Fixing ownership when atomic_move is creating a file while sudo'ing

Fixes #6647
James Cammarata 2014-03-24 15:10:43 -05:00
parent a4af31e511
commit db345391e3
1 changed files with 5 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -977,6 +977,8 @@ class AnsibleModule(object):
if self.selinux_enabled():
context = self.selinux_default_context(dest)
creating = not os.path.exists(dest)
# Optimistically try a rename, solves some corner cases and can avoid useless work, throws exception if not atomic.
os.rename(src, dest)
@ -1008,6 +1010,9 @@ class AnsibleModule(object):
self.fail_json(msg='Could not replace file: %s to %s: %s' % (src, dest, e))
if creating and os.getenv("SUDO_USER"):
os.chown(dest, os.getuid(), os.getgid())
if self.selinux_enabled():
# rename might not preserve context
self.set_context_if_different(dest, context, False)