ignore password flags in become conflict check

since all the --ask pass options end up triggering the same code
and are functionally equivalent, ignore them when it comes to checking
privilege escalation conflicts. This allows using -K when --become-method=su
and so on.
Brian Coca 2015-12-01 08:15:53 -08:00
parent a6f6a80caa
commit f1fcab4610
1 changed files with 3 additions and 6 deletions

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@ -191,12 +191,9 @@ class CLI(object):
if runas_opts:
# Check for privilege escalation conflicts
if (op.su or op.su_user or op.ask_su_pass) and \
(op.sudo or op.sudo_user or op.ask_sudo_pass) or \
(op.su or op.su_user or op.ask_su_pass) and \
(op.become or op.become_user or op.become_ask_pass) or \
(op.sudo or op.sudo_user or op.ask_sudo_pass) and \
(op.become or op.become_user or op.become_ask_pass):
if (op.su or op.su_user) and (op.sudo or op.sudo_user) or \
(op.su or op.su_user) and (op.become or op.become_user) or \
(op.sudo or op.sudo_user) and (op.become or op.become_user):
self.parser.error("Sudo arguments ('--sudo', '--sudo-user', and '--ask-sudo-pass') "
"and su arguments ('-su', '--su-user', and '--ask-su-pass') "