Add fxfitz to FreeIPA maintainers (#42283)

Fran Fitzpatrick 2018-07-04 10:31:03 -05:00 committed by Abhijeet Kasurde
parent c068b88b38
commit c93d9e8ea1
1 changed files with 1 additions and 1 deletions

.github/BOTMETA.yml vendored
View File

@ -1213,7 +1213,7 @@ macros:
team_cumulus: isharacomix jrrivers privateip team_cumulus: isharacomix jrrivers privateip
team_cyberark_conjur: jvanderhoof ryanprior team_cyberark_conjur: jvanderhoof ryanprior
team_extreme: bigmstone LindsayHill team_extreme: bigmstone LindsayHill
team_ipa: Nosmoht Akasurde team_ipa: Nosmoht Akasurde fxfitz
team_manageiq: gtanzillo abellotti zgalor yaacov cben team_manageiq: gtanzillo abellotti zgalor yaacov cben
team_meraki: dagwieers kbreit team_meraki: dagwieers kbreit
team_netapp: hulquest lmprice ndswartz amit0701 schmots1 carchi8py team_netapp: hulquest lmprice ndswartz amit0701 schmots1 carchi8py