Generate plugin rst (#28901)
Generate rst docs for plugins Based on rst generated for modules. But generated plugin docs go into docs/docsite/rst/plugins/$PLUGIN_TYPE/plugin_name.rst ( docs/docsite/rst/plugins/connection/ for ex) * move plugins docs to rst/*_plugins/ subdirs for namespace * Only gen support pages for modules for now. * Add generated plugin docs to gitignore* add list_*_plugins templates * support MODULES/PLUGINS filters for make htmldocs Add a 'PLUGINS=ssh' filter env var like MODULES to filter plugins to build docs for. * fixup 'historical' version_added, skip plugins/ * Fix plugins_by_support ref link to new plugins/*/ location * use :ref: for common_return_values, allow empty version_added * warnings on missing doc info * add a prefix to _random_choice It was colliding with the target for random_choice pluginpull/4420/head
@ -33,10 +33,12 @@ docs/docsite/rst/core_maintained.rst
@ -44,6 +46,7 @@ docs/docsite/_static/websupport.js
# deb building stuff...
@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ import datetime
import glob
import optparse
import os
import pprint
import re
import sys
import warnings
@ -41,7 +42,7 @@ except ImportError:
import yaml
from jinja2 import Environment, FileSystemLoader
from six import iteritems
from six import iteritems, string_types
from ansible.errors import AnsibleError
from ansible.module_utils._text import to_bytes
@ -120,6 +121,9 @@ def write_data(text, output_dir, outputname, module=None):
if output_dir is not None:
if module:
outputname = outputname % module
if not os.path.exists(output_dir):
fname = os.path.join(output_dir, outputname)
fname = fname.replace(".py", "")
with open(fname, 'wb') as f:
@ -152,6 +156,7 @@ def get_module_info(module_dir, limit_to_modules=None, verbose=False):
least one key, '_modules' which contains a list of module names in
that category. Any other keys in the dict are subcategories with
the same structure.
categories = dict()
@ -207,15 +212,21 @@ def get_module_info(module_dir, limit_to_modules=None, verbose=False):
# Start at the second directory because we don't want the "vendor"
mod_path_only = os.path.dirname(module_path[len(module_dir):])
module_categories = []
# build up the categories that this module belongs to
for new_cat in mod_path_only.split('/')[1:]:
if new_cat not in category:
category[new_cat] = dict()
category[new_cat]['_modules'] = []
category = category[new_cat]
# the category we will use in links (so list_of_all_plugins can point to plugins/action_plugins/*'
if module_categories:
primary_category = module_categories[0]
# use ansible core library to parse out doc metadata YAML and plaintext examples
doc, examples, returndocs, metadata = plugin_docs.get_docstring(module_path, verbose=verbose)
@ -227,6 +238,8 @@ def get_module_info(module_dir, limit_to_modules=None, verbose=False):
'doc': doc,
'examples': examples,
'returndocs': returndocs,
'categories': module_categories,
'primary_category': primary_category,
# keep module tests out of becoming module docs
@ -247,6 +260,7 @@ def generate_parser():
p.add_option("-A", "--ansible-version", action="store", dest="ansible_version", default="unknown", help="Ansible version number")
p.add_option("-M", "--module-dir", action="store", dest="module_dir", default=MODULEDIR, help="Ansible library path")
p.add_option("-P", "--plugin-type", action="store", dest="plugin_type", default='modules', help="The type of plugin (plugins, modules)")
p.add_option("-T", "--template-dir", action="store", dest="template_dir", default="hacking/templates", help="directory containing Jinja2 templates")
p.add_option("-t", "--type", action='store', dest='type', choices=['rst'], default='rst', help="Document type")
p.add_option("-v", "--verbose", action='store_true', default=False, help="Verbose")
@ -258,7 +272,7 @@ def generate_parser():
return p
def jinja2_environment(template_dir, typ):
def jinja2_environment(template_dir, typ, plugin_type):
env = Environment(loader=FileSystemLoader(template_dir),
@ -273,14 +287,13 @@ def jinja2_environment(template_dir, typ):
env.filters['fmt'] = rst_fmt
env.filters['xline'] = rst_xline
templates['plugin'] = env.get_template('plugin.rst.j2')
templates['category_list'] = env.get_template('modules_by_category.rst.j2')
templates['support_list'] = env.get_template('modules_by_support.rst.j2')
templates['list_of_CATEGORY_modules'] = env.get_template('list_of_CATEGORY_modules.rst.j2')
outputname = "%s_module.rst"
templates['category_list'] = env.get_template('%s_by_category.rst.j2' % plugin_type)
templates['support_list'] = env.get_template('%s_by_support.rst.j2' % plugin_type)
templates['list_of_CATEGORY_modules'] = env.get_template('list_of_CATEGORY_%s.rst.j2' % plugin_type)
raise Exception("unknown module format type: %s" % typ)
return templates, outputname
return templates
def too_old(added):
@ -296,24 +309,55 @@ def too_old(added):
return added_float < TO_OLD_TO_BE_NOTABLE
def process_modules(module_map, templates, outputname, output_dir, ansible_version):
def process_modules(module_map, templates, outputname,
output_dir, ansible_version, plugin_type):
for module in module_map:
print("rendering: %s" % module)
# print("rendering: %s" % module)
# pprint.pprint(('process_modules module:', module))
fname = module_map[module]['path']
# pprint.pprint(('process_modules module_info: ', module_map[module]))
module_categories = module_map[module].get('categories', [])
# crash if module is missing documentation and not explicitly hidden from docs index
if module_map[module]['doc'] is None:
sys.exit("*** ERROR: MODULE MISSING DOCUMENTATION: %s, %s ***\n" % (fname, module))
_doc = {'module': module,
'version_added': '2.4',
'filename': fname}
module_map[module]['doc'] = _doc
# continue
# Going to reference this heavily so make a short name to reference it by
doc = module_map[module]['doc']
# pprint.pprint(('process_modules doc: ', doc))
# add some defaults for plugins that dont have most of the info
doc['module'] = doc.get('module', module)
doc['version_added'] = doc.get('version_added', 'historical')
doc['plugin_type'] = plugin_type
if module_map[module]['deprecated'] and 'deprecated' not in doc:
sys.exit("*** ERROR: DEPRECATED MODULE MISSING 'deprecated' DOCUMENTATION: %s, %s ***\n" % (fname, module))
print("%s: WARNING: MODULE MISSING DEPRECATION DOCUMENTATION: %s" % (fname, 'deprecated'))
required_fields = ('short_description',)
for field in required_fields:
if field not in doc:
print("%s: WARNING: MODULE MISSING field '%s'" % (fname, field))
not_nullable_fields = ('short_description',)
for field in not_nullable_fields:
if field in doc and doc[field] in (None, ''):
print("%s: WARNING: MODULE field '%s' DOCUMENTATION is null/empty value=%s" % (fname, field, doc[field]))
if 'version_added' not in doc:
sys.exit("*** ERROR: missing version_added in: %s ***\n" % module)
# sys.exit("*** ERROR: missing version_added in: %s ***\n" % module)
# The present template gets everything from doc so we spend most of this
@ -366,25 +410,54 @@ def process_modules(module_map, templates, outputname, output_dir, ansible_versi
doc['docuri'] = doc['module'].replace('_', '-')
doc['now_date'] ='%Y-%m-%d')
doc['ansible_version'] = ansible_version
# check the 'deprecated' field in doc. We expect a dict potentially with 'why', 'version', and 'alternative' fields
# examples = module_map[module]['examples']
# print('\n\n%s: type of examples: %s\n' % (module, type(examples)))
# if examples and not isinstance(examples, (str, unicode, list)):
# raise TypeError('module %s examples is wrong type (%s): %s' % (module, type(examples), examples))
# use 'examples' for 'plainexamples' if 'examples' is a string
if isinstance(module_map[module]['examples'], string_types):
doc['plainexamples'] = module_map[module]['examples'] # plain text
doc['plainexamples'] = ''
doc['metadata'] = module_map[module]['metadata']
# pprint.pprint(module_map[module]
if module_map[module]['returndocs']:
doc['returndocs'] = yaml.safe_load(module_map[module]['returndocs'])
print("could not load yaml: %s" % module_map[module]['returndocs'])
except Exception as e:
print("%s:%s:yaml error:%s:returndocs=%s" % (fname, module, e, module_map[module]['returndocs']))
doc['returndocs'] = None
doc['returndocs'] = None
doc['author'] = doc.get('author', ['UNKNOWN'])
if isinstance(doc['author'], string_types):
doc['author'] = [doc['author']]
# print('about to template')
# pprint.pprint(doc)
text = templates['plugin'].render(doc)
# plugins get namespace dirs but modules do not
if plugin_type == 'plugins':
for module_category in module_categories:
category_output_dir = os.path.join(output_dir, 'plugins', '%s' % module_category)
write_data(text, category_output_dir, outputname, module)
write_data(text, output_dir, outputname, module)
def process_categories(mod_info, categories, templates, output_dir, output_name):
def process_categories(mod_info, categories, templates,
output_dir, output_name, plugin_type):
for category in sorted(categories.keys()):
if (plugin_type, category) == ('plugins', ''):
print('skipping unknown cat: %s' % category)
module_map = categories[category]
category_filename = output_name % category
@ -392,21 +465,23 @@ def process_categories(mod_info, categories, templates, output_dir, output_name)
# start a new category file
category = category.replace("_", " ")
category = category.title()
category_name = category.replace("_", " ")
category_title = category_name.title()
subcategories = dict((k, v) for k, v in module_map.items() if k != '_modules')
template_data = {'title': category,
template_data = {'title': category_title,
'category_name': category_name,
'category': module_map,
'subcategories': subcategories,
'module_info': mod_info,
'plugin_type': plugin_type
text = templates['list_of_CATEGORY_modules'].render(template_data)
write_data(text, output_dir, category_filename)
def process_support_levels(mod_info, templates, output_dir):
def process_support_levels(mod_info, templates, output_dir, plugin_type):
supported_by = {'Ansible Core Team': {'slug': 'core_supported',
'modules': [],
'output': 'core_maintained.rst',
@ -450,8 +525,14 @@ These modules are currently shipped with Ansible, but will most likely be shippe
# only gen support pages for modules for now, need to split and namespace templates and generated docs
if plugin_type == 'plugins':
# Separate the modules by support_level
for module, info in mod_info.items():
if not info.get('metadata', None):
print('no metadata for %s' % module)
if info['metadata']['supported_by'] == 'core':
supported_by['Ansible Core Team']['modules'].append(module)
elif info['metadata']['supported_by'] == 'network':
@ -492,7 +573,15 @@ def main():
(options, args) = p.parse_args()
templates, outputname = jinja2_environment(options.template_dir, options.type)
plugin_type = options.plugin_type
templates = jinja2_environment(options.template_dir, options.type,
# for plugins, just use the short name 'ssh.rst' vs 'ssh_module.rst'
outputname = '%s.rst'
# trim trailing s off of plugin_type for plugin_type=='modules'. ie 'copy_module.rst'
if plugin_type == 'modules':
outputname = '%s_' + '%s.rst' % plugin_type[:-1]
# Convert passed-in limit_to_modules to None or list of modules.
if options.limit_to_modules is not None:
@ -503,23 +592,36 @@ def main():
categories['all'] = {'_modules': mod_info.keys()}
# pprint.pprint(categories)
# pprint.pprint(mod_info)
# pprint.pprint(dict(mod_info))
# Transform the data
if options.type == 'rst':
for record in mod_info.values():
record['doc']['short_description'] = rst_ify(record['doc']['short_description'])
for key, record in mod_info.items():
# pprint.pprint(('record', record))
if record.get('doc', None):
short_desc = record['doc']['short_description']
if short_desc is None:
print('WARNING: short_description for %s is None' % key)
short_desc = ''
record['doc']['short_description'] = rst_ify(short_desc)
# Write master category list
category_list_text = templates['category_list'].render(categories=sorted(categories.keys()))
write_data(category_list_text, options.output_dir, 'modules_by_category.rst')
category_index_name = '%s_by_category.rst' % plugin_type
write_data(category_list_text, options.output_dir, category_index_name)
# Render all the individual module pages
process_modules(mod_info, templates, outputname, options.output_dir, options.ansible_version)
process_modules(mod_info, templates, outputname,
options.output_dir, options.ansible_version, plugin_type)
# Render all the categories for modules
process_categories(mod_info, categories, templates, options.output_dir, "list_of_%s_modules.rst")
category_list_name_template = 'list_of_%s_' + '%s.rst' % plugin_type
process_categories(mod_info, categories, templates, options.output_dir,
category_list_name_template, plugin_type)
# Render all the categories for modules
process_support_levels(mod_info, templates, options.output_dir)
process_support_levels(mod_info, templates, options.output_dir, plugin_type)
if __name__ == '__main__':
@ -11,6 +11,16 @@ else
CPUS ?= $(shell nproc)
ifndef rst
$(error specify document or pattern with rst=somefile.rst)
@ -20,7 +30,7 @@ all: docs
docs: clean htmldocs
generate_rst: testing keywords modules staticmin cli config
generate_rst: testing keywords modules plugins staticmin cli config
htmldocs: generate_rst
CPUS=$(CPUS) $(MAKE) -f Makefile.sphinx html
@ -48,6 +58,8 @@ clean:
-rm rst/list_of_*.rst
-rm rst/*_by_category.rst
-rm rst/*_module.rst
-rm rst/*_plugin.rst
-rm -rf rst/plugins/*
-rm rst/*_maintained.rst
-rm rst/playbooks_directives.rst
-rm rst/playbooks_keywords.rst
@ -67,12 +79,10 @@ config:
PYTHONPATH=../../lib $(CONFIG_DUMPER) --template-file=../templates/config.rst.j2 --output-dir=rst/ -d ../../lib/ansible/config/base.yml
modules: $(FORMATTER) ../templates/plugin.rst.j2
# Limit building of module documentation if requested.
PYTHONPATH=../../lib $(FORMATTER) -t rst --template-dir=../templates --module-dir=../../lib/ansible/modules -o rst/ -l $(MODULES)
PYTHONPATH=../../lib $(FORMATTER) -t rst --template-dir=../templates --module-dir=../../lib/ansible/modules -o rst/
PYTHONPATH=../../lib $(FORMATTER) -t rst --template-dir=../templates --module-dir=../../lib/ansible/modules -o rst/ $(MODULE_ARGS)
plugins: $(FORMATTER) ../templates/plugin.rst.j2
PYTHONPATH=../../lib $(FORMATTER) -t rst --plugin-type plugins --template-dir=../templates --module-dir=../../lib/ansible/plugins -o rst/ $(PLUGIN_ARGS)
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
# You can set these variables from the command line.
SPHINXOPTS = -j $(CPUS) -n -w rst_warnings
SPHINXBUILD = sphinx-build
@ -17,4 +17,4 @@ help:
# Catch-all target: route all unknown targets to Sphinx using the new
# "make mode" option. $(O) is meant as a shortcut for $(SPHINXOPTS).
%: Makefile.sphinx
@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ Ansible, Inc. releases a new major release of Ansible approximately every two mo
@ -3,8 +3,6 @@ Introduction To Ad-Hoc Commands
.. contents:: Topics
.. highlight:: bash
The following examples show how to use `/usr/bin/ansible` for running
ad hoc tasks.
@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ Configuration file
.. contents:: Topics
.. highlight:: bash
Certain settings in Ansible are adjustable via a configuration file. The stock configuration should be sufficient
for most users, but there may be reasons you would want to change them.
@ -408,7 +408,7 @@ Negative numbers are not supported. This works as follows::
state: present
with_sequence: count=4
.. _random_choice:
.. _playbooks_loops_random_choice:
Random Choices
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
@{ title }@ Modules
@{ title }@ @{ plugin_type }@
@{ '`' * title | length }@````````
{% if blurb %}
@ -20,7 +20,8 @@
.. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1
{% for module in info['_modules'] | sort %}
@{ module }@{% if module_info[module]['deprecated'] %} **(D)**{% endif%} - @{ module_info[module]['doc']['short_description'] }@ <@{ module }@_module>
{# :ref:`@{ module }@`{% if module_info[module]['deprecated'] %} **(D)**{% endif%} @{ module_info[module]['doc']['short_description'] }@ #}
@{ module }@{% if module_info[module]['deprecated'] %} **(D)**{% endif%} @{ module_info[module]['doc']['short_description'] }@ <@{ module }@_module>
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
@{ title }@ @{ plugin_type }@
@{ '`' * title | length }@````````
{% if blurb %}
@{ blurb }@
{% endif %}
.. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1
{% if category['_modules'] %}
{% for module in category['_modules'] | sort %}
@{ module }@{% if module_info[module]['deprecated'] %} **(D)**{% endif%}{% if module_info[module]['doc']['short_description'] %} - @{ module_info[module]['doc']['short_description'] }@{% endif %} <plugins/@{ module_info[module]['primary_category'] }@/@{ module }@>
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% for name, info in subcategories.items() | sort %}
@{ name.title() }@
@{ '-' * name | length }@
.. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1
{% for module in info['_modules'] | sort %}
:ref:`@{ module }@`{% if module_info[module]['deprecated'] %} **(D)**{% endif%} @{ module_info[module]['doc']['short_description'] }@
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
.. note::
- **(D)**: This marks a module as deprecated, which means a module is kept for backwards compatibility but usage is discouraged.
The module documentation details page may explain more about this rationale.
@ -10,8 +10,10 @@
@{ title }@
@{ '+' * title_len }@
{% if version_added is defined -%}
.. versionadded:: @{ version_added }@
{% if version_added is defined and version_added != '' -%}
.. versionadded:: @{ version_added | default('') }@
{% endif %}
@ -25,36 +27,54 @@
# but it isn't one.
{% if deprecated is defined -%}
@{ deprecated | convert_symbols_to_format }@
{# use unknown here? skip the fields? #}
:In: version: @{ deprecated['version'] | default('') | string | convert_symbols_to_format }@
:Why: @{ deprecated['why'] | default('') | convert_symbols_to_format }@
:Alternative: @{ deprecated['alternative'] | default('')| convert_symbols_to_format }@
{% endif %}
{% if description %}
{% for desc in description -%}
* @{ desc | convert_symbols_to_format }@
{% endfor %}
{% if aliases is defined -%}
Aliases: @{ ','.join(aliases) }@
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if aliases is defined -%}
Aliases: @{ ','.join(aliases) }@
{% endif %}
{% if requirements %}
Requirements (on host that executes module)
{% if requirements %}
{% for req in requirements %}
* @{ req | convert_symbols_to_format }@
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if options -%}
@ -161,9 +181,9 @@ Options
{% endif %}
{% if examples or plainexamples -%}
@ -178,10 +198,12 @@ Examples
{% if returndocs -%}
Return Values
Common return values are documented here :doc:`common_return_values`, the following are the fields unique to this module:
Common return values are documented :ref:`here <common_return_values>`, the following are the fields unique to this module:
.. raw:: html
@ -255,7 +277,10 @@ Common return values are documented here :doc:`common_return_values`, the follow
{% endif %}
{% if notes -%}
@ -263,24 +288,40 @@ Notes
{% for note in notes %}
- @{ note | convert_symbols_to_format }@
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if author is defined -%}
{% for author_name in author %}
* @{ author_name }@
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% if not deprecated %}
{% set support = { 'core': 'The Ansible Core Team', 'network': 'The Ansible Network Team', 'certified': 'an Ansible Partner', 'community': 'The Ansible Community', 'curated': 'A Third Party'} %}
{% set module_states = { 'preview': 'it is not guaranteed to have a backwards compatible interface', 'stableinterface': 'the maintainers for this module guarantee that no backward incompatible interface changes will be made'} %}
{% if metadata %}
{% if metadata.status %}
{% for cur_state in metadata.status %}
This module is flagged as **@{cur_state}@** which means that @{module_states[cur_state]}@.
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% if metadata.supported_by in ('core', 'network') %}
Maintenance Info
@ -291,5 +332,5 @@ refer to this `knowledge base article<
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
For help in developing on modules, should you be so inclined, please read :doc:`community`, :doc:`dev_guide/testing` and :doc:`dev_guide/developing_modules`.
For help in developing on modules, should you be so inclined, please read :doc:`../../community`, :doc:`../../dev_guide/testing` and :doc:`../../dev_guide/developing_modules`.
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
Plugin Index
.. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1
{% for name in categories %}
list_of_@{ name }@_plugins
{% endfor %}
@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
.. _@{ slug }@:
Plugins Maintained by the @{ maintainers }@
``````````````````````````@{ '`' * maintainers | length }@
.. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1
{% for module in modules | sort %}
@{ module }@{% if module_info[module]['deprecated'] %} **(D)**{% endif %} - @{ module_info[module]['doc']['short_description'] }@ <plugins/@{ module_info[module]['primary_category'] }@/@{ module }@>
{% endfor %}
.. note::
- **(D)**: This marks a plugin as deprecated, which means a plugin is kept for backwards compatibility but usage is discouraged.
The plugin documentation details page may explain more about this rationale.
Reference in New Issue