diff --git a/lib/ansible/modules/network/fortios/fortios_vpn_ipsec_phase1_interface.py b/lib/ansible/modules/network/fortios/fortios_vpn_ipsec_phase1_interface.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..546006b329
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/ansible/modules/network/fortios/fortios_vpn_ipsec_phase1_interface.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1309 @@
+from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)
+# Copyright 2019 Fortinet, Inc.
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see .
+# the lib use python logging can get it if the following is set in your
+# Ansible config.
+__metaclass__ = type
+ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'status': ['preview'],
+ 'supported_by': 'community',
+ 'metadata_version': '1.1'}
+module: fortios_vpn_ipsec_phase1_interface
+short_description: Configure VPN remote gateway in Fortinet's FortiOS and FortiGate.
+ - This module is able to configure a FortiGate or FortiOS by allowing the
+ user to set and modify vpn_ipsec feature and phase1_interface category.
+ Examples include all parameters and values need to be adjusted to datasources before usage.
+ Tested with FOS v6.0.2
+version_added: "2.8"
+ - Miguel Angel Munoz (@mamunozgonzalez)
+ - Nicolas Thomas (@thomnico)
+ - Requires fortiosapi library developed by Fortinet
+ - Run as a local_action in your playbook
+ - fortiosapi>=0.9.8
+ host:
+ description:
+ - FortiOS or FortiGate ip address.
+ required: true
+ username:
+ description:
+ - FortiOS or FortiGate username.
+ required: true
+ password:
+ description:
+ - FortiOS or FortiGate password.
+ default: ""
+ vdom:
+ description:
+ - Virtual domain, among those defined previously. A vdom is a
+ virtual instance of the FortiGate that can be configured and
+ used as a different unit.
+ default: root
+ https:
+ description:
+ - Indicates if the requests towards FortiGate must use HTTPS
+ protocol
+ type: bool
+ default: true
+ vpn_ipsec_phase1_interface:
+ description:
+ - Configure VPN remote gateway.
+ default: null
+ suboptions:
+ state:
+ description:
+ - Indicates whether to create or remove the object
+ choices:
+ - present
+ - absent
+ acct-verify:
+ description:
+ - Enable/disable verification of RADIUS accounting record.
+ choices:
+ - enable
+ - disable
+ add-gw-route:
+ description:
+ - Enable/disable automatically add a route to the remote gateway.
+ choices:
+ - enable
+ - disable
+ add-route:
+ description:
+ - Enable/disable control addition of a route to peer destination selector.
+ choices:
+ - disable
+ - enable
+ assign-ip:
+ description:
+ - Enable/disable assignment of IP to IPsec interface via configuration method.
+ choices:
+ - disable
+ - enable
+ assign-ip-from:
+ description:
+ - Method by which the IP address will be assigned.
+ choices:
+ - range
+ - usrgrp
+ - dhcp
+ - name
+ authmethod:
+ description:
+ - Authentication method.
+ choices:
+ - psk
+ - signature
+ authmethod-remote:
+ description:
+ - Authentication method (remote side).
+ choices:
+ - psk
+ - signature
+ authpasswd:
+ description:
+ - XAuth password (max 35 characters).
+ authusr:
+ description:
+ - XAuth user name.
+ authusrgrp:
+ description:
+ - Authentication user group. Source user.group.name.
+ auto-discovery-forwarder:
+ description:
+ - Enable/disable forwarding auto-discovery short-cut messages.
+ choices:
+ - enable
+ - disable
+ auto-discovery-psk:
+ description:
+ - Enable/disable use of pre-shared secrets for authentication of auto-discovery tunnels.
+ choices:
+ - enable
+ - disable
+ auto-discovery-receiver:
+ description:
+ - Enable/disable accepting auto-discovery short-cut messages.
+ choices:
+ - enable
+ - disable
+ auto-discovery-sender:
+ description:
+ - Enable/disable sending auto-discovery short-cut messages.
+ choices:
+ - enable
+ - disable
+ auto-negotiate:
+ description:
+ - Enable/disable automatic initiation of IKE SA negotiation.
+ choices:
+ - enable
+ - disable
+ backup-gateway:
+ description:
+ - Instruct unity clients about the backup gateway address(es).
+ suboptions:
+ address:
+ description:
+ - Address of backup gateway.
+ required: true
+ banner:
+ description:
+ - Message that unity client should display after connecting.
+ cert-id-validation:
+ description:
+ - Enable/disable cross validation of peer ID and the identity in the peer's certificate as specified in RFC 4945.
+ choices:
+ - enable
+ - disable
+ certificate:
+ description:
+ - The names of up to 4 signed personal certificates.
+ suboptions:
+ name:
+ description:
+ - Certificate name. Source vpn.certificate.local.name.
+ required: true
+ childless-ike:
+ description:
+ - Enable/disable childless IKEv2 initiation (RFC 6023).
+ choices:
+ - enable
+ - disable
+ client-auto-negotiate:
+ description:
+ - Enable/disable allowing the VPN client to bring up the tunnel when there is no traffic.
+ choices:
+ - disable
+ - enable
+ client-keep-alive:
+ description:
+ - Enable/disable allowing the VPN client to keep the tunnel up when there is no traffic.
+ choices:
+ - disable
+ - enable
+ comments:
+ description:
+ - Comment.
+ default-gw:
+ description:
+ - IPv4 address of default route gateway to use for traffic exiting the interface.
+ default-gw-priority:
+ description:
+ - Priority for default gateway route. A higher priority number signifies a less preferred route.
+ dhgrp:
+ description:
+ - DH group.
+ choices:
+ - 1
+ - 2
+ - 5
+ - 14
+ - 15
+ - 16
+ - 17
+ - 18
+ - 19
+ - 20
+ - 21
+ - 27
+ - 28
+ - 29
+ - 30
+ - 31
+ digital-signature-auth:
+ description:
+ - Enable/disable IKEv2 Digital Signature Authentication (RFC 7427).
+ choices:
+ - enable
+ - disable
+ distance:
+ description:
+ - Distance for routes added by IKE (1 - 255).
+ dns-mode:
+ description:
+ - DNS server mode.
+ choices:
+ - manual
+ - auto
+ domain:
+ description:
+ - Instruct unity clients about the default DNS domain.
+ dpd:
+ description:
+ - Dead Peer Detection mode.
+ choices:
+ - disable
+ - on-idle
+ - on-demand
+ dpd-retrycount:
+ description:
+ - Number of DPD retry attempts.
+ dpd-retryinterval:
+ description:
+ - DPD retry interval.
+ eap:
+ description:
+ - Enable/disable IKEv2 EAP authentication.
+ choices:
+ - enable
+ - disable
+ eap-identity:
+ description:
+ - IKEv2 EAP peer identity type.
+ choices:
+ - use-id-payload
+ - send-request
+ encap-local-gw4:
+ description:
+ - Local IPv4 address of GRE/VXLAN tunnel.
+ encap-local-gw6:
+ description:
+ - Local IPv6 address of GRE/VXLAN tunnel.
+ encap-remote-gw4:
+ description:
+ - Remote IPv4 address of GRE/VXLAN tunnel.
+ encap-remote-gw6:
+ description:
+ - Remote IPv6 address of GRE/VXLAN tunnel.
+ encapsulation:
+ description:
+ - Enable/disable GRE/VXLAN encapsulation.
+ choices:
+ - none
+ - gre
+ - vxlan
+ encapsulation-address:
+ description:
+ - Source for GRE/VXLAN tunnel address.
+ choices:
+ - ike
+ - ipv4
+ - ipv6
+ enforce-unique-id:
+ description:
+ - Enable/disable peer ID uniqueness check.
+ choices:
+ - disable
+ - keep-new
+ - keep-old
+ exchange-interface-ip:
+ description:
+ - Enable/disable exchange of IPsec interface IP address.
+ choices:
+ - enable
+ - disable
+ forticlient-enforcement:
+ description:
+ - Enable/disable FortiClient enforcement.
+ choices:
+ - enable
+ - disable
+ fragmentation:
+ description:
+ - Enable/disable fragment IKE message on re-transmission.
+ choices:
+ - enable
+ - disable
+ fragmentation-mtu:
+ description:
+ - IKE fragmentation MTU (500 - 16000).
+ group-authentication:
+ description:
+ - Enable/disable IKEv2 IDi group authentication.
+ choices:
+ - enable
+ - disable
+ group-authentication-secret:
+ description:
+ - Password for IKEv2 IDi group authentication. (ASCII string or hexadecimal indicated by a leading 0x.)
+ ha-sync-esp-seqno:
+ description:
+ - Enable/disable sequence number jump ahead for IPsec HA.
+ choices:
+ - enable
+ - disable
+ idle-timeout:
+ description:
+ - Enable/disable IPsec tunnel idle timeout.
+ choices:
+ - enable
+ - disable
+ idle-timeoutinterval:
+ description:
+ - IPsec tunnel idle timeout in minutes (5 - 43200).
+ ike-version:
+ description:
+ - IKE protocol version.
+ choices:
+ - 1
+ - 2
+ include-local-lan:
+ description:
+ - Enable/disable allow local LAN access on unity clients.
+ choices:
+ - disable
+ - enable
+ interface:
+ description:
+ - Local physical, aggregate, or VLAN outgoing interface. Source system.interface.name.
+ ip-version:
+ description:
+ - IP version to use for VPN interface.
+ choices:
+ - 4
+ - 6
+ ipv4-dns-server1:
+ description:
+ - IPv4 DNS server 1.
+ ipv4-dns-server2:
+ description:
+ - IPv4 DNS server 2.
+ ipv4-dns-server3:
+ description:
+ - IPv4 DNS server 3.
+ ipv4-end-ip:
+ description:
+ - End of IPv4 range.
+ ipv4-exclude-range:
+ description:
+ - Configuration Method IPv4 exclude ranges.
+ suboptions:
+ end-ip:
+ description:
+ - End of IPv4 exclusive range.
+ id:
+ description:
+ - ID.
+ required: true
+ start-ip:
+ description:
+ - Start of IPv4 exclusive range.
+ ipv4-name:
+ description:
+ - IPv4 address name. Source firewall.address.name firewall.addrgrp.name.
+ ipv4-netmask:
+ description:
+ - IPv4 Netmask.
+ ipv4-split-exclude:
+ description:
+ - IPv4 subnets that should not be sent over the IPsec tunnel. Source firewall.address.name firewall.addrgrp.name.
+ ipv4-split-include:
+ description:
+ - IPv4 split-include subnets. Source firewall.address.name firewall.addrgrp.name.
+ ipv4-start-ip:
+ description:
+ - Start of IPv4 range.
+ ipv4-wins-server1:
+ description:
+ - WINS server 1.
+ ipv4-wins-server2:
+ description:
+ - WINS server 2.
+ ipv6-dns-server1:
+ description:
+ - IPv6 DNS server 1.
+ ipv6-dns-server2:
+ description:
+ - IPv6 DNS server 2.
+ ipv6-dns-server3:
+ description:
+ - IPv6 DNS server 3.
+ ipv6-end-ip:
+ description:
+ - End of IPv6 range.
+ ipv6-exclude-range:
+ description:
+ - Configuration method IPv6 exclude ranges.
+ suboptions:
+ end-ip:
+ description:
+ - End of IPv6 exclusive range.
+ id:
+ description:
+ - ID.
+ required: true
+ start-ip:
+ description:
+ - Start of IPv6 exclusive range.
+ ipv6-name:
+ description:
+ - IPv6 address name. Source firewall.address6.name firewall.addrgrp6.name.
+ ipv6-prefix:
+ description:
+ - IPv6 prefix.
+ ipv6-split-exclude:
+ description:
+ - IPv6 subnets that should not be sent over the IPsec tunnel. Source firewall.address6.name firewall.addrgrp6.name.
+ ipv6-split-include:
+ description:
+ - IPv6 split-include subnets. Source firewall.address6.name firewall.addrgrp6.name.
+ ipv6-start-ip:
+ description:
+ - Start of IPv6 range.
+ keepalive:
+ description:
+ - NAT-T keep alive interval.
+ keylife:
+ description:
+ - Time to wait in seconds before phase 1 encryption key expires.
+ local-gw:
+ description:
+ - IPv4 address of the local gateway's external interface.
+ local-gw6:
+ description:
+ - IPv6 address of the local gateway's external interface.
+ localid:
+ description:
+ - Local ID.
+ localid-type:
+ description:
+ - Local ID type.
+ choices:
+ - auto
+ - fqdn
+ - user-fqdn
+ - keyid
+ - address
+ - asn1dn
+ mesh-selector-type:
+ description:
+ - Add selectors containing subsets of the configuration depending on traffic.
+ choices:
+ - disable
+ - subnet
+ - host
+ mode:
+ description:
+ - The ID protection mode used to establish a secure channel.
+ choices:
+ - aggressive
+ - main
+ mode-cfg:
+ description:
+ - Enable/disable configuration method.
+ choices:
+ - disable
+ - enable
+ monitor:
+ description:
+ - IPsec interface as backup for primary interface. Source vpn.ipsec.phase1-interface.name.
+ monitor-hold-down-delay:
+ description:
+ - Time to wait in seconds before recovery once primary re-establishes.
+ monitor-hold-down-time:
+ description:
+ - Time of day at which to fail back to primary after it re-establishes.
+ monitor-hold-down-type:
+ description:
+ - Recovery time method when primary interface re-establishes.
+ choices:
+ - immediate
+ - delay
+ - time
+ monitor-hold-down-weekday:
+ description:
+ - Day of the week to recover once primary re-establishes.
+ choices:
+ - everyday
+ - sunday
+ - monday
+ - tuesday
+ - wednesday
+ - thursday
+ - friday
+ - saturday
+ name:
+ description:
+ - IPsec remote gateway name.
+ required: true
+ nattraversal:
+ description:
+ - Enable/disable NAT traversal.
+ choices:
+ - enable
+ - disable
+ - forced
+ negotiate-timeout:
+ description:
+ - IKE SA negotiation timeout in seconds (1 - 300).
+ net-device:
+ description:
+ - Enable/disable kernel device creation for dialup instances.
+ choices:
+ - enable
+ - disable
+ npu-offload:
+ description:
+ - Enable/disable offloading NPU.
+ choices:
+ - enable
+ - disable
+ passive-mode:
+ description:
+ - Enable/disable IPsec passive mode for static tunnels.
+ choices:
+ - enable
+ - disable
+ peer:
+ description:
+ - Accept this peer certificate. Source user.peer.name.
+ peergrp:
+ description:
+ - Accept this peer certificate group. Source user.peergrp.name.
+ peerid:
+ description:
+ - Accept this peer identity.
+ peertype:
+ description:
+ - Accept this peer type.
+ choices:
+ - any
+ - one
+ - dialup
+ - peer
+ - peergrp
+ ppk:
+ description:
+ - Enable/disable IKEv2 Postquantum Preshared Key (PPK).
+ choices:
+ - disable
+ - allow
+ - require
+ ppk-identity:
+ description:
+ - IKEv2 Postquantum Preshared Key Identity.
+ ppk-secret:
+ description:
+ - IKEv2 Postquantum Preshared Key (ASCII string or hexadecimal encoded with a leading 0x).
+ priority:
+ description:
+ - Priority for routes added by IKE (0 - 4294967295).
+ proposal:
+ description:
+ - Phase1 proposal.
+ choices:
+ - des-md5
+ - des-sha1
+ - des-sha256
+ - des-sha384
+ - des-sha512
+ psksecret:
+ description:
+ - Pre-shared secret for PSK authentication (ASCII string or hexadecimal encoded with a leading 0x).
+ psksecret-remote:
+ description:
+ - Pre-shared secret for remote side PSK authentication (ASCII string or hexadecimal encoded with a leading 0x).
+ reauth:
+ description:
+ - Enable/disable re-authentication upon IKE SA lifetime expiration.
+ choices:
+ - disable
+ - enable
+ rekey:
+ description:
+ - Enable/disable phase1 rekey.
+ choices:
+ - enable
+ - disable
+ remote-gw:
+ description:
+ - IPv4 address of the remote gateway's external interface.
+ remote-gw6:
+ description:
+ - IPv6 address of the remote gateway's external interface.
+ remotegw-ddns:
+ description:
+ - Domain name of remote gateway (eg. name.DDNS.com).
+ rsa-signature-format:
+ description:
+ - Digital Signature Authentication RSA signature format.
+ choices:
+ - pkcs1
+ - pss
+ save-password:
+ description:
+ - Enable/disable saving XAuth username and password on VPN clients.
+ choices:
+ - disable
+ - enable
+ send-cert-chain:
+ description:
+ - Enable/disable sending certificate chain.
+ choices:
+ - enable
+ - disable
+ signature-hash-alg:
+ description:
+ - Digital Signature Authentication hash algorithms.
+ choices:
+ - sha1
+ - sha2-256
+ - sha2-384
+ - sha2-512
+ split-include-service:
+ description:
+ - Split-include services. Source firewall.service.group.name firewall.service.custom.name.
+ suite-b:
+ description:
+ - Use Suite-B.
+ choices:
+ - disable
+ - suite-b-gcm-128
+ - suite-b-gcm-256
+ tunnel-search:
+ description:
+ - Tunnel search method for when the interface is shared.
+ choices:
+ - selectors
+ - nexthop
+ type:
+ description:
+ - Remote gateway type.
+ choices:
+ - static
+ - dynamic
+ - ddns
+ unity-support:
+ description:
+ - Enable/disable support for Cisco UNITY Configuration Method extensions.
+ choices:
+ - disable
+ - enable
+ usrgrp:
+ description:
+ - User group name for dialup peers. Source user.group.name.
+ vni:
+ description:
+ - VNI of VXLAN tunnel.
+ wizard-type:
+ description:
+ - GUI VPN Wizard Type.
+ choices:
+ - custom
+ - dialup-forticlient
+ - dialup-ios
+ - dialup-android
+ - dialup-windows
+ - dialup-cisco
+ - static-fortigate
+ - dialup-fortigate
+ - static-cisco
+ - dialup-cisco-fw
+ xauthtype:
+ description:
+ - XAuth type.
+ choices:
+ - disable
+ - client
+ - pap
+ - chap
+ - auto
+- hosts: localhost
+ vars:
+ host: ""
+ username: "admin"
+ password: ""
+ vdom: "root"
+ tasks:
+ - name: Configure VPN remote gateway.
+ fortios_vpn_ipsec_phase1_interface:
+ host: "{{ host }}"
+ username: "{{ username }}"
+ password: "{{ password }}"
+ vdom: "{{ vdom }}"
+ https: "False"
+ vpn_ipsec_phase1_interface:
+ state: "present"
+ acct-verify: "enable"
+ add-gw-route: "enable"
+ add-route: "disable"
+ assign-ip: "disable"
+ assign-ip-from: "range"
+ authmethod: "psk"
+ authmethod-remote: "psk"
+ authpasswd: ""
+ authusr: ""
+ authusrgrp: " (source user.group.name)"
+ auto-discovery-forwarder: "enable"
+ auto-discovery-psk: "enable"
+ auto-discovery-receiver: "enable"
+ auto-discovery-sender: "enable"
+ auto-negotiate: "enable"
+ backup-gateway:
+ -
+ address: ""
+ banner: ""
+ cert-id-validation: "enable"
+ certificate:
+ -
+ name: "default_name_23 (source vpn.certificate.local.name)"
+ childless-ike: "enable"
+ client-auto-negotiate: "disable"
+ client-keep-alive: "disable"
+ comments: ""
+ default-gw: ""
+ default-gw-priority: "29"
+ dhgrp: "1"
+ digital-signature-auth: "enable"
+ distance: "32"
+ dns-mode: "manual"
+ domain: ""
+ dpd: "disable"
+ dpd-retrycount: "36"
+ dpd-retryinterval: ""
+ eap: "enable"
+ eap-identity: "use-id-payload"
+ encap-local-gw4: ""
+ encap-local-gw6: ""
+ encap-remote-gw4: ""
+ encap-remote-gw6: ""
+ encapsulation: "none"
+ encapsulation-address: "ike"
+ enforce-unique-id: "disable"
+ exchange-interface-ip: "enable"
+ forticlient-enforcement: "enable"
+ fragmentation: "enable"
+ fragmentation-mtu: "50"
+ group-authentication: "enable"
+ group-authentication-secret: ""
+ ha-sync-esp-seqno: "enable"
+ idle-timeout: "enable"
+ idle-timeoutinterval: "55"
+ ike-version: "1"
+ include-local-lan: "disable"
+ interface: " (source system.interface.name)"
+ ip-version: "4"
+ ipv4-dns-server1: ""
+ ipv4-dns-server2: ""
+ ipv4-dns-server3: ""
+ ipv4-end-ip: ""
+ ipv4-exclude-range:
+ -
+ end-ip: ""
+ id: "66"
+ start-ip: ""
+ ipv4-name: " (source firewall.address.name firewall.addrgrp.name)"
+ ipv4-netmask: ""
+ ipv4-split-exclude: " (source firewall.address.name firewall.addrgrp.name)"
+ ipv4-split-include: " (source firewall.address.name firewall.addrgrp.name)"
+ ipv4-start-ip: ""
+ ipv4-wins-server1: ""
+ ipv4-wins-server2: ""
+ ipv6-dns-server1: ""
+ ipv6-dns-server2: ""
+ ipv6-dns-server3: ""
+ ipv6-end-ip: ""
+ ipv6-exclude-range:
+ -
+ end-ip: ""
+ id: "81"
+ start-ip: ""
+ ipv6-name: " (source firewall.address6.name firewall.addrgrp6.name)"
+ ipv6-prefix: "84"
+ ipv6-split-exclude: " (source firewall.address6.name firewall.addrgrp6.name)"
+ ipv6-split-include: " (source firewall.address6.name firewall.addrgrp6.name)"
+ ipv6-start-ip: ""
+ keepalive: "88"
+ keylife: "89"
+ local-gw: ""
+ local-gw6: ""
+ localid: ""
+ localid-type: "auto"
+ mesh-selector-type: "disable"
+ mode: "aggressive"
+ mode-cfg: "disable"
+ monitor: " (source vpn.ipsec.phase1-interface.name)"
+ monitor-hold-down-delay: "98"
+ monitor-hold-down-time: ""
+ monitor-hold-down-type: "immediate"
+ monitor-hold-down-weekday: "everyday"
+ name: "default_name_102"
+ nattraversal: "enable"
+ negotiate-timeout: "104"
+ net-device: "enable"
+ npu-offload: "enable"
+ passive-mode: "enable"
+ peer: " (source user.peer.name)"
+ peergrp: " (source user.peergrp.name)"
+ peerid: ""
+ peertype: "any"
+ ppk: "disable"
+ ppk-identity: ""
+ ppk-secret: ""
+ priority: "115"
+ proposal: "des-md5"
+ psksecret: ""
+ psksecret-remote: ""
+ reauth: "disable"
+ rekey: "enable"
+ remote-gw: ""
+ remote-gw6: ""
+ remotegw-ddns: ""
+ rsa-signature-format: "pkcs1"
+ save-password: "disable"
+ send-cert-chain: "enable"
+ signature-hash-alg: "sha1"
+ split-include-service: " (source firewall.service.group.name firewall.service.custom.name)"
+ suite-b: "disable"
+ tunnel-search: "selectors"
+ type: "static"
+ unity-support: "disable"
+ usrgrp: " (source user.group.name)"
+ vni: "134"
+ wizard-type: "custom"
+ xauthtype: "disable"
+RETURN = '''
+ description: Build number of the fortigate image
+ returned: always
+ type: str
+ sample: '1547'
+ description: Last method used to provision the content into FortiGate
+ returned: always
+ type: str
+ sample: 'PUT'
+ description: Last result given by FortiGate on last operation applied
+ returned: always
+ type: str
+ sample: "200"
+ description: Master key (id) used in the last call to FortiGate
+ returned: success
+ type: str
+ sample: "id"
+ description: Name of the table used to fulfill the request
+ returned: always
+ type: str
+ sample: "urlfilter"
+ description: Path of the table used to fulfill the request
+ returned: always
+ type: str
+ sample: "webfilter"
+ description: Internal revision number
+ returned: always
+ type: str
+ sample: ""
+ description: Serial number of the unit
+ returned: always
+ type: str
+ sample: "FGVMEVYYQT3AB5352"
+ description: Indication of the operation's result
+ returned: always
+ type: str
+ sample: "success"
+ description: Virtual domain used
+ returned: always
+ type: str
+ sample: "root"
+ description: Version of the FortiGate
+ returned: always
+ type: str
+ sample: "v5.6.3"
+from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule
+fos = None
+def login(data):
+ host = data['host']
+ username = data['username']
+ password = data['password']
+ fos.debug('on')
+ if 'https' in data and not data['https']:
+ fos.https('off')
+ else:
+ fos.https('on')
+ fos.login(host, username, password)
+def filter_vpn_ipsec_phase1_interface_data(json):
+ option_list = ['acct-verify', 'add-gw-route', 'add-route',
+ 'assign-ip', 'assign-ip-from', 'authmethod',
+ 'authmethod-remote', 'authpasswd', 'authusr',
+ 'authusrgrp', 'auto-discovery-forwarder', 'auto-discovery-psk',
+ 'auto-discovery-receiver', 'auto-discovery-sender', 'auto-negotiate',
+ 'backup-gateway', 'banner', 'cert-id-validation',
+ 'certificate', 'childless-ike', 'client-auto-negotiate',
+ 'client-keep-alive', 'comments', 'default-gw',
+ 'default-gw-priority', 'dhgrp', 'digital-signature-auth',
+ 'distance', 'dns-mode', 'domain',
+ 'dpd', 'dpd-retrycount', 'dpd-retryinterval',
+ 'eap', 'eap-identity', 'encap-local-gw4',
+ 'encap-local-gw6', 'encap-remote-gw4', 'encap-remote-gw6',
+ 'encapsulation', 'encapsulation-address', 'enforce-unique-id',
+ 'exchange-interface-ip', 'forticlient-enforcement', 'fragmentation',
+ 'fragmentation-mtu', 'group-authentication', 'group-authentication-secret',
+ 'ha-sync-esp-seqno', 'idle-timeout', 'idle-timeoutinterval',
+ 'ike-version', 'include-local-lan', 'interface',
+ 'ip-version', 'ipv4-dns-server1', 'ipv4-dns-server2',
+ 'ipv4-dns-server3', 'ipv4-end-ip', 'ipv4-exclude-range',
+ 'ipv4-name', 'ipv4-netmask', 'ipv4-split-exclude',
+ 'ipv4-split-include', 'ipv4-start-ip', 'ipv4-wins-server1',
+ 'ipv4-wins-server2', 'ipv6-dns-server1', 'ipv6-dns-server2',
+ 'ipv6-dns-server3', 'ipv6-end-ip', 'ipv6-exclude-range',
+ 'ipv6-name', 'ipv6-prefix', 'ipv6-split-exclude',
+ 'ipv6-split-include', 'ipv6-start-ip', 'keepalive',
+ 'keylife', 'local-gw', 'local-gw6',
+ 'localid', 'localid-type', 'mesh-selector-type',
+ 'mode', 'mode-cfg', 'monitor',
+ 'monitor-hold-down-delay', 'monitor-hold-down-time', 'monitor-hold-down-type',
+ 'monitor-hold-down-weekday', 'name', 'nattraversal',
+ 'negotiate-timeout', 'net-device', 'npu-offload',
+ 'passive-mode', 'peer', 'peergrp',
+ 'peerid', 'peertype', 'ppk',
+ 'ppk-identity', 'ppk-secret', 'priority',
+ 'proposal', 'psksecret', 'psksecret-remote',
+ 'reauth', 'rekey', 'remote-gw',
+ 'remote-gw6', 'remotegw-ddns', 'rsa-signature-format',
+ 'save-password', 'send-cert-chain', 'signature-hash-alg',
+ 'split-include-service', 'suite-b', 'tunnel-search',
+ 'type', 'unity-support', 'usrgrp',
+ 'vni', 'wizard-type', 'xauthtype']
+ dictionary = {}
+ for attribute in option_list:
+ if attribute in json and json[attribute] is not None:
+ dictionary[attribute] = json[attribute]
+ return dictionary
+def flatten_multilists_attributes(data):
+ multilist_attrs = []
+ for attr in multilist_attrs:
+ try:
+ path = "data['" + "']['".join(elem for elem in attr) + "']"
+ current_val = eval(path)
+ flattened_val = ' '.join(elem for elem in current_val)
+ exec(path + '= flattened_val')
+ except BaseException:
+ pass
+ return data
+def vpn_ipsec_phase1_interface(data, fos):
+ vdom = data['vdom']
+ vpn_ipsec_phase1_interface_data = data['vpn_ipsec_phase1_interface']
+ flattened_data = flatten_multilists_attributes(vpn_ipsec_phase1_interface_data)
+ filtered_data = filter_vpn_ipsec_phase1_interface_data(flattened_data)
+ if vpn_ipsec_phase1_interface_data['state'] == "present":
+ return fos.set('vpn.ipsec',
+ 'phase1-interface',
+ data=filtered_data,
+ vdom=vdom)
+ elif vpn_ipsec_phase1_interface_data['state'] == "absent":
+ return fos.delete('vpn.ipsec',
+ 'phase1-interface',
+ mkey=filtered_data['name'],
+ vdom=vdom)
+def fortios_vpn_ipsec(data, fos):
+ login(data)
+ if data['vpn_ipsec_phase1_interface']:
+ resp = vpn_ipsec_phase1_interface(data, fos)
+ fos.logout()
+ return not resp['status'] == "success", resp['status'] == "success", resp
+def main():
+ fields = {
+ "host": {"required": True, "type": "str"},
+ "username": {"required": True, "type": "str"},
+ "password": {"required": False, "type": "str", "no_log": True},
+ "vdom": {"required": False, "type": "str", "default": "root"},
+ "https": {"required": False, "type": "bool", "default": True},
+ "vpn_ipsec_phase1_interface": {
+ "required": False, "type": "dict",
+ "options": {
+ "state": {"required": True, "type": "str",
+ "choices": ["present", "absent"]},
+ "acct-verify": {"required": False, "type": "str",
+ "choices": ["enable", "disable"]},
+ "add-gw-route": {"required": False, "type": "str",
+ "choices": ["enable", "disable"]},
+ "add-route": {"required": False, "type": "str",
+ "choices": ["disable", "enable"]},
+ "assign-ip": {"required": False, "type": "str",
+ "choices": ["disable", "enable"]},
+ "assign-ip-from": {"required": False, "type": "str",
+ "choices": ["range", "usrgrp", "dhcp",
+ "name"]},
+ "authmethod": {"required": False, "type": "str",
+ "choices": ["psk", "signature"]},
+ "authmethod-remote": {"required": False, "type": "str",
+ "choices": ["psk", "signature"]},
+ "authpasswd": {"required": False, "type": "str"},
+ "authusr": {"required": False, "type": "str"},
+ "authusrgrp": {"required": False, "type": "str"},
+ "auto-discovery-forwarder": {"required": False, "type": "str",
+ "choices": ["enable", "disable"]},
+ "auto-discovery-psk": {"required": False, "type": "str",
+ "choices": ["enable", "disable"]},
+ "auto-discovery-receiver": {"required": False, "type": "str",
+ "choices": ["enable", "disable"]},
+ "auto-discovery-sender": {"required": False, "type": "str",
+ "choices": ["enable", "disable"]},
+ "auto-negotiate": {"required": False, "type": "str",
+ "choices": ["enable", "disable"]},
+ "backup-gateway": {"required": False, "type": "list",
+ "options": {
+ "address": {"required": True, "type": "str"}
+ }},
+ "banner": {"required": False, "type": "str"},
+ "cert-id-validation": {"required": False, "type": "str",
+ "choices": ["enable", "disable"]},
+ "certificate": {"required": False, "type": "list",
+ "options": {
+ "name": {"required": True, "type": "str"}
+ }},
+ "childless-ike": {"required": False, "type": "str",
+ "choices": ["enable", "disable"]},
+ "client-auto-negotiate": {"required": False, "type": "str",
+ "choices": ["disable", "enable"]},
+ "client-keep-alive": {"required": False, "type": "str",
+ "choices": ["disable", "enable"]},
+ "comments": {"required": False, "type": "str"},
+ "default-gw": {"required": False, "type": "str"},
+ "default-gw-priority": {"required": False, "type": "int"},
+ "dhgrp": {"required": False, "type": "str",
+ "choices": ["1", "2", "5",
+ "14", "15", "16",
+ "17", "18", "19",
+ "20", "21", "27",
+ "28", "29", "30",
+ "31"]},
+ "digital-signature-auth": {"required": False, "type": "str",
+ "choices": ["enable", "disable"]},
+ "distance": {"required": False, "type": "int"},
+ "dns-mode": {"required": False, "type": "str",
+ "choices": ["manual", "auto"]},
+ "domain": {"required": False, "type": "str"},
+ "dpd": {"required": False, "type": "str",
+ "choices": ["disable", "on-idle", "on-demand"]},
+ "dpd-retrycount": {"required": False, "type": "int"},
+ "dpd-retryinterval": {"required": False, "type": "str"},
+ "eap": {"required": False, "type": "str",
+ "choices": ["enable", "disable"]},
+ "eap-identity": {"required": False, "type": "str",
+ "choices": ["use-id-payload", "send-request"]},
+ "encap-local-gw4": {"required": False, "type": "str"},
+ "encap-local-gw6": {"required": False, "type": "str"},
+ "encap-remote-gw4": {"required": False, "type": "str"},
+ "encap-remote-gw6": {"required": False, "type": "str"},
+ "encapsulation": {"required": False, "type": "str",
+ "choices": ["none", "gre", "vxlan"]},
+ "encapsulation-address": {"required": False, "type": "str",
+ "choices": ["ike", "ipv4", "ipv6"]},
+ "enforce-unique-id": {"required": False, "type": "str",
+ "choices": ["disable", "keep-new", "keep-old"]},
+ "exchange-interface-ip": {"required": False, "type": "str",
+ "choices": ["enable", "disable"]},
+ "forticlient-enforcement": {"required": False, "type": "str",
+ "choices": ["enable", "disable"]},
+ "fragmentation": {"required": False, "type": "str",
+ "choices": ["enable", "disable"]},
+ "fragmentation-mtu": {"required": False, "type": "int"},
+ "group-authentication": {"required": False, "type": "str",
+ "choices": ["enable", "disable"]},
+ "group-authentication-secret": {"required": False, "type": "password-3"},
+ "ha-sync-esp-seqno": {"required": False, "type": "str",
+ "choices": ["enable", "disable"]},
+ "idle-timeout": {"required": False, "type": "str",
+ "choices": ["enable", "disable"]},
+ "idle-timeoutinterval": {"required": False, "type": "int"},
+ "ike-version": {"required": False, "type": "str",
+ "choices": ["1", "2"]},
+ "include-local-lan": {"required": False, "type": "str",
+ "choices": ["disable", "enable"]},
+ "interface": {"required": False, "type": "str"},
+ "ip-version": {"required": False, "type": "str",
+ "choices": ["4", "6"]},
+ "ipv4-dns-server1": {"required": False, "type": "str"},
+ "ipv4-dns-server2": {"required": False, "type": "str"},
+ "ipv4-dns-server3": {"required": False, "type": "str"},
+ "ipv4-end-ip": {"required": False, "type": "str"},
+ "ipv4-exclude-range": {"required": False, "type": "list",
+ "options": {
+ "end-ip": {"required": False, "type": "str"},
+ "id": {"required": True, "type": "int"},
+ "start-ip": {"required": False, "type": "str"}
+ }},
+ "ipv4-name": {"required": False, "type": "str"},
+ "ipv4-netmask": {"required": False, "type": "str"},
+ "ipv4-split-exclude": {"required": False, "type": "str"},
+ "ipv4-split-include": {"required": False, "type": "str"},
+ "ipv4-start-ip": {"required": False, "type": "str"},
+ "ipv4-wins-server1": {"required": False, "type": "str"},
+ "ipv4-wins-server2": {"required": False, "type": "str"},
+ "ipv6-dns-server1": {"required": False, "type": "str"},
+ "ipv6-dns-server2": {"required": False, "type": "str"},
+ "ipv6-dns-server3": {"required": False, "type": "str"},
+ "ipv6-end-ip": {"required": False, "type": "str"},
+ "ipv6-exclude-range": {"required": False, "type": "list",
+ "options": {
+ "end-ip": {"required": False, "type": "str"},
+ "id": {"required": True, "type": "int"},
+ "start-ip": {"required": False, "type": "str"}
+ }},
+ "ipv6-name": {"required": False, "type": "str"},
+ "ipv6-prefix": {"required": False, "type": "int"},
+ "ipv6-split-exclude": {"required": False, "type": "str"},
+ "ipv6-split-include": {"required": False, "type": "str"},
+ "ipv6-start-ip": {"required": False, "type": "str"},
+ "keepalive": {"required": False, "type": "int"},
+ "keylife": {"required": False, "type": "int"},
+ "local-gw": {"required": False, "type": "str"},
+ "local-gw6": {"required": False, "type": "str"},
+ "localid": {"required": False, "type": "str"},
+ "localid-type": {"required": False, "type": "str",
+ "choices": ["auto", "fqdn", "user-fqdn",
+ "keyid", "address", "asn1dn"]},
+ "mesh-selector-type": {"required": False, "type": "str",
+ "choices": ["disable", "subnet", "host"]},
+ "mode": {"required": False, "type": "str",
+ "choices": ["aggressive", "main"]},
+ "mode-cfg": {"required": False, "type": "str",
+ "choices": ["disable", "enable"]},
+ "monitor": {"required": False, "type": "str"},
+ "monitor-hold-down-delay": {"required": False, "type": "int"},
+ "monitor-hold-down-time": {"required": False, "type": "str"},
+ "monitor-hold-down-type": {"required": False, "type": "str",
+ "choices": ["immediate", "delay", "time"]},
+ "monitor-hold-down-weekday": {"required": False, "type": "str",
+ "choices": ["everyday", "sunday", "monday",
+ "tuesday", "wednesday", "thursday",
+ "friday", "saturday"]},
+ "name": {"required": True, "type": "str"},
+ "nattraversal": {"required": False, "type": "str",
+ "choices": ["enable", "disable", "forced"]},
+ "negotiate-timeout": {"required": False, "type": "int"},
+ "net-device": {"required": False, "type": "str",
+ "choices": ["enable", "disable"]},
+ "npu-offload": {"required": False, "type": "str",
+ "choices": ["enable", "disable"]},
+ "passive-mode": {"required": False, "type": "str",
+ "choices": ["enable", "disable"]},
+ "peer": {"required": False, "type": "str"},
+ "peergrp": {"required": False, "type": "str"},
+ "peerid": {"required": False, "type": "str"},
+ "peertype": {"required": False, "type": "str",
+ "choices": ["any", "one", "dialup",
+ "peer", "peergrp"]},
+ "ppk": {"required": False, "type": "str",
+ "choices": ["disable", "allow", "require"]},
+ "ppk-identity": {"required": False, "type": "str"},
+ "ppk-secret": {"required": False, "type": "password-3"},
+ "priority": {"required": False, "type": "int"},
+ "proposal": {"required": False, "type": "str",
+ "choices": ["des-md5", "des-sha1", "des-sha256",
+ "des-sha384", "des-sha512"]},
+ "psksecret": {"required": False, "type": "password-3"},
+ "psksecret-remote": {"required": False, "type": "password-3"},
+ "reauth": {"required": False, "type": "str",
+ "choices": ["disable", "enable"]},
+ "rekey": {"required": False, "type": "str",
+ "choices": ["enable", "disable"]},
+ "remote-gw": {"required": False, "type": "str"},
+ "remote-gw6": {"required": False, "type": "str"},
+ "remotegw-ddns": {"required": False, "type": "str"},
+ "rsa-signature-format": {"required": False, "type": "str",
+ "choices": ["pkcs1", "pss"]},
+ "save-password": {"required": False, "type": "str",
+ "choices": ["disable", "enable"]},
+ "send-cert-chain": {"required": False, "type": "str",
+ "choices": ["enable", "disable"]},
+ "signature-hash-alg": {"required": False, "type": "str",
+ "choices": ["sha1", "sha2-256", "sha2-384",
+ "sha2-512"]},
+ "split-include-service": {"required": False, "type": "str"},
+ "suite-b": {"required": False, "type": "str",
+ "choices": ["disable", "suite-b-gcm-128", "suite-b-gcm-256"]},
+ "tunnel-search": {"required": False, "type": "str",
+ "choices": ["selectors", "nexthop"]},
+ "type": {"required": False, "type": "str",
+ "choices": ["static", "dynamic", "ddns"]},
+ "unity-support": {"required": False, "type": "str",
+ "choices": ["disable", "enable"]},
+ "usrgrp": {"required": False, "type": "str"},
+ "vni": {"required": False, "type": "int"},
+ "wizard-type": {"required": False, "type": "str",
+ "choices": ["custom", "dialup-forticlient", "dialup-ios",
+ "dialup-android", "dialup-windows", "dialup-cisco",
+ "static-fortigate", "dialup-fortigate", "static-cisco",
+ "dialup-cisco-fw"]},
+ "xauthtype": {"required": False, "type": "str",
+ "choices": ["disable", "client", "pap",
+ "chap", "auto"]}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ module = AnsibleModule(argument_spec=fields,
+ supports_check_mode=False)
+ try:
+ from fortiosapi import FortiOSAPI
+ except ImportError:
+ module.fail_json(msg="fortiosapi module is required")
+ global fos
+ fos = FortiOSAPI()
+ is_error, has_changed, result = fortios_vpn_ipsec(module.params, fos)
+ if not is_error:
+ module.exit_json(changed=has_changed, meta=result)
+ else:
+ module.fail_json(msg="Error in repo", meta=result)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()