Enable -Verbose and log to EventLog (#19909)
Instead of asking the user to type something prior to running the script, why not allow -Verbose on the command line directly. Also log important events to EventLog, so that it can be traced e.g. when running via RunOnce mechanism. The documentation is updated as well.pull/4420/head
@ -211,14 +211,19 @@ To automate the setup of WinRM, you can run `this PowerShell script <https://git
The example script accepts a few arguments which Admins may choose to use to modify the default setup slightly, which might be appropriate in some cases.
Pass the -CertValidityDays option to customize the expiration date of the generated certificate.
powershell.exe -File ConfigureRemotingForAnsible.ps1 -CertValidityDays 100
Pass the -CertValidityDays option to customize the expiration date of the generated certificate::
Pass the -SkipNetworkProfileCheck switch to configure winrm to listen on PUBLIC zone interfaces. (Without this option, the script will fail if any network interface on device is in PUBLIC zone)
powershell.exe -File ConfigureRemotingForAnsible.ps1 -SkipNetworkProfileCheck
powershell.exe -File ConfigureRemotingForAnsible.ps1 -CertValidityDays 100
Pass the -ForceNewSSLCert switch to force a new SSL certificate to be attached to an already existing winrm listener. (Avoids SSL winrm errors on syspreped Windows images after the CN changes)
powershell.exe -File ConfigureRemotingForAnsible.ps1 -ForceNewSSLCert
Pass the -SkipNetworkProfileCheck switch to configure winrm to listen on PUBLIC zone interfaces. (Without this option, the script will fail if any network interface on device is in PUBLIC zone)::
powershell.exe -File ConfigureRemotingForAnsible.ps1 -SkipNetworkProfileCheck
Pass the -ForceNewSSLCert switch to force a new SSL certificate to be attached to an already existing winrm listener. (Avoids SSL winrm errors on syspreped Windows images after the CN changes)::
powershell.exe -File ConfigureRemotingForAnsible.ps1 -ForceNewSSLCert
To troubleshoot the ``ConfigureRemotingForAnsible.ps1`` writes every change it makes to the Windows EventLog (useful when run unattendedly). Additionally the ``-Verbose`` option can be used to get more information on screen about what it is doing.
.. note::
On Windows 7 and Server 2008 R2 machines, due to a bug in Windows
@ -5,26 +5,33 @@
# necessary changes to allow Ansible to connect, authenticate and execute
# PowerShell commands.
# Set $VerbosePreference = "Continue" before running the script in order to
# see the output messages.
# Set $SkipNetworkProfileCheck to skip the network profile check. Without
# specifying this the script will only run if the device's interfaces are in
# DOMAIN or PRIVATE zones. Provide this switch if you want to enable winrm on
# a device with an interface in PUBLIC zone.
# All events are logged to the Windows EventLog, useful for unattended runs.
# Set $ForceNewSSLCert if the system has been syspreped and a new SSL Cert
# must be forced on the WinRM Listener when re-running this script. This
# is necessary when a new SID and CN name is created.
# Use option -Verbose in order to see the verbose output messages.
# Use option -SkipNetworkProfileCheck to skip the network profile check.
# Without specifying this the script will only run if the device's interfaces
# are in DOMAIN or PRIVATE zones. Provide this switch if you want to enable
# WinRM on a device with an interface in PUBLIC zone.
# Use option -ForceNewSSLCert if the system has been SysPreped and a new
# SSL Certifcate must be forced on the WinRM Listener when re-running this
# script. This is necessary when a new SID and CN name is created.
# Written by Trond Hindenes <trond@hindenes.com>
# Updated by Chris Church <cchurch@ansible.com>
# Updated by Michael Crilly <mike@autologic.cm>
# Updated by Anton Ouzounov <Anton.Ouzounov@careerbuilder.com>
# Updated by Dag Wieërs <dag@wieers.com>
# Version 1.0 - July 6th, 2014
# Version 1.1 - November 11th, 2014
# Version 1.2 - May 15th, 2015
# Version 1.3 - April 4th, 2016
# Version 1.0 - 2014-07-06
# Version 1.1 - 2014-11-11
# Version 1.2 - 2015-05-15
# Version 1.3 - 2016-04-04
# Version 1.4 - 2017-01-05
# Support -Verbose option
Param (
[string]$SubjectName = $env:COMPUTERNAME,
@ -34,6 +41,26 @@ Param (
Function Write-Log
$Message = $args[0]
Write-EventLog -LogName Application -Source $EventSource -EntryType Information -EventId 1 -Message $Message
Function Write-VerboseLog
$Message = $args[0]
Write-Verbose $Message
Write-Log $Message
Function Write-HostLog
$Message = $args[0]
Write-Host $Message
Write-Log $Message
Function New-LegacySelfSignedCert
Param (
@ -86,10 +113,21 @@ Trap
Exit 1
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
$EventSource = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name
If ($EventSource -eq $Null)
$EventSource = "Powershell CLI"
If ([System.Diagnostics.EventLog]::Exists('Application') -eq $False -or [System.Diagnostics.EventLog]::SourceExists($EventSource) -eq $False)
New-EventLog -LogName Application -Source $EventSource
# Detect PowerShell version.
If ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -lt 3)
Write-Log "PowerShell version 3 or higher is required."
Throw "PowerShell version 3 or higher is required."
@ -97,26 +135,32 @@ If ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -lt 3)
Write-Verbose "Verifying WinRM service."
If (!(Get-Service "WinRM"))
Write-Log "Unable to find the WinRM service."
Throw "Unable to find the WinRM service."
ElseIf ((Get-Service "WinRM").Status -ne "Running")
Write-Verbose "Starting WinRM service."
Start-Service -Name "WinRM" -ErrorAction Stop
Write-Log "Started WinRM service."
Write-Verbose "Setting WinRM service to start automatically on boot."
Set-Service -Name "WinRM" -StartupType Automatic
Write-Log "Set WinRM service to start automatically on boot."
# WinRM should be running; check that we have a PS session config.
If (!(Get-PSSessionConfiguration -Verbose:$false) -or (!(Get-ChildItem WSMan:\localhost\Listener)))
if ($SkipNetworkProfileCheck) {
If ($SkipNetworkProfileCheck) {
Write-Verbose "Enabling PS Remoting without checking Network profile."
Enable-PSRemoting -SkipNetworkProfileCheck -Force -ErrorAction Stop
Write-Log "Enabled PS Remoting without checking Network profile."
else {
Write-Verbose "Enabling PS Remoting"
Else {
Write-Verbose "Enabling PS Remoting."
Enable-PSRemoting -Force -ErrorAction Stop
Write-Log "Enabled PS Remoting."
@ -133,12 +177,12 @@ If (!($listeners | Where {$_.Keys -like "TRANSPORT=HTTPS"}))
$cert = New-SelfSignedCertificate -DnsName $SubjectName -CertStoreLocation "Cert:\LocalMachine\My"
$thumbprint = $cert.Thumbprint
Write-Host "Self-signed SSL certificate generated; thumbprint: $thumbprint"
Write-HostLog "Self-signed SSL certificate generated; thumbprint: $thumbprint"
$thumbprint = New-LegacySelfSignedCert -SubjectName $SubjectName
Write-Host "(Legacy) Self-signed SSL certificate generated; thumbprint: $thumbprint"
Write-HostLog "(Legacy) Self-signed SSL certificate generated; thumbprint: $thumbprint"
# Create the hashtables of settings to be used.
@ -152,25 +196,27 @@ If (!($listeners | Where {$_.Keys -like "TRANSPORT=HTTPS"}))
Write-Verbose "Enabling SSL listener."
New-WSManInstance -ResourceURI 'winrm/config/Listener' -SelectorSet $selectorset -ValueSet $valueset
Write-Log "Enabled SSL listener."
Write-Verbose "SSL listener is already active."
# Force a new SSL cert on Listener if the $ForceNewSSLCert
If ($ForceNewSSLCert)
# Create the new cert.
If (Get-Command "New-SelfSignedCertificate" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)
$cert = New-SelfSignedCertificate -DnsName $SubjectName -CertStoreLocation "Cert:\LocalMachine\My"
$thumbprint = $cert.Thumbprint
Write-Host "Self-signed SSL certificate generated; thumbprint: $thumbprint"
Write-HostLog "Self-signed SSL certificate generated; thumbprint: $thumbprint"
$thumbprint = New-LegacySelfSignedCert -SubjectName $SubjectName
Write-Host "(Legacy) Self-signed SSL certificate generated; thumbprint: $thumbprint"
Write-HostLog "(Legacy) Self-signed SSL certificate generated; thumbprint: $thumbprint"
$valueset = @{}
@ -194,6 +240,7 @@ If (($basicAuthSetting.Value) -eq $false)
Write-Verbose "Enabling basic auth support."
Set-Item -Path "WSMan:\localhost\Service\Auth\Basic" -Value $true
Write-Log "Enabled basic auth support."
@ -207,11 +254,13 @@ If ($fwtest1.count -lt 5)
Write-Verbose "Adding firewall rule to allow WinRM HTTPS."
netsh advfirewall firewall add rule profile=any name="Allow WinRM HTTPS" dir=in localport=5986 protocol=TCP action=allow
Write-Log "Added firewall rule to allow WinRM HTTPS."
ElseIf (($fwtest1.count -ge 5) -and ($fwtest2.count -lt 5))
Write-Verbose "Updating firewall rule to allow WinRM HTTPS for any profile."
netsh advfirewall firewall set rule name="Allow WinRM HTTPS" new profile=any
Write-Log "Updated firewall rule to allow WinRM HTTPS for any profile."
@ -238,6 +287,7 @@ ElseIf ($httpResult -and !$httpsResult)
Write-Log "Unable to establish an HTTP or HTTPS remoting session."
Throw "Unable to establish an HTTP or HTTPS remoting session."
Write-Verbose "PS Remoting has been successfully configured for Ansible."
Write-VerboseLog "PS Remoting has been successfully configured for Ansible."
Reference in New Issue