subject_alt_name: ""
subject_alt_name_critical: no
account_key: account-ec256
challenge: tls-alpn-01
modify_account: yes
deactivate_authzs: no
force: no
remaining_days: 10
terms_agreed: yes
account_email: ""
## DISSECT CERTIFICATES #######################################################################
# Make sure certificates are valid. Root certificate for Pebble equals the chain certificate.
- name: Verifying cert 1
command: openssl verify -CAfile "{{ output_dir }}/cert-1-chain.pem" "{{ output_dir }}/cert-1.pem"
ignore_errors: yes
register: cert_1_valid
- name: Verifying cert 2
command: openssl verify -CAfile "{{ output_dir }}/cert-2-chain.pem" "{{ output_dir }}/cert-2.pem"
ignore_errors: yes
register: cert_2_valid
- name: Verifying cert 3
command: openssl verify -CAfile "{{ output_dir }}/cert-3-chain.pem" "{{ output_dir }}/cert-3.pem"
ignore_errors: yes
register: cert_3_valid
- name: Verifying cert 4
command: openssl verify -CAfile "{{ output_dir }}/cert-4-chain.pem" "{{ output_dir }}/cert-4.pem"
ignore_errors: yes
register: cert_4_valid
- name: Verifying cert 5
command: openssl verify -CAfile "{{ output_dir }}/cert-5-chain.pem" "{{ output_dir }}/cert-5.pem"
ignore_errors: yes
register: cert_5_valid
- name: Verifying cert 6
command: openssl verify -CAfile "{{ output_dir }}/cert-6-chain.pem" "{{ output_dir }}/cert-6.pem"
ignore_errors: yes
register: cert_6_valid
# Dump certificate info
- name: Dumping cert 1
command: openssl x509 -in "{{ output_dir }}/cert-1.pem" -noout -text
register: cert_1_text
- name: Dumping cert 2
command: openssl x509 -in "{{ output_dir }}/cert-2.pem" -noout -text
register: cert_2_text
- name: Dumping cert 3
command: openssl x509 -in "{{ output_dir }}/cert-3.pem" -noout -text
register: cert_3_text
- name: Dumping cert 4
command: openssl x509 -in "{{ output_dir }}/cert-4.pem" -noout -text
register: cert_4_text
- name: Dumping cert 5
command: openssl x509 -in "{{ output_dir }}/cert-5.pem" -noout -text
register: cert_5_text
- name: Dumping cert 6
command: openssl x509 -in "{{ output_dir }}/cert-6.pem" -noout -text
register: cert_6_text

View File

@ -1,243 +1,31 @@
- block:
## SET UP ACCOUNT KEYS ########################################################################
- name: Create ECC256 account key
command: openssl ecparam -name prime256v1 -genkey -out {{ output_dir }}/account-ec256.pem
- name: Create ECC384 account key
command: openssl ecparam -name secp384r1 -genkey -out {{ output_dir }}/account-ec384.pem
- name: Create RSA-2048 account key
command: openssl genrsa -out {{ output_dir }}/account-rsa2048.pem 2048
## SET UP ACCOUNTS ############################################################################
- name: Make sure ECC256 account hasn't been created yet
acme_version: 2
acme_directory: https://{{ acme_host }}:14000/dir
validate_certs: no
account_key_src: "{{ output_dir }}/account-ec256.pem"
state: absent
- name: Create ECC384 account
acme_version: 2
acme_directory: https://{{ acme_host }}:14000/dir
validate_certs: no
account_key_content: "{{ lookup('file', output_dir ~ '/account-ec384.pem') }}"
state: present
allow_creation: yes
terms_agreed: yes
- name: Create RSA-2048 account
acme_version: 2
acme_directory: https://{{ acme_host }}:14000/dir
validate_certs: no
account_key_src: "{{ output_dir }}/account-rsa2048.pem"
state: present
allow_creation: yes
terms_agreed: yes
contact: []
## OBTAIN CERTIFICATES ########################################################################
- name: Obtain cert 1
include_tasks: obtain-cert.yml
- name: Running tests with OpenSSL backend
include_tasks: impl.yml
certgen_title: Certificate 1
certificate_name: cert-1
key_type: rsa
rsa_bits: 2048
subject_alt_name: ""
subject_alt_name_critical: no
account_key: account-ec256
challenge: http-01
modify_account: yes
deactivate_authzs: no
force: no
remaining_days: 10
terms_agreed: yes
account_email: ""
- name: Obtain cert 2
include_tasks: obtain-cert.yml
certgen_title: Certificate 2
certificate_name: cert-2
key_type: ec256
subject_alt_name: "DNS:*,"
subject_alt_name_critical: yes
account_key: account-ec384
challenge: dns-01
modify_account: no
deactivate_authzs: yes
force: no
remaining_days: 10
terms_agreed: no
account_email: ""
- name: Obtain cert 3
include_tasks: obtain-cert.yml
certgen_title: Certificate 3
certificate_name: cert-3
key_type: ec384
subject_alt_name: "DNS:*,,"
subject_alt_name_critical: no
account_key_content: "{{ lookup('file', output_dir ~ '/account-rsa2048.pem') }}"
challenge: dns-01
modify_account: no
deactivate_authzs: no
force: no
remaining_days: 10
terms_agreed: no
account_email: ""
- name: Obtain cert 4
include_tasks: obtain-cert.yml
certgen_title: Certificate 4
certificate_name: cert-4
key_type: rsa
rsa_bits: 2048
subject_alt_name: ",,,,"
subject_alt_name_critical: no
account_key: account-rsa2048
challenge: http-01
modify_account: no
deactivate_authzs: yes
force: yes
remaining_days: 10
terms_agreed: no
account_email: ""
- name: Obtain cert 5
include_tasks: obtain-cert.yml
certgen_title: Certificate 5, Iteration 1/4
certificate_name: cert-5
key_type: ec521
subject_alt_name: ""
subject_alt_name_critical: no
account_key: account-ec384
challenge: http-01
modify_account: no
deactivate_authzs: yes
force: yes
remaining_days: 10
terms_agreed: no
account_email: ""
- name: Obtain cert 5 (should not, since already there and valid for more than 10 days)
include_tasks: obtain-cert.yml
certgen_title: Certificate 5, Iteration 2/4
certificate_name: cert-5
key_type: ec521
subject_alt_name: ""
subject_alt_name_critical: no
account_key: account-ec384
challenge: http-01
modify_account: no
deactivate_authzs: yes
force: no
remaining_days: 10
terms_agreed: no
account_email: ""
- set_fact:
cert_5_recreate_1: "{{ challenge_data is changed }}"
- name: Obtain cert 5 (should again by less days)
include_tasks: obtain-cert.yml
certgen_title: Certificate 5, Iteration 3/4
certificate_name: cert-5
key_type: ec521
subject_alt_name: ""
subject_alt_name_critical: no
account_key: account-ec384
challenge: http-01
modify_account: no
deactivate_authzs: yes
force: yes
remaining_days: 1000
terms_agreed: no
account_email: ""
- set_fact:
cert_5_recreate_2: "{{ challenge_data is changed }}"
- name: Obtain cert 5 (should again by force)
include_tasks: obtain-cert.yml
certgen_title: Certificate 5, Iteration 4/4
certificate_name: cert-5
key_type: ec521
subject_alt_name: ""
subject_alt_name_critical: no
account_key_content: "{{ lookup('file', output_dir ~ '/account-ec384.pem') }}"
challenge: http-01
modify_account: no
deactivate_authzs: yes
force: yes
remaining_days: 10
terms_agreed: no
account_email: ""
- set_fact:
cert_5_recreate_3: "{{ challenge_data is changed }}"
- name: Obtain cert 6
include_tasks: obtain-cert.yml
certgen_title: Certificate 6
certificate_name: cert-6
key_type: rsa
rsa_bits: 2048
subject_alt_name: ""
subject_alt_name_critical: no
account_key: account-ec256
challenge: tls-alpn-01
modify_account: yes
deactivate_authzs: no
force: no
remaining_days: 10
terms_agreed: yes
account_email: ""
## DISSECT CERTIFICATES #######################################################################
# Make sure certificates are valid. Root certificate for Pebble equals the chain certificate.
- name: Verifying cert 1
command: openssl verify -CAfile "{{ output_dir }}/cert-1-chain.pem" "{{ output_dir }}/cert-1.pem"
ignore_errors: yes
register: cert_1_valid
- name: Verifying cert 2
command: openssl verify -CAfile "{{ output_dir }}/cert-2-chain.pem" "{{ output_dir }}/cert-2.pem"
ignore_errors: yes
register: cert_2_valid
- name: Verifying cert 3
command: openssl verify -CAfile "{{ output_dir }}/cert-3-chain.pem" "{{ output_dir }}/cert-3.pem"
ignore_errors: yes
register: cert_3_valid
- name: Verifying cert 4
command: openssl verify -CAfile "{{ output_dir }}/cert-4-chain.pem" "{{ output_dir }}/cert-4.pem"
ignore_errors: yes
register: cert_4_valid
- name: Verifying cert 5
command: openssl verify -CAfile "{{ output_dir }}/cert-5-chain.pem" "{{ output_dir }}/cert-5.pem"
ignore_errors: yes
register: cert_5_valid
- name: Verifying cert 6
command: openssl verify -CAfile "{{ output_dir }}/cert-6-chain.pem" "{{ output_dir }}/cert-6.pem"
ignore_errors: yes
register: cert_6_valid
# Dump certificate info
- name: Dumping cert 1
command: openssl x509 -in "{{ output_dir }}/cert-1.pem" -noout -text
register: cert_1_text
- name: Dumping cert 2
command: openssl x509 -in "{{ output_dir }}/cert-2.pem" -noout -text
register: cert_2_text
- name: Dumping cert 3
command: openssl x509 -in "{{ output_dir }}/cert-3.pem" -noout -text
register: cert_3_text
- name: Dumping cert 4
command: openssl x509 -in "{{ output_dir }}/cert-4.pem" -noout -text
register: cert_4_text
- name: Dumping cert 5
command: openssl x509 -in "{{ output_dir }}/cert-5.pem" -noout -text
register: cert_5_text
- name: Dumping cert 6
command: openssl x509 -in "{{ output_dir }}/cert-6.pem" -noout -text
register: cert_6_text
select_crypto_backend: openssl
- import_tasks: ../tests/validate.yml
# Old 0.9.8 versions have insufficient CLI support for signing with EC keys
when: openssl_version.stdout is version('1.0.0', '>=')
- name: Remove output directory
path: "{{ output_dir }}"
state: absent
- name: Re-create output directory
path: "{{ output_dir }}"
state: directory
- block:
- name: Running tests with cryptography backend
include_tasks: impl.yml
select_crypto_backend: cryptography
- import_tasks: ../tests/validate.yml
when: cryptography_version.stdout is version('1.5', '>=')

View File

@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
## SET UP ACCOUNT KEYS ########################################################################
- name: Create ECC256 account key
command: openssl ecparam -name prime256v1 -genkey -out {{ output_dir }}/account-ec256.pem
- name: Create ECC384 account key
command: openssl ecparam -name secp384r1 -genkey -out {{ output_dir }}/account-ec384.pem
- name: Create RSA-2048 account key
command: openssl genrsa -out {{ output_dir }}/account-rsa2048.pem 2048
## CREATE ACCOUNTS AND OBTAIN CERTIFICATES ####################################################
- name: Obtain cert 1
include_tasks: obtain-cert.yml
certgen_title: Certificate 1 for revocation
certificate_name: cert-1
key_type: rsa
rsa_bits: 2048
subject_alt_name: ""
subject_alt_name_critical: no
account_key_content: "{{ lookup('file', output_dir ~ '/account-ec256.pem') }}"
challenge: http-01
modify_account: yes
deactivate_authzs: no
force: no
remaining_days: 10
terms_agreed: yes
account_email: ""
- name: Obtain cert 2
include_tasks: obtain-cert.yml
certgen_title: Certificate 2 for revocation
certificate_name: cert-2
key_type: ec256
subject_alt_name: "DNS:*"
subject_alt_name_critical: yes
account_key: account-ec384
challenge: dns-01
modify_account: yes
deactivate_authzs: yes
force: no
remaining_days: 10
terms_agreed: yes
account_email: ""
- name: Obtain cert 3
include_tasks: obtain-cert.yml
certgen_title: Certificate 3 for revocation
certificate_name: cert-3
key_type: ec384
subject_alt_name: ""
subject_alt_name_critical: no
account_key: account-rsa2048
challenge: dns-01
modify_account: yes
deactivate_authzs: no
force: no
remaining_days: 10
terms_agreed: yes
account_email: ""
## REVOKE CERTIFICATES ########################################################################
- name: Revoke certificate 1 via account key
select_crypto_backend: "{{ select_crypto_backend }}"
account_key_src: "{{ output_dir }}/account-ec256.pem"
certificate: "{{ output_dir }}/cert-1.pem"
acme_version: 2
acme_directory: https://{{ acme_host }}:14000/dir
validate_certs: no
ignore_errors: yes
register: cert_1_revoke
- name: Revoke certificate 2 via certificate private key
select_crypto_backend: "{{ select_crypto_backend }}"
private_key_src: "{{ output_dir }}/cert-2.key"
certificate: "{{ output_dir }}/cert-2.pem"
acme_version: 2
acme_directory: https://{{ acme_host }}:14000/dir
validate_certs: no
ignore_errors: yes
register: cert_2_revoke
- name: Revoke certificate 3 via account key (fullchain)
select_crypto_backend: "{{ select_crypto_backend }}"
account_key_content: "{{ lookup('file', output_dir ~ '/account-rsa2048.pem') }}"
certificate: "{{ output_dir }}/cert-3-fullchain.pem"
acme_version: 2
acme_directory: https://{{ acme_host }}:14000/dir
validate_certs: no
ignore_errors: yes
register: cert_3_revoke

View File

@ -1,92 +1,31 @@
- block:
## SET UP ACCOUNT KEYS ########################################################################
- name: Create ECC256 account key
command: openssl ecparam -name prime256v1 -genkey -out {{ output_dir }}/account-ec256.pem
- name: Create ECC384 account key
command: openssl ecparam -name secp384r1 -genkey -out {{ output_dir }}/account-ec384.pem
- name: Create RSA-2048 account key
command: openssl genrsa -out {{ output_dir }}/account-rsa2048.pem 2048
## CREATE ACCOUNTS AND OBTAIN CERTIFICATES ####################################################
- name: Obtain cert 1
include_tasks: obtain-cert.yml
- name: Running tests with OpenSSL backend
include_tasks: impl.yml
certgen_title: Certificate 1 for revocation
certificate_name: cert-1
key_type: rsa
rsa_bits: 2048
subject_alt_name: ""
subject_alt_name_critical: no
account_key_content: "{{ lookup('file', output_dir ~ '/account-ec256.pem') }}"
challenge: http-01
modify_account: yes
deactivate_authzs: no
force: no
remaining_days: 10
terms_agreed: yes
account_email: ""
- name: Obtain cert 2
include_tasks: obtain-cert.yml
certgen_title: Certificate 2 for revocation
certificate_name: cert-2
key_type: ec256
subject_alt_name: "DNS:*"
subject_alt_name_critical: yes
account_key: account-ec384
challenge: dns-01
modify_account: yes
deactivate_authzs: yes
force: no
remaining_days: 10
terms_agreed: yes
account_email: ""
- name: Obtain cert 3
include_tasks: obtain-cert.yml
certgen_title: Certificate 3 for revocation
certificate_name: cert-3
key_type: ec384
subject_alt_name: ""
subject_alt_name_critical: no
account_key: account-rsa2048
challenge: dns-01
modify_account: yes
deactivate_authzs: no
force: no
remaining_days: 10
terms_agreed: yes
account_email: ""
## REVOKE CERTIFICATES ########################################################################
- name: Revoke certificate 1 via account key
account_key_src: "{{ output_dir }}/account-ec256.pem"
certificate: "{{ output_dir }}/cert-1.pem"
acme_version: 2
acme_directory: https://{{ acme_host }}:14000/dir
validate_certs: no
ignore_errors: yes
register: cert_1_revoke
- name: Revoke certificate 2 via certificate private key
private_key_src: "{{ output_dir }}/cert-2.key"
certificate: "{{ output_dir }}/cert-2.pem"
acme_version: 2
acme_directory: https://{{ acme_host }}:14000/dir
validate_certs: no
ignore_errors: yes
register: cert_2_revoke
- name: Revoke certificate 3 via account key (fullchain)
account_key_content: "{{ lookup('file', output_dir ~ '/account-rsa2048.pem') }}"
certificate: "{{ output_dir }}/cert-3-fullchain.pem"
acme_version: 2
acme_directory: https://{{ acme_host }}:14000/dir
validate_certs: no
ignore_errors: yes
register: cert_3_revoke
select_crypto_backend: openssl
- import_tasks: ../tests/validate.yml
# Old 0.9.8 versions have insufficient CLI support for signing with EC keys
when: openssl_version.stdout is version('1.0.0', '>=')
- name: Remove output directory
path: "{{ output_dir }}"
state: absent
- name: Re-create output directory
path: "{{ output_dir }}"
state: directory
- block:
- name: Running tests with cryptography backend
include_tasks: impl.yml
select_crypto_backend: cryptography
- import_tasks: ../tests/validate.yml
when: cryptography_version.stdout is version('1.5', '>=')

View File

@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
## ACME STEP 1 ################################################################################
- name: ({{ certgen_title }}) Obtain cert, step 1
select_crypto_backend: "{{ select_crypto_backend }}"
acme_version: 2
acme_directory: https://{{ acme_host }}:14000/dir
validate_certs: no
@ -41,6 +42,7 @@
when: account_key_content is not defined
- name: ({{ certgen_title }}) Obtain cert, step 1 (using account key data)
select_crypto_backend: "{{ select_crypto_backend }}"
acme_version: 2
acme_directory: https://{{ acme_host }}:14000/dir
validate_certs: no
@ -96,6 +98,7 @@
## ACME STEP 2 ################################################################################
- name: ({{ certgen_title }}) Obtain cert, step 2
select_crypto_backend: "{{ select_crypto_backend }}"
acme_version: 2
acme_directory: https://{{ acme_host }}:14000/dir
validate_certs: no
@ -115,6 +118,7 @@
when: challenge_data is changed and account_key_content is not defined
- name: ({{ certgen_title }}) Obtain cert, step 2 (using account key data)
select_crypto_backend: "{{ select_crypto_backend }}"
acme_version: 2
acme_directory: https://{{ acme_host }}:14000/dir
validate_certs: no