Do not insert extra newline if line already contains it

When using YAML multi-line strings, e.g.:

- lineinfile:
    dest: /tmp/foo
    line: >

the line already ends with a newline.  If an extra newline is appended unconditionally it will lead to inserting an extra newline on each run.
gimoh 2015-02-23 14:14:00 +00:00 committed by Matt Clay
parent 9ad15cdae9
commit fd69c5687b
1 changed files with 5 additions and 2 deletions

View File

@ -245,8 +245,11 @@ def present(module, dest, regexp, line, insertafter, insertbefore, create,
# Don't do backref expansion if not asked.
new_line = line
if lines[index[0]] != new_line + os.linesep:
lines[index[0]] = new_line + os.linesep
if not new_line.endswith(os.linesep):
new_line += os.linesep
if lines[index[0]] != new_line:
lines[index[0]] = new_line
msg = 'line replaced'
changed = True
elif backrefs: