Make sure tempdirs are cleaned up after execution steps, fix notifiers, make sure

service module is installed by
Michael DeHaan 2012-03-02 22:38:55 -05:00
parent 6541f338df
commit e4304a0ac5
4 changed files with 38 additions and 35 deletions

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@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
- name: configure template & module variables for future template calls
action: setup http_port=80 max_clients=200
- name: write the apache config file
action: template src=/srv/httpd.j2 dest=/etc/httpd/conf
action: template src=/srv/httpd.j2 dest=/etc/httpd.conf
- restart apache
- name: ensure apache is running

View File

@ -223,8 +223,7 @@ class PlayBook(object):
# for this particular pattern group
for x in handlers:
attribs = x["do"]
name = attribs[0]
name = x['name']
if match_name == name:
# flag the handler with the list of hosts
# it needs to be run on, it will be run later

View File

@ -153,8 +153,6 @@ class Runner(object):
def _return_from_module(self, conn, host, result):
''' helper function to handle JSON parsing of results '''
# disconnect from paramiko/SSH
# try to parse the JSON response
return [ host, True, json.loads(result) ]
@ -165,7 +163,7 @@ class Runner(object):
def _delete_remote_files(self, conn, files):
''' deletes one or more remote files '''
for filename in files:
self._exec_command(conn, "rm -f %s" % filename)
self._exec_command(conn, "rm -rf %s" % filename)
def _transfer_file(self, conn, source, dest):
''' transfers a remote file '''
@ -174,32 +172,34 @@ class Runner(object):
sftp.put(source, dest)
def _transfer_module(self, conn):
def _transfer_module(self, conn, tmp):
transfers a module file to the remote side to execute it,
but does not execute it yet
outpath = self._copy_module(conn)
outpath = self._copy_module(conn, tmp)
self._exec_command(conn, "chmod +x %s" % outpath)
return outpath
def _execute_module(self, conn, outpath):
def _execute_module(self, conn, outpath, tmp):
runs a module that has already been transferred
cmd = self._command(outpath)
result = self._exec_command(conn, cmd)
self._delete_remote_files(conn, [ outpath ])
self._delete_remote_files(conn, [ tmp ])
return result
def _execute_normal_module(self, conn, host):
def _execute_normal_module(self, conn, host, tmp):
transfer & execute a module that is not 'copy' or 'template'
because those require extra work.
module = self._transfer_module(conn)
result = self._execute_module(conn, module)
return self._return_from_module(conn, host, result)
module = self._transfer_module(conn, tmp)
result = self._execute_module(conn, module, tmp)
self._delete_remote_files(conn, tmp)
result = self._return_from_module(conn, host, result)
return result
def _parse_kv(self, args):
''' helper function to convert a string of key/value items to a dict '''
@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ class Runner(object):
return options
def _execute_copy(self, conn, host):
def _execute_copy(self, conn, host, tmp):
''' handler for file transfer operations '''
# load up options
@ -219,7 +219,7 @@ class Runner(object):
dest = options['dest']
# transfer the file to a remote tmp location
tmp_path = self._get_tmp_path(conn)
tmp_path = tmp
tmp_src = tmp_path + source.split('/')[-1]
self._transfer_file(conn, source, tmp_src)
@ -229,11 +229,11 @@ class Runner(object):
# run the copy module
self.module_args = [ "src=%s" % tmp_src, "dest=%s" % dest ]
result = self._execute_module(conn, module)
self._delete_remote_files(conn, tmp_src)
result = self._execute_module(conn, module, tmp)
self._delete_remote_files(conn, tmp_path)
return self._return_from_module(conn, host, result)
def _execute_template(self, conn, host):
def _execute_template(self, conn, host, tmp):
''' handler for template operations '''
# load up options
@ -243,18 +243,19 @@ class Runner(object):
metadata = options.get('metadata', '/etc/ansible/setup')
# first copy the source template over
tpath = tmp
tempname = os.path.split(source)[-1]
temppath = self._get_tmp_path(conn) + tempname
temppath = tpath + tempname
self._transfer_file(conn, source, temppath)
# install the template module
self.module_name = 'template'
module = self._transfer_module(conn)
module = self._transfer_module(conn, tmp)
# run the template module
self.module_args = [ "src=%s" % temppath, "dest=%s" % dest, "metadata=%s" % metadata ]
result = self._execute_module(conn, module)
self._delete_remote_files(conn, [ temppath ])
result = self._execute_module(conn, module, tmp)
self._delete_remote_files(conn, [ tpath ])
return self._return_from_module(conn, host, result)
@ -271,18 +272,24 @@ class Runner(object):
# module, call the appropriate executor function
ok, conn = self._connect(host)
tmp = self._get_tmp_path(conn)
result = None
if not ok:
return [ host, False, conn ]
result = [ host, False, conn ]
if self.module_name not in [ 'copy', 'template' ]:
return self._execute_normal_module(conn, host)
result = self._execute_normal_module(conn, host, tmp)
elif self.module_name == 'copy':
return self._execute_copy(conn, host)
result = self._execute_copy(conn, host, tmp)
elif self.module_name == 'template':
return self._execute_template(conn, host)
result = self._execute_template(conn, host, tmp)
# this would be a coding error in THIS module
# shouldn't occur
raise Exception("???")
self._delete_remote_files(conn, tmp)
return result
def _command(self, outpath):
''' form up a command string for running over SSH '''
@ -304,19 +311,15 @@ class Runner(object):
def _get_tmp_path(self, conn):
''' gets a temporary path on a remote box '''
result = self._exec_command(conn, "mktemp -d /tmp/ansible.XXXXXX")
return result.split("\n")[0] + '/'
if conn not in self._tmp_paths:
output = self._exec_command(conn, "mktemp -d /tmp/ansible.XXXXXX")
self._tmp_paths[conn] = output.split("\n")[0] + '/'
return self._tmp_paths[conn]
def _copy_module(self, conn):
def _copy_module(self, conn, tmp):
''' transfer a module over SFTP, does not run it '''
in_path = os.path.expanduser(
os.path.join(self.module_path, self.module_name)
out_path = self._get_tmp_path(conn) + self.module_name
out_path = tmp + self.module_name
sftp = conn.open_sftp()
sftp.put(in_path, out_path)

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@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ setup(name='ansible',