fixed problems related to userpricincipalname (user@domain) and undefined variables fixed variable capitalization

Hans-Joachim Kliemeck 2016-01-12 09:57:56 +01:00 committed by Matt Clay
parent 186197397c
commit c82d72e12a
1 changed files with 18 additions and 21 deletions

View File

@ -22,52 +22,49 @@
Function UserSearch
Param ([string]$AccountName)
Param ([string]$accountName)
#Check if there's a realm specified
if ($AccountName.Split("\").count -gt 1)
if ($AccountName.Split("\")[0] -eq $env:COMPUTERNAME)
$IsLocalAccount = $true
$IsDomainAccount = $true
$IsUpn = $false
Elseif ($AccountName.contains("@"))
$searchDomain = $false
$searchDomainUPN = $false
if ($accountName.Split("\").count -gt 1)
$IsDomainAccount = $true
$IsUpn = $true
if ($accountName.Split("\")[0] -ne $env:COMPUTERNAME)
$searchDomain = $true
$accountName = $accountName.split("\")[1]
Elseif ($accountName.contains("@"))
$searchDomain = $true
$searchDomainUPN = $true
#Default to local user account
$accountname = $env:COMPUTERNAME + "\" + $AccountName
$IsLocalAccount = $true
$accountName = $env:COMPUTERNAME + "\" + $accountName
if ($IsLocalAccount -eq $true)
if ($searchDomain -eq $false)
# do not use Win32_UserAccount, because e.g. SYSTEM (BUILTIN\SYSTEM or COMPUUTERNAME\SYSTEM) will not be listed. on Win32_Account groups will be listed too
$localaccount = get-wmiobject -class "Win32_Account" -namespace "root\CIMV2" -filter "(LocalAccount = True)" | where {$_.Caption -eq $AccountName}
$localaccount = get-wmiobject -class "Win32_Account" -namespace "root\CIMV2" -filter "(LocalAccount = True)" | where {$_.Caption -eq $accountName}
if ($localaccount)
return $localaccount.SID
ElseIf ($IsDomainAccount -eq $true)
#Search by samaccountname
$Searcher = [adsisearcher]""
If ($IsUpn -eq $false) {
$Searcher.Filter = "sAMAccountName=$($accountname.split("\")[1])"
If ($searchDomainUPN -eq $false) {
$Searcher.Filter = "sAMAccountName=$($accountName)"
Else {
$Searcher.Filter = "userPrincipalName=$($accountname)"
$Searcher.Filter = "userPrincipalName=$($accountName)"
$result = $Searcher.FindOne()