Some refactoring of -- more to come to eliminate repeated code

Michael DeHaan 2012-02-05 12:48:52 -05:00
parent 6cceaa5f6a
commit b053df4182
1 changed files with 79 additions and 91 deletions

View File

@ -98,6 +98,80 @@ class Runner(object):
return [ False, traceback.format_exc() ]
def _return_from_module(self, conn, host, result):
return [ host, True, json.loads(result) ]
return [ host, False, result ]
def _delete_remote_files(self, conn, files):
for filename in files:
self._exec_command(conn, "rm -f %s" % filename)
def _execute_normal_module(self, conn, host):
''' transfer a module, set it executable, and run it '''
outpath = self._copy_module(conn)
self._exec_command(conn, "chmod +x %s" % outpath)
cmd = self._command(outpath)
result = self._exec_command(conn, cmd)
self._delete_remote_files(conn, outpath)
return self._return_from_module(conn, host, result)
def _execute_copy(self, conn, host):
''' transfer a file + copy module, run copy module, clean up '''
self.remote_log(conn, 'COPY remote:%s local:%s' % (self.module_args[0], self.module_args[1]))
source = self.module_args[0]
dest = self.module_args[1]
tmp_dest = self._get_tmp_path(conn, dest.split("/")[-1])
ftp = conn.open_sftp()
ftp.put(source, tmp_dest)
# install the copy module
self.module_name = 'copy'
outpath = self._copy_module(conn)
self._exec_command(conn, "chmod +x %s" % outpath)
# run the copy module
self.module_args = [ tmp_dest, dest ]
cmd = self._command(outpath)
result = self._exec_command(conn, cmd)
self._delete_remote_files(conn, [outpath, tmp_dest])
return self._return_from_module(conn, host, result)
def _execute_template(self, conn, host):
source = self.module_args[0]
dest = self.module_args[1]
metadata = '/etc/ansible/setup'
# first copy the source template over
tempname = os.path.split(source)[-1]
temppath = self._get_tmp_path(conn, tempname)
self.remote_log(conn, 'COPY remote:%s local:%s' % (source, temppath))
ftp = conn.open_sftp()
ftp.put(source, temppath)
# install the template module
self.module_name = 'template'
outpath = self._copy_module(conn)
self._exec_command(conn, "chmod +x %s" % outpath)
# run the template module
self.module_args = [ temppath, dest, metadata ]
result = self._exec_command(conn, self._command(outpath))
# clean up
self._delete_remote_files(conn, [ outpath, temppath ])
return self._return_from_module(conn, host, result)
def _executor(self, host):
callback executed in parallel for each host.
@ -105,104 +179,18 @@ class Runner(object):
where extra is the result of a successful connect
or a traceback string
# TODO: try/catch around JSON handling
ok, conn = self._connect(host)
if not ok:
return [ host, False, conn ]
if self.module_name not in [ 'copy', 'template' ]:
# transfer a module, set it executable, and run it
outpath = self._copy_module(conn)
self._exec_command(conn, "chmod +x %s" % outpath)
cmd = self._command(outpath)
result = self._exec_command(conn, cmd)
self._exec_command(conn, "rm -f %s" % outpath)
return [ host, True, json.loads(result) ]
return [ host, False, result ]
return self._execute_normal_module(conn, host)
elif self.module_name == 'copy':
# TODO: major refactoring pending
# do sftp then run actual copy module to get change info
self.remote_log(conn, 'COPY remote:%s local:%s' % (self.module_args[0], self.module_args[1]))
source = self.module_args[0]
dest = self.module_args[1]
tmp_dest = self._get_tmp_path(conn, dest.split("/")[-1])
ftp = conn.open_sftp()
ftp.put(source, tmp_dest)
# install the copy module
self.module_name = 'copy'
outpath = self._copy_module(conn)
self._exec_command(conn, "chmod +x %s" % outpath)
# run the copy module
self.module_args = [ tmp_dest, dest ]
cmd = self._command(outpath)
result = self._exec_command(conn, cmd)
# remove the module
self._exec_command(conn, "rm -f %s" % outpath)
# remove the temp file
self._exec_command(conn, "rm -f %s" % tmp_dest)
return [ host, True, json.loads(result) ]
return [ host, False, result ]
return [ host, True, 1 ]
return self._execute_copy(conn, host)
elif self.module_name == 'template':
# template runs COPY then the template module
# TODO: DRY/refactor these
# TODO: things like _copy_module should take the name as a param
# TODO: make it possible to override the /etc/ansible/setup file
# location for templating files as non-root
source = self.module_args[0]
dest = self.module_args[1]
metadata = '/etc/ansible/setup'
# first copy the source template over
tempname = os.path.split(source)[-1]
temppath = self._get_tmp_path(conn, tempname)
self.remote_log(conn, 'COPY remote:%s local:%s' % (source, temppath))
ftp = conn.open_sftp()
ftp.put(source, temppath)
# install the template module
self.module_name = 'template'
outpath = self._copy_module(conn)
self._exec_command(conn, "chmod +x %s" % outpath)
# run the template module
self.module_args = [ temppath, dest, metadata ]
result = self._exec_command(conn, self._command(outpath))
# clean up
self._exec_command(conn, "rm -f %s" % outpath)
self._exec_command(conn, "rm -f %s" % temppath)
return [ host, True, json.loads(result) ]
return [ host, False, result ]
return [ host, False, 1 ]
return self._execute_template(conn, host)
raise Exception("???")
def _command(self, outpath):
''' form up a command string '''