Fix to better handle concurrent runs of module against same pool

Matt Hite 2013-08-09 15:46:02 -07:00
parent c4a06d32a5
commit c556e673c7
1 changed files with 48 additions and 16 deletions

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@ -200,6 +200,10 @@ def pool_exists(api, pool):
return result
def create_pool(api, pool, lb_method):
# create requires lb_method but we don't want to default
# to a value on subsequent runs
if not lb_method:
lb_method = 'round_robin'
lb_method = "LB_METHOD_%s" % lb_method.strip().upper()
api.LocalLB.Pool.create_v2(pool_names=[pool], lb_methods=[lb_method],
@ -390,29 +394,57 @@ def main():
elif pool_exists(api, pool):
# no host/port supplied, must be pool removal
if not module.check_mode:
remove_pool(api, pool)
result = {'changed': True}
# hack to handle concurrent runs of module
# pool might be gone before we actually remove it
remove_pool(api, pool)
result = {'changed': True}
except bigsuds.OperationFailed, e:
if "was not found" in str(e):
result = {'changed': False}
# genuine exception
# check-mode return value
result = {'changed': True}
elif state == 'present':
update = False
if not pool_exists(api, pool):
# pool does not exist -- need to create it
if not module.check_mode:
# create requires lb_method but we don't want to default
# to a value on subsequent runs
if not lb_method:
lb_method = 'round_robin'
create_pool(api, pool, lb_method)
if monitors:
set_monitors(api, pool, monitor_type, quorum, monitors)
if slow_ramp_time:
set_slow_ramp_time(api, pool, slow_ramp_time)
if service_down_action:
set_action_on_service_down(api, pool, service_down_action)
if host and port:
add_pool_member(api, pool, address, port)
result = {'changed': True}
# a bit of a hack to handle concurrent runs of this module.
# even though we've checked the pool doesn't exist,
# it may exist by the time we run create_pool().
# this catches the exception and does something smart
# about it!
create_pool(api, pool, lb_method)
result = {'changed': True}
except bigsuds.OperationFailed, e:
if "already exists" in str(e):
update = True
# genuine exception
if monitors:
set_monitors(api, pool, monitor_type, quorum, monitors)
if slow_ramp_time:
set_slow_ramp_time(api, pool, slow_ramp_time)
if service_down_action:
set_action_on_service_down(api, pool, service_down_action)
if host and port:
add_pool_member(api, pool, address, port)
# check-mode return value
result = {'changed': True}
# pool exists -- potentially modify attributes
update = True
if update:
if lb_method and lb_method != get_lb_method(api, pool):
if not module.check_mode:
set_lb_method(api, pool, lb_method)