Add odyssey4me, cloudnull and evrardjp to openstack team (#47419)

Also remove thingee and omgjlk, who aren't really involved anymore.
Monty Taylor 2018-10-25 19:57:39 -05:00 committed by Jordan Borean
parent f19ab56eb4
commit c754384dce
1 changed files with 1 additions and 1 deletions

.github/BOTMETA.yml vendored
View File

@ -1117,7 +1117,7 @@ macros:
team_nso: cmoberg cnasten tbjurman
team_nxos: mikewiebe rahushen rcarrillocruz trishnaguha tstoner
team_onyx: samerd
team_openstack: emonty omgjlk juliakreger rcarrillocruz shrews thingee dagnello mnaser
team_openstack: emonty juliakreger rcarrillocruz shrews dagnello mnaser odyssey4me evrardjp cloudnull
team_openswitch: Qalthos gdpak
team_purestorage: sdodsley sile16 lionmax genegr raekins bannaych
team_rabbitmq: chrishoffman manuel-sousa hyperized