Port campifre to fetch_url

Toshio Kuratomi 2015-07-20 23:28:29 -07:00 committed by Matt Clay
parent 588ff5f512
commit bb0082a67d
1 changed files with 24 additions and 42 deletions

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@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ options:
"vuvuzela", "what", "whoomp", "yeah", "yodel"]
# informational: requirements for nodes
requirements: [ urllib2, cgi ]
requirements: [ ]
author: "Adam Garside (@fabulops)"
@ -53,19 +53,10 @@ EXAMPLES = '''
msg="Task completed ... with feeling."
import cgi
def main():
import urllib2
except ImportError:
module.fail_json(msg="urllib2 is required")
import cgi
except ImportError:
module.fail_json(msg="cgi is required")
module = AnsibleModule(
@ -102,42 +93,33 @@ def main():
MSTR = "<message><body>%s</body></message>"
AGENT = "Ansible/1.2"
# Hack to add basic auth username and password the way fetch_url expects
module.params['username'] = token
module.params['password'] = 'X'
# Setup basic auth using token as the username
pm = urllib2.HTTPPasswordMgrWithDefaultRealm()
pm.add_password(None, URI, token, 'X')
target_url = '%s/room/%s/speak.xml' % (URI, room)
headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/xml',
'User-agent': AGENT}
# Setup Handler and define the opener for the request
handler = urllib2.HTTPBasicAuthHandler(pm)
opener = urllib2.build_opener(handler)
# Send some audible notification if requested
if notify:
response, info = fetch_url(module, target_url, data=NSTR % cgi.escape(notify), headers=headers)
if info['status'] != 200:
module.fail_json(msg="unable to send msg: '%s', campfire api"
" returned error code: '%s'" %
(notify, info['status']))
target_url = '%s/room/%s/speak.xml' % (URI, room)
# Send some audible notification if requested
if notify:
req = urllib2.Request(target_url, NSTR % cgi.escape(notify))
req.add_header('Content-Type', 'application/xml')
req.add_header('User-agent', AGENT)
response = opener.open(req)
# Send the message
req = urllib2.Request(target_url, MSTR % cgi.escape(msg))
req.add_header('Content-Type', 'application/xml')
req.add_header('User-agent', AGENT)
response = opener.open(req)
except urllib2.HTTPError, e:
if not (200 <= e.code < 300):
module.fail_json(msg="unable to send msg: '%s', campfire api"
" returned error code: '%s'" %
(msg, e.code))
except Exception, e:
module.fail_json(msg="unable to send msg: %s" % msg)
# Send the message
response, info = fetch_url(module, target_url, data=MSTR %cgi.escape(msg), headers=headers)
if info['status'] != 200:
module.fail_json(msg="unable to send msg: '%s', campfire api"
" returned error code: '%s'" %
(msg, info['status']))
module.exit_json(changed=True, room=room, msg=msg, notify=notify)
# import module snippets
from ansible.module_utils.basic import *
from ansible.module_utils.urls import *
if __name__ == '__main__':