@ -2,34 +2,39 @@
- <a href="#v9-2-0">v9\.2\.0</a>
- <a href="#v9-3-0">v9\.3\.0</a>
- <a href="#release-summary">Release Summary</a>
- <a href="#minor-changes">Minor Changes</a>
- <a href="#bugfixes">Bugfixes</a>
- <a href="#new-modules">New Modules</a>
- <a href="#v9-2-0">v9\.2\.0</a>
- <a href="#release-summary-1">Release Summary</a>
- <a href="#minor-changes-1">Minor Changes</a>
- <a href="#bugfixes-1">Bugfixes</a>
- <a href="#new-plugins">New Plugins</a>
- <a href="#filter">Filter</a>
- <a href="#test">Test</a>
- <a href="#v9-1-0">v9\.1\.0</a>
- <a href="#release-summary-1">Release Summary</a>
- <a href="#minor-changes-1">Minor Changes</a>
- <a href="#release-summary-2">Release Summary</a>
- <a href="#minor-changes-2">Minor Changes</a>
- <a href="#deprecated-features">Deprecated Features</a>
- <a href="#bugfixes-1">Bugfixes</a>
- <a href="#bugfixes-2">Bugfixes</a>
- <a href="#known-issues">Known Issues</a>
- <a href="#new-plugins-1">New Plugins</a>
- <a href="#filter-1">Filter</a>
- <a href="#new-modules">New Modules</a>
- <a href="#new-modules-1">New Modules</a>
- <a href="#v9-0-1">v9\.0\.1</a>
- <a href="#release-summary-2">Release Summary</a>
- <a href="#minor-changes-2">Minor Changes</a>
- <a href="#bugfixes-2">Bugfixes</a>
- <a href="#v9-0-0">v9\.0\.0</a>
- <a href="#release-summary-3">Release Summary</a>
- <a href="#minor-changes-3">Minor Changes</a>
- <a href="#bugfixes-3">Bugfixes</a>
- <a href="#v9-0-0">v9\.0\.0</a>
- <a href="#release-summary-4">Release Summary</a>
- <a href="#minor-changes-4">Minor Changes</a>
- <a href="#breaking-changes--porting-guide">Breaking Changes / Porting Guide</a>
- <a href="#deprecated-features-1">Deprecated Features</a>
- <a href="#removed-features-previously-deprecated">Removed Features \(previously deprecated\)</a>
- <a href="#security-fixes">Security Fixes</a>
- <a href="#bugfixes-3">Bugfixes</a>
- <a href="#bugfixes-4">Bugfixes</a>
- <a href="#new-plugins-2">New Plugins</a>
- <a href="#become">Become</a>
- <a href="#callback">Callback</a>
@ -37,11 +42,11 @@
- <a href="#filter-2">Filter</a>
- <a href="#lookup">Lookup</a>
- <a href="#test-1">Test</a>
- <a href="#new-modules-1">New Modules</a>
- <a href="#new-modules-2">New Modules</a>
This changelog describes changes after version 8\.0\.0\.
<a id="v9-2-0"></a>
## v9\.2\.0
<a id="v9-3-0"></a>
## v9\.3\.0
<a id="release-summary"></a>
### Release Summary
@ -51,6 +56,55 @@ Regular bugfix and feature release\.
<a id="minor-changes"></a>
### Minor Changes
* cgroup\_memory\_recap\, hipchat\, jabber\, log\_plays\, loganalytics\, logentries\, logstash\, slack\, splunk\, sumologic\, syslog\_json callback plugins \- make sure that all options are typed \([https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/8628](https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/8628)\)\.
* chef\_databag\, consul\_kv\, cyberarkpassword\, dsv\, etcd\, filetree\, hiera\, onepassword\, onepassword\_doc\, onepassword\_raw\, passwordstore\, redis\, shelvefile\, tss lookup plugins \- make sure that all options are typed \([https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/8626](https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/8626)\)\.
* chroot\, funcd\, incus\, iocage\, jail\, lxc\, lxd\, qubes\, zone connection plugins \- make sure that all options are typed \([https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/8627](https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/8627)\)\.
* cobbler\, linode\, lxd\, nmap\, online\, scaleway\, stackpath\_compute\, virtualbox inventory plugins \- make sure that all options are typed \([https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/8625](https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/8625)\)\.
* doas\, dzdo\, ksu\, machinectl\, pbrun\, pfexec\, pmrun\, sesu\, sudosu become plugins \- make sure that all options are typed \([https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/8623](https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/8623)\)\.
* gconftool2 \- make use of <code>ModuleHelper</code> features to simplify code \([https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/8711](https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/8711)\)\.
* gitlab\_project \- add option <code>container\_expiration\_policy</code> to schedule container registry cleanup \([https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/8674](https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/8674)\)\.
* gitlab\_project \- add option <code>model\_registry\_access\_level</code> to disable model registry \([https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/8688](https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/8688)\)\.
* gitlab\_project \- add option <code>pages\_access\_level</code> to disable project pages \([https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/8688](https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/8688)\)\.
* gitlab\_project \- add option <code>repository\_access\_level</code> to disable project repository \([https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/8674](https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/8674)\)\.
* gitlab\_project \- add option <code>service\_desk\_enabled</code> to disable service desk \([https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/8688](https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/8688)\)\.
* locale\_gen \- add support for multiple locales \([https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/issues/8677](https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/issues/8677)\, [https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/8682](https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/8682)\)\.
* memcached\, pickle\, redis\, yaml cache plugins \- make sure that all options are typed \([https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/8624](https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/8624)\)\.
* opentelemetry callback plugin \- fix default value for <code>store\_spans\_in\_file</code> causing traces to be produced to a file named <code>None</code> \([https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/issues/8566](https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/issues/8566)\, [https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/8741](https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/8741)\)\.
* passwordstore lookup plugin \- add the current user to the lockfile file name to address issues on multi\-user systems \([https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/8689](https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/8689)\)\.
* pipx \- add parameter <code>suffix</code> to module \([https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/8675](https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/8675)\, [https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/issues/8656](https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/issues/8656)\)\.
* pkgng \- add option <code>use\_globs</code> \(default <code>true</code>\) to optionally disable glob patterns \([https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/issues/8632](https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/issues/8632)\, [https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/8633](https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/8633)\)\.
* proxmox inventory plugin \- add new fact for LXC interface details \([https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/8713](https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/8713)\)\.
* redis\, redis\_info \- add <code>client\_cert</code> and <code>client\_key</code> options to specify path to certificate for Redis authentication \([https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/8654](https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/8654)\)\.
<a id="bugfixes"></a>
### Bugfixes
* gitlab\_runner \- fix <code>paused</code> parameter being ignored \([https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/8648](https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/8648)\)\.
* homebrew\_cask \- fix <code>upgrade\_all</code> returns <code>changed</code> when nothing upgraded \([https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/issues/8707](https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/issues/8707)\, [https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/8708](https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/8708)\)\.
* keycloak\_user\_federation \- get cleartext IDP <code>clientSecret</code> from full realm info to detect changes to it \([https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/issues/8294](https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/issues/8294)\, [https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/8735](https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/8735)\)\.
* keycloak\_user\_federation \- remove existing user federation mappers if they are not present in the federation configuration and will not be updated \([https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/issues/7169](https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/issues/7169)\, [https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/8695](https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/8695)\)\.
* proxmox \- fixed an issue where the new volume handling incorrectly converted <code>null</code> values into <code>\"None\"</code> strings \([https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/8646](https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/8646)\)\.
* proxmox \- fixed an issue where volume strings where overwritten instead of appended to in the new <code>build\_volume\(\)</code> method \([https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/8646](https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/8646)\)\.
* proxmox \- removed the forced conversion of non\-string values to strings to be consistent with the module documentation \([https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/8646](https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/8646)\)\.
<a id="new-modules"></a>
### New Modules
* community\.general\.bootc\_manage \- Bootc Switch and Upgrade\.
* community\.general\.homebrew\_services \- Services manager for Homebrew\.
* community\.general\.keycloak\_realm\_keys\_metadata\_info \- Allows obtaining Keycloak realm keys metadata via Keycloak API\.
<a id="v9-2-0"></a>
## v9\.2\.0
<a id="release-summary-1"></a>
### Release Summary
Regular bugfix and feature release\.
<a id="minor-changes-1"></a>
### Minor Changes
* CmdRunner module utils \- the parameter <code>force\_lang</code> now supports the special value <code>auto</code> which will automatically try and determine the best parsable locale in the system \([https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/8517](https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/8517)\)\.
* proxmox \- add <code>disk\_volume</code> and <code>mount\_volumes</code> keys for better readability \([https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/8542](https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/8542)\)\.
* proxmox \- translate the old <code>disk</code> and <code>mounts</code> keys to the new handling internally \([https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/8542](https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/8542)\)\.
@ -60,7 +114,7 @@ Regular bugfix and feature release\.
* virtualbox inventory plugin \- expose a new parameter <code>enable\_advanced\_group\_parsing</code> to change how the VirtualBox dynamic inventory parses VM groups \([https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/issues/8508](https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/issues/8508)\, [https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/8510](https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/8510)\)\.
* wdc\_redfish\_command \- minor change to handle upgrade file for Redfish WD platforms \([https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/8444](https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/8444)\)\.
<a id="bugfixes"></a>
<a id="bugfixes-1"></a>
### Bugfixes
* bitwarden lookup plugin \- fix <code>KeyError</code> in <code>search\_field</code> \([https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/issues/8549](https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/issues/8549)\, [https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/8557](https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/8557)\)\.
@ -85,12 +139,12 @@ Regular bugfix and feature release\.
<a id="v9-1-0"></a>
## v9\.1\.0
<a id="release-summary-1"></a>
<a id="release-summary-2"></a>
### Release Summary
Regular feature and bugfix release\.
<a id="minor-changes-1"></a>
<a id="minor-changes-2"></a>
### Minor Changes
* CmdRunner module util \- argument formats can be specified as plain functions without calling <code>cmd\_runner\_fmt\.as\_func\(\)</code> \([https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/8479](https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/8479)\)\.
@ -114,7 +168,7 @@ Regular feature and bugfix release\.
* git\_config \- the <code>list\_all</code> option has been deprecated and will be removed in community\.general 11\.0\.0\. Use the <code>community\.general\.git\_config\_info</code> module instead \([https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/8453](https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/8453)\)\.
* git\_config \- using <code>state\=present</code> without providing <code>value</code> is deprecated and will be disallowed in community\.general 11\.0\.0\. Use the <code>community\.general\.git\_config\_info</code> module instead to read a value \([https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/8453](https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/8453)\)\.
<a id="bugfixes-1"></a>
<a id="bugfixes-2"></a>
### Bugfixes
* git\_config \- fix behavior of <code>state\=absent</code> if <code>value</code> is present \([https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/issues/8436](https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/issues/8436)\, [https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/8452](https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/8452)\)\.
@ -141,7 +195,7 @@ Regular feature and bugfix release\.
* community\.general\.remove\_keys \- Remove specific keys from dictionaries in a list\.
* community\.general\.replace\_keys \- Replace specific keys in a list of dictionaries\.
<a id="new-modules"></a>
<a id="new-modules-1"></a>
### New Modules
* community\.general\.consul\_agent\_check \- Add\, modify\, and delete checks within a consul cluster\.
@ -152,17 +206,17 @@ Regular feature and bugfix release\.
<a id="v9-0-1"></a>
## v9\.0\.1
<a id="release-summary-2"></a>
<a id="release-summary-3"></a>
### Release Summary
Bugfix release for inclusion in Ansible 10\.0\.0rc1\.
<a id="minor-changes-2"></a>
<a id="minor-changes-3"></a>
### Minor Changes
* ansible\_galaxy\_install \- minor refactor in the module \([https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/8413](https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/8413)\)\.
<a id="bugfixes-2"></a>
<a id="bugfixes-3"></a>
### Bugfixes
* cpanm \- use new <code>VarDict</code> to prevent deprecation warning \([https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/issues/8410](https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/issues/8410)\, [https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/8411](https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/8411)\)\.
@ -181,12 +235,12 @@ Bugfix release for inclusion in Ansible 10\.0\.0rc1\.
<a id="v9-0-0"></a>
## v9\.0\.0
<a id="release-summary-3"></a>
<a id="release-summary-4"></a>
### Release Summary
This is release 9\.0\.0 of <code>community\.general</code>\, released on 2024\-05\-20\.
<a id="minor-changes-3"></a>
<a id="minor-changes-4"></a>
### Minor Changes
* PythonRunner module utils \- specialisation of <code>CmdRunner</code> to execute Python scripts \([https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/8289](https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/8289)\)\.
@ -356,7 +410,7 @@ This is release 9\.0\.0 of <code>community\.general</code>\, released on 2024\-0
* cobbler\, gitlab\_runners\, icinga2\, linode\, lxd\, nmap\, online\, opennebula\, proxmox\, scaleway\, stackpath\_compute\, virtualbox\, and xen\_orchestra inventory plugin \- make sure all data received from the remote servers is marked as unsafe\, so remote code execution by obtaining texts that can be evaluated as templates is not possible \([https\://www\.die\-welt\.net/2024/03/remote\-code\-execution\-in\-ansible\-dynamic\-inventory\-plugins/](https\://www\.die\-welt\.net/2024/03/remote\-code\-execution\-in\-ansible\-dynamic\-inventory\-plugins/)\, [https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/8098](https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/8098)\)\.
* keycloak\_identity\_provider \- the client secret was not correctly sanitized by the module\. The return values <code>proposed</code>\, <code>existing</code>\, and <code>end\_state</code>\, as well as the diff\, did contain the client secret unmasked \([https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/8355](https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/pull/8355)\)\.
<a id="bugfixes-3"></a>
<a id="bugfixes-4"></a>
### Bugfixes
* aix\_filesystem \- fix <code>\_validate\_vg</code> not passing VG name to <code>lsvg\_cmd</code> \([https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/issues/8151](https\://github\.com/ansible\-collections/community\.general/issues/8151)\)\.
@ -471,7 +525,7 @@ This is release 9\.0\.0 of <code>community\.general</code>\, released on 2024\-0
* community\.general\.fqdn\_valid \- Validates fully\-qualified domain names against RFC 1123\.
<a id="new-modules-1"></a>
<a id="new-modules-2"></a>
### New Modules
* community\.general\.consul\_acl\_bootstrap \- Bootstrap ACLs in Consul\.
@ -6,6 +6,55 @@ Community General Release Notes
This changelog describes changes after version 8.0.0.
Release Summary
Regular bugfix and feature release.
Minor Changes
- cgroup_memory_recap, hipchat, jabber, log_plays, loganalytics, logentries, logstash, slack, splunk, sumologic, syslog_json callback plugins - make sure that all options are typed (
- chef_databag, consul_kv, cyberarkpassword, dsv, etcd, filetree, hiera, onepassword, onepassword_doc, onepassword_raw, passwordstore, redis, shelvefile, tss lookup plugins - make sure that all options are typed (
- chroot, funcd, incus, iocage, jail, lxc, lxd, qubes, zone connection plugins - make sure that all options are typed (
- cobbler, linode, lxd, nmap, online, scaleway, stackpath_compute, virtualbox inventory plugins - make sure that all options are typed (
- doas, dzdo, ksu, machinectl, pbrun, pfexec, pmrun, sesu, sudosu become plugins - make sure that all options are typed (
- gconftool2 - make use of ``ModuleHelper`` features to simplify code (
- gitlab_project - add option ``container_expiration_policy`` to schedule container registry cleanup (
- gitlab_project - add option ``model_registry_access_level`` to disable model registry (
- gitlab_project - add option ``pages_access_level`` to disable project pages (
- gitlab_project - add option ``repository_access_level`` to disable project repository (
- gitlab_project - add option ``service_desk_enabled`` to disable service desk (
- locale_gen - add support for multiple locales (,
- memcached, pickle, redis, yaml cache plugins - make sure that all options are typed (
- opentelemetry callback plugin - fix default value for ``store_spans_in_file`` causing traces to be produced to a file named ``None`` (,
- passwordstore lookup plugin - add the current user to the lockfile file name to address issues on multi-user systems (
- pipx - add parameter ``suffix`` to module (,
- pkgng - add option ``use_globs`` (default ``true``) to optionally disable glob patterns (,
- proxmox inventory plugin - add new fact for LXC interface details (
- redis, redis_info - add ``client_cert`` and ``client_key`` options to specify path to certificate for Redis authentication (
- gitlab_runner - fix ``paused`` parameter being ignored (
- homebrew_cask - fix ``upgrade_all`` returns ``changed`` when nothing upgraded (,
- keycloak_user_federation - get cleartext IDP ``clientSecret`` from full realm info to detect changes to it (,
- keycloak_user_federation - remove existing user federation mappers if they are not present in the federation configuration and will not be updated (,
- proxmox - fixed an issue where the new volume handling incorrectly converted ``null`` values into ``"None"`` strings (
- proxmox - fixed an issue where volume strings where overwritten instead of appended to in the new ``build_volume()`` method (
- proxmox - removed the forced conversion of non-string values to strings to be consistent with the module documentation (
New Modules
- community.general.bootc_manage - Bootc Switch and Upgrade.
- community.general.homebrew_services - Services manager for Homebrew.
- community.general.keycloak_realm_keys_metadata_info - Allows obtaining Keycloak realm keys metadata via Keycloak API.
@ -972,3 +972,97 @@ releases:
name: ansible_type
namespace: null
release_date: '2024-07-15'
- gitlab_runner - fix ``paused`` parameter being ignored (
- homebrew_cask - fix ``upgrade_all`` returns ``changed`` when nothing upgraded
- keycloak_user_federation - get cleartext IDP ``clientSecret`` from full
realm info to detect changes to it (,
- keycloak_user_federation - remove existing user federation mappers if they
are not present in the federation configuration and will not be updated
- proxmox - fixed an issue where the new volume handling incorrectly converted
``null`` values into ``"None"`` strings (
- proxmox - fixed an issue where volume strings where overwritten instead
of appended to in the new ``build_volume()`` method (
- proxmox - removed the forced conversion of non-string values to strings
to be consistent with the module documentation (
- cgroup_memory_recap, hipchat, jabber, log_plays, loganalytics, logentries,
logstash, slack, splunk, sumologic, syslog_json callback plugins - make
sure that all options are typed (
- chef_databag, consul_kv, cyberarkpassword, dsv, etcd, filetree, hiera, onepassword,
onepassword_doc, onepassword_raw, passwordstore, redis, shelvefile, tss
lookup plugins - make sure that all options are typed (
- chroot, funcd, incus, iocage, jail, lxc, lxd, qubes, zone connection plugins
- make sure that all options are typed (
- cobbler, linode, lxd, nmap, online, scaleway, stackpath_compute, virtualbox
inventory plugins - make sure that all options are typed (
- doas, dzdo, ksu, machinectl, pbrun, pfexec, pmrun, sesu, sudosu become plugins
- make sure that all options are typed (
- gconftool2 - make use of ``ModuleHelper`` features to simplify code (
- gitlab_project - add option ``container_expiration_policy`` to schedule
container registry cleanup (
- gitlab_project - add option ``model_registry_access_level`` to disable model
registry (
- gitlab_project - add option ``pages_access_level`` to disable project pages
- gitlab_project - add option ``repository_access_level`` to disable project
repository (
- gitlab_project - add option ``service_desk_enabled`` to disable service
desk (
- locale_gen - add support for multiple locales (,
- memcached, pickle, redis, yaml cache plugins - make sure that all options
are typed (
- opentelemetry callback plugin - fix default value for ``store_spans_in_file``
causing traces to be produced to a file named ``None`` (,
- passwordstore lookup plugin - add the current user to the lockfile file
name to address issues on multi-user systems (
- pipx - add parameter ``suffix`` to module (,
- pkgng - add option ``use_globs`` (default ``true``) to optionally disable
glob patterns (,
- proxmox inventory plugin - add new fact for LXC interface details (
- redis, redis_info - add ``client_cert`` and ``client_key`` options to specify
path to certificate for Redis authentication (
release_summary: Regular bugfix and feature release.
- 8623-become-types.yml
- 8624-cache-types.yml
- 8625-inventory-types.yml
- 8626-lookup-types.yml
- 8627-connection-types.yml
- 8628-callback-types.yml
- 8632-pkgng-add-option-use_globs.yml
- 8646-fix-bug-in-proxmox-volumes.yml
- 8648-fix-gitlab-runner-paused.yaml
- 8654-add-redis-tls-params.yml
- 8674-add-gitlab-project-cleanup-policy.yml
- 8675-pipx-install-suffix.yml
- 8682-locale-gen-multiple.yaml
- 8688-gitlab_project-add-new-params.yml
- 8689-passwordstore-lock-naming.yml
- 8695-keycloak_user_federation-mapper-removal.yml
- 8708-homebrew_cask-fix-upgrade-all.yml
- 8711-gconftool2-refactor.yml
- 8713-proxmox_lxc_interfaces.yml
- 8735-keycloak_identity_provider-get-cleartext-secret-from-realm-info.yml
- 8741-fix-opentelemetry-callback.yml
- 9.3.0.yml
- description: Bootc Switch and Upgrade.
name: bootc_manage
namespace: ''
- description: Services manager for Homebrew.
name: homebrew_services
namespace: ''
- description: Allows obtaining Keycloak realm keys metadata via Keycloak API.
name: keycloak_realm_keys_metadata_info
namespace: ''
release_date: '2024-08-12'
@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
- "doas, dzdo, ksu, machinectl, pbrun, pfexec, pmrun, sesu, sudosu become plugins - make sure that all options are typed ("
@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
- "memcached, pickle, redis, yaml cache plugins - make sure that all options are typed ("
@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
- "cobbler, linode, lxd, nmap, online, scaleway, stackpath_compute, virtualbox inventory plugins - make sure that all options are typed ("
@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
- "chef_databag, consul_kv, cyberarkpassword, dsv, etcd, filetree, hiera, onepassword, onepassword_doc, onepassword_raw, passwordstore, redis, shelvefile, tss lookup plugins - make sure that all options are typed ("
@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
- "chroot, funcd, incus, iocage, jail, lxc, lxd, qubes, zone connection plugins - make sure that all options are typed ("
@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
- "cgroup_memory_recap, hipchat, jabber, log_plays, loganalytics, logentries, logstash, slack, splunk, sumologic, syslog_json callback plugins - make sure that all options are typed ("
@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
- pkgng - add option ``use_globs`` (default ``true``) to optionally disable glob patterns (,
@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
- proxmox - removed the forced conversion of non-string values to strings to be consistent with the module documentation (
- proxmox - fixed an issue where the new volume handling incorrectly converted ``null`` values into ``"None"`` strings (
- proxmox - fixed an issue where volume strings where overwritten instead of appended to in the new ``build_volume()`` method (
@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
- "gitlab_runner - fix ``paused`` parameter being ignored ("
@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
- redis, redis_info - add ``client_cert`` and ``client_key`` options to specify path to certificate for Redis authentication (
@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
- gitlab_project - add option ``repository_access_level`` to disable project repository (
- gitlab_project - add option ``container_expiration_policy`` to schedule container registry cleanup (
@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
- pipx - add parameter ``suffix`` to module (,
@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
- locale_gen - add support for multiple locales (,
@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
- gitlab_project - add option ``pages_access_level`` to disable project pages (
- gitlab_project - add option ``service_desk_enabled`` to disable service desk (
- gitlab_project - add option ``model_registry_access_level`` to disable model registry (
@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
- passwordstore lookup plugin - add the current user to the lockfile file name to address issues on multi-user systems (
@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
- keycloak_user_federation - remove existing user federation mappers if they are not present in the federation configuration and will not be updated (,
@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
- homebrew_cask - fix ``upgrade_all`` returns ``changed`` when nothing upgraded (,
@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
- gconftool2 - make use of ``ModuleHelper`` features to simplify code (
@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
- proxmox inventory plugin - add new fact for LXC interface details (
@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
- keycloak_user_federation - get cleartext IDP ``clientSecret`` from full realm info to detect changes to it (,
@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
- opentelemetry callback plugin - fix default value for ``store_spans_in_file`` causing traces to be produced to a file named ``None`` (,
@ -1 +0,0 @@
release_summary: Regular bugfix and feature release.
Reference in New Issue