win_iis_webbinding: Fix bug with ipaddress * returning multiple bindings (#34721)
* win_iis_webbinding: Fix bug with ipaddress * returning multiple bindings instead of only the ones defined as *. Address possible future issues around hostheader * by just disallowing it. Resolves 25473. Added new test for this case. Removed all validation for https binding collisions due to difficulty in validating all cases in which they could or could not collide. As a result, also removed return values relating to certificate data. Updated testing and docs appropriately * win_iis_webbinding: added break to remove binding loopspull/4420/head
@ -52,83 +52,38 @@ function Create-BindingInfo {
# Used instead of get-webbinding to ensure we always return a single binding
# We can't filter properly with get-webbinding...ex get-webbinding ip * returns all bindings
# pass it $binding_parameters hashtable
function Get-SingleWebBinding {
$bind_search_splat = @{
'name' = $args[0].name
'protocol' = $args[0].protocol
'port' = $args[0].port
'ip' = $args[0].ip
'hostheader' = $args[0].hostheader
Try {
$site_bindings = get-webbinding -name $args[0].name
Catch {
# 2k8r2 throws this error when you run get-webbinding with no bindings in iis
If (-not $_.Exception.Message.CompareTo('Cannot process argument because the value of argument "obj" is null. Change the value of argument "obj" to a non-null value'))
Throw $_.Exception.Message
Else { return }
# if no bindings exist, get-webbinding fails with an error that can't be ignored via error actions on older systems
# let's ignore that specific error
If (-not $bind_search_splat['hostheader'])
Foreach ($binding in $site_bindings)
Try {
Get-WebBinding @bind_search_splat | Where-Object {$_.BindingInformation.Split(':')[-1] -eq [string]::Empty}
Catch {
If (-not $_.Exception.Message.CompareTo('Cannot process argument because the value of argument "obj" is null. Change the value of argument "obj" to a non-null value'))
Throw $_.Exception.Message
Try {
Get-WebBinding @bind_search_splat
Catch {
If (-not $_.Exception.Message.CompareTo('Cannot process argument because the value of argument "obj" is null. Change the value of argument "obj" to a non-null value'))
Throw $_.Exception.Message
$splits = $binding.bindingInformation -split ':'
if (
$args[0].protocol -eq $binding.protocol -and
$args[0].ipaddress -eq $splits[0] -and
$args[0].port -eq $splits[1] -and
$args[0].hostheader -eq $splits[2]
Return $binding
Function Get-CertificateSubjects {
Param (
If (-Not (Test-Path $CertPath) )
Fail-Json -obj $result -message "Unable to locate certificate at $CertPath"
$cert = get-item $CertPath
If ([version][System.Environment]::OSVersion.Version -ge [version]6.2)
$san = $cert.extensions | Where-Object {$_.Oid.FriendlyName -eq 'Subject Alternative Name'}
If ($san)
$san.Format(1) -split '\r\n' | Where-Object {$_} | ForEach-Object {
($_ -split '=')[-1]
If ($cert.subject -like "*,*")
($cert.Subject | Select-String "CN=(.*?),?").matches.groups[-1].value
$cert.subject -replace "CN=",''
### Pre-Action Validation ###
@ -203,29 +158,6 @@ If ($certificateHash -and $state -eq 'present')
Fail-Json -obj $result -message "Unable to locate certificate at $cert_path"
#check if cert is wildcard and update results with useful info.
$cert_subjects = Get-CertificateSubjects $cert_path
$result.certificate_subjects = $cert_subjects
If ($cert_subjects | Where-Object {$_ -match '^\*'})
$cert_is_wildcard = $true
$result.cert_is_wildcard = $cert_is_wildcard
$cert_is_wildcard = $false
$result.cert_is_wildcard = $cert_is_wildcard
If ($os_version -lt [version]6.2 -and $host_header -and -not $cert_is_wildcard)
Fail-Json -obj $result -message "You cannot specify host headers with SSL unless it is a wildcard certificate."
Elseif ($os_version -ge [version]6.2 -and $host_header -and (-not $cert_is_wildcard -and $sslFlags -eq 0))
Fail-Json -obj $result -message "You cannot specify host headers with SSL unless it is a wildcard certificate or SNI is enabled."
# make sure binding info is valid for central cert store if sslflags -gt 1
@ -236,10 +168,10 @@ If ($sslFlags -gt 1 -and ($certificateHash -ne [string]::Empty -or $certificateS
the certificate is automatically retrieved from the store rather than manually assigned to the binding."
# make sure host_header: '*' only present when state: absent
If ($host_header -match '^\*$' -and $state -ne 'absent')
# disallow host_header: '*'
If ($host_header -eq '*')
Fail-Json -obj $result -message "host_header: '*' can only be used in combinaiton with state: absent"
Fail-Json -obj $result -message "To make or remove a catch-all binding, please omit the host_header parameter entirely rather than specify host_header *"
@ -259,6 +191,10 @@ If ($host_header)
$binding_parameters.HostHeader = $host_header
$binding_parameters.HostHeader = [string]::Empty
# Get bindings matching parameters
Try {
@ -274,10 +210,27 @@ Catch {
If ($current_bindings -and $state -eq 'absent')
Try {
# will remove multiple objects in the case of * host header
$current_bindings | Remove-WebBinding -WhatIf:$check_mode
#there is a bug in this method that will result in all bindings being removed if the IP in $current_bindings is a *
#$current_bindings | Remove-WebBinding -verbose -WhatIf:$check_mode
#another method that did not work. It kept failing to match on element and removed everything.
#$element = @{protocol="$protocol";bindingInformation="$ip`:$port`:$host_header"}
#Remove-WebconfigurationProperty -filter $current_bindings.ItemXPath -Name Bindings.collection -AtElement $element -WhatIf #:$check_mode
#this method works
[array]$bindings = Get-WebconfigurationProperty -filter $current_bindings.ItemXPath -Name Bindings.collection
$index = Foreach ($item in $bindings) {
If ( $protocol -eq $item.protocol -and $current_bindings.bindingInformation -eq $item.bindingInformation ) {
Remove-WebconfigurationProperty -filter $current_bindings.ItemXPath -Name Bindings.collection -AtIndex $index -WhatIf:$check_mode
$result.changed = $true
Catch {
Fail-Json -obj $result -message "Failed to remove the binding from IIS - $($_.Exception.Message)"
@ -299,7 +252,7 @@ ElseIf (-Not $current_bindings -and $state -eq 'absent')
### Modify existing bindings ###
since we have already.binding_info the parameters available to get-webbinding,
since we have already have the parameters available to get-webbinding,
we just need to check here for the ones that are not available which are the
ssl settings (hash, store, sslflags). If they aren't set we update here, or
exit with changed: false
@ -373,44 +326,6 @@ ElseIf ($current_bindings)
ElseIf (-not $current_bindings -and $state -eq 'present')
If ($certificateHash)
Make sure a valid binding is specified. It's possible for another site to have a binding on the same IP:PORT. If
we bind to that same ip port without hostheader/sni it will cause a collision. Note, this check only matters for
https. Http will generate an error when new-webbinding is called if there is a conflict, unlike https.
I couldn't think of a good way to handle scenarios involving wildcards. There's just too many to think about and I
wouldn't want to potentially hard fail valid scenarios here that I did not those can still collide. We just skip
validation anytime an existing binding is a wildcard.
If a collision does occur, the website will be stopped. To help with this we'll return the website state into results.
#use this instead of get-webbinding. on 2k8r2 get-webbinding fails with an error if a site with no bindings exists
$binding_matches = (Get-Website).bindings.collection | Where-Object {$_.BindingInformation -eq "$ip`:$port`:"}
#get dns names for all certs in matching bindings
$subjects = Foreach ($binding in $binding_matches)
$cert_path = "cert:\localmachine\$($binding.certificatestorename)\$($binding.certificatehash)"
Get-CertificateSubjects $cert_path
#skip validating scenarios where existing certs are wildcard
If (-not ($subjects | Where-Object {$_ -match "^\*"}))
If ($sslFlags -eq 0 -and $binding_matches -and $os_version -gt [version]6.2)
Fail-Json -obj $result -message "A conflicting binding has been found on the same ip $ip and port $port. To continue, you will either have to remove the offending binding or enable sni"
ElseIf ($binding_matches -and $os_version -lt [version]6.2)
Fail-Json -obj $result -message "A conflicting binding has been found on the same ip $ip and port $port. To continue you will need to remove the existing binding or assign a new IP or Port to this one"
# add binding. this creates the binding, but does not apply a certificate to it.
@ -437,7 +352,8 @@ ElseIf (-not $current_bindings -and $state -eq 'present')
If ($certificateHash -and -not $check_mode)
Try {
$new_binding = get-webbinding -Name $name -IPAddress $ip -port $port -Protocol $protocol -hostheader $host_header
#$new_binding = get-webbinding -Name $name -IPAddress $ip -port $port -Protocol $protocol -hostheader $host_header
$new_binding = Get-SingleWebBinding $binding_parameters
Catch {
@ -42,8 +42,7 @@ options:
- The host header to bind to / use for the new site.
- For state absent, you can use c('*') here to remove all bindings for a particular
protocol/ip/port combination.
- If you are creating/removing a catch-all binding, omit this parameter rather than defining it as '*'.
- The protocol to be used for the Web binding (usually HTTP, HTTPS, or FTP).
@ -80,11 +79,19 @@ EXAMPLES = r'''
port: 9090
state: absent
- name: Remove the default http binding
name: Default Web Site
port: 80
ip: '*'
state: absent
- name: Add a HTTPS binding
name: Default Web Site
protocol: https
port: 443
certificate_hash: B0D0FA8408FC67B230338FCA584D03792DA73F4C
state: present
@ -97,31 +104,9 @@ EXAMPLES = r'''
ssl_flags: 1
certificate_hash: D1A3AF8988FD32D1A3AF8988FD323792DA73F4C
state: present
- name: Remove all https bindings on port 443
name: Default Web Site
protocol: https
port: 443
host_header: '*'
state: absent
RETURN = r'''
- Tells you if the certificate you are using is a wildcard
returned: when certificate_hash is defined
type: boolean
sample: false
version_added: "2.5"
- All of the subject names for the certificate you are using
returned: when certificate_hash is defined
type: list
sample: ["*",""]
version_added: "2.5"
- The state of the website being targetted
@ -4,24 +4,18 @@
# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or
#Requires -Module Ansible.ModuleUtils.Legacy
$params = Parse-Args -arguments $args -supports_check_mode $true
$check_mode = Get-AnsibleParam -obj $params -name "_ansible_check_mode" -type "bool" -default $false
$name = Get-AnsibleParam $params -name "name" -type str -failifempty $true -aliases 'website'
#$state = Get-AnsibleParam $params "state" -default "present" -validateSet "present","absent"
$host_header = Get-AnsibleParam $params -name "host_header" -type str
$protocol = Get-AnsibleParam $params -name "protocol" -type str -default 'http'
$port = Get-AnsibleParam $params -name "port" -type int -default '80'
$ip = Get-AnsibleParam $params -name "ip" -default '*'
$certificateHash = Get-AnsibleParam $params -name "certificate_hash" -type str
$certificateStoreName = Get-AnsibleParam $params -name "certificate_store_name" -type str
$sslFlags = Get-AnsibleParam $params -name "ssl_flags" -type int -default '0' -ValidateSet '0','1','2','3'
$result = @{
changed = $false
function Create-BindingInfo {
$ht = @{
'bindingInformation' = $args[0].bindingInformation
@ -50,48 +44,41 @@ function Create-BindingInfo {
# Used instead of get-webbinding to ensure we always return a single binding
# pass it $binding_parameters hashtable
function Get-SingleWebBinding {
$bind_search_splat = @{
'name' = $args[0].name
'protocol' = $args[0].protocol
'port' = $args[0].port
'ip' = $args[0].ip
'hostheader' = $args[0].hostheader
Try {
$site_bindings = get-webbinding -name $args[0].name
Catch {
# 2k8r2 throws this error when you run get-webbinding with no bindings in iis
If (-not $_.Exception.Message.CompareTo('Cannot process argument because the value of argument "obj" is null. Change the value of argument "obj" to a non-null value'))
Throw $_.Exception.Message
Else { return }
# if no bindings exist, get-webbinding fails with an error that can't be ignored via error actions on older systems
# let's ignore that specific error
If (-not $bind_search_splat['hostheader'])
Foreach ($binding in $site_bindings)
Try {
Get-WebBinding @bind_search_splat | Where-Object {$_.BindingInformation.Split(':')[-1] -eq [string]::Empty}
Catch {
If (-not $_.Exception.Message.CompareTo('Cannot process argument because the value of argument "obj" is null. Change the value of argument "obj" to a non-null value'))
Throw $_.Exception.Message
Try {
Get-WebBinding @bind_search_splat
Catch {
If (-not $_.Exception.Message.CompareTo('Cannot process argument because the value of argument "obj" is null. Change the value of argument "obj" to a non-null value'))
Throw $_.Exception.Message
$splits = $binding.bindingInformation -split ':'
if (
$args[0].protocol -eq $binding.protocol -and
$args[0].ipaddress -eq $splits[0] -and
$args[0].port -eq $splits[1] -and
$args[0].hostheader -eq $splits[2]
Return $binding
# create binding search splat
$binding_parameters = @{
Name = $name
Protocol = $protocol
Port = $port
IPAddress = $ip
Name = $name
Protocol = $protocol
Port = $port
IPAddress = $ip
# insert host header to search if specified, otherwise it will return * (all bindings matching protocol/ip)
@ -99,6 +86,10 @@ If ($host_header)
$binding_parameters.HostHeader = $host_header
$binding_parameters.HostHeader = [string]::Empty
# Get bindings matching parameters
Try {
@ -119,4 +110,4 @@ If ($current_bindings)
$result.binding = $binding_info
exit-json -obj $result
exit-json -obj $result
@ -1,17 +1,12 @@
- name: failure check bind with host header but no wc or sni
- name: failure check define * for host header
name: "{{ test_iis_site_name }}"
state: present
protocol: https
host_header: '*'
protocol: http
ip: '*'
port: 443
certificate_hash: "{{ thumbprint1.stdout_lines[0] }}"
ssl_flags: 0
register: failure
- failure.msg != "You cannot specify host headers with SSL unless it is a wildcard certificate."
- failure.msg != "You cannot specify host headers with SSL unless it is a wildcard certificate or SNI is enabled."
failed_when: failure.msg != "To make or remove a catch-all binding, please omit the host_header parameter entirely rather than specify host_header *"
- debug:
var: failure
@ -29,46 +24,47 @@
- "{{ existing_sites.stdout_lines }}"
- name: add sites
- name: add testremove site
name: "{{ }}"
name: testremove
state: started
port: "{{ item.port }}"
physical_path: c:\inetpub\wwwroot
- name: add bindings to testremove
name: testremove
ip: "{{ item.ip }}"
port: "{{ item.port }}"
- {name: testconflict1, port: 8080}
- {name: testconflict2, port: 8081}
- {ip:, port: 80}
- {ip: '*', port: 80}
- name: add https binding to testconflict1
- name: remove ip * binding from testremove
name: testconflict1
state: present
protocol: https
port: 443
certificate_hash: "{{ thumbprint1.stdout_lines[0] }}"
name: testremove
state: absent
port: 80
ip: '*'
- name: add https binding to testconflict2 (expect failure)
name: testconflict2
state: present
protocol: https
- name: get the remaining binding from testremove
name: testremove
port: 80
port: 443
certificate_hash: "{{ thumbprint1.stdout_lines[0] }}"
register: failure
failed_when: '"A conflicting binding has been found on the same ip" not in failure.msg'
register: test_result
- debug:
var: failure
var: test_result
verbosity: 1
- name: assert that remove *:80 doesn't also remove
- test_result.binding.ip == ''
- test_result.binding.port == 80
- name: remove websites
name: "{{ item }}"
name: testremove
state: absent
- testconflict1
- testconflict2
@ -315,58 +315,3 @@
- http_header is not changed
- http_header.binding_info is not defined
- get_http_header.binding is not defined
#bulk remove cm
#add multiple bindings - verify they're present
- name: bulk add http binding with header
name: "{{ test_iis_site_name }}"
state: present
host_header: "{{ item }}"
protocol: http
ip: '*'
port: 80
register: http_header
- name: assert that 3 bindings were added
- http_header is changed
- http_header | json_query('results[*].binding_info') | length == 3
#cm remove with host_header: '*' - verify changed true and that bulk remove tries to get them all
#remove with host_header: '*'
- name: bulk remove http binding with header
name: "{{ test_iis_site_name }}"
state: absent
host_header: '*'
protocol: http
ip: '*'
port: 80
register: http_header
- name: get binding info header
name: "{{ test_iis_site_name }}"
host_header: "{{ item }}"
protocol: http
ip: '*'
port: 80
register: get_http_header
changed_when: false
- name: bulk remove assert that bindings are gone
- http_header is changed
- http_header.binding_info | length == 3
@ -35,7 +35,6 @@
state: absent
protocol: "{{ item.protocol }}"
port: "{{ item.port }}"
host_header: '*'
- {protocol: http, port: 80}
- {protocol: https, port: 443}
@ -83,6 +82,12 @@
raw: '(gci Cert:\LocalMachine\my | ? {$_.subject -eq "CN=*"})[0].Thumbprint'
register: thumbprint_wc
- debug: var=thumbprint1.stdout
- debug: var=thumbprint2.stdout
- debug: var=thumbprint_wc.stdout
- debug:
var: thumbprint1.stdout
verbosity: 1
- debug:
var: thumbprint2.stdout
verbosity: 1
- debug:
var: thumbprint_wc.stdout
verbosity: 1
Reference in New Issue