As of today, self.returns it not the source of truth. If the return
value from querying the resource contains more values than the one
listed in self.returns, those value will be returned even though not
explicitly specified in self.returns.
This commit ensures that only the values listed on self.returns are
actually returned. The other values not listed are supressed.
The Vultr API is inconsistent in the type of the value it returns
based on the resources. While most of the time it will be a dict, for
some resources it will be a list (/v1/user/list, /v1/block/list).
query_resource_by_key() fails if the return value isn't a dict (.items()
does not exist on list). This patch aims to support both list and dict.
In query_resource_by_key(), there is an equal comparison that is made to
know if the object we are looking for is present. Due to type difference
this comparison doesn't always retrieve true, even when it should.
This is due to the fact that the value in r_data dict are of type
unicode, while the other can be of type int, float,... .
>>> a = u'1'
>>> type(a)
<type 'unicode'>
>>> b = 1
>>> type(b)
<type 'int'>
>>> a == b
>>> str(a) == str(b)
Hence the values, for comparison purposes, are casted into strings.
This commit introduces a new module called vr_sshkey_facts.
This module aims to return the list of SSH keys avaiable in Vultr.
Sample available here:
"vultr_sshkey_facts": [
"date_created": "2018-07-10 14:49:13",
"id": "5b43c760d7d84",
"name": "me@home",
"ssh_key": "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQC+ZFQv3MyjtL1BMpSA0o0gIkzLVVC711rthT29hBNeORdNowQ7FSvVWUdAbTq00U7Xzak1ANIYLJyn+0r7olsdG4XEiUR0dqgC99kbT/QhY5mLe5lpl7JUjW9ctn00hNmt+TswpatCKWPNwdeAJT2ERynZaqPobENgewrwerqewqIVew7qFeZygxsPVn36EUr2Cdq7Nb7U0XFXh3x1p0v0+MbL4tiJwPlMAGvFTKIMt+EaA+AsRIxiOo9CMk5ZuOl9pT8h5vNuEOcvS0qx4v44EAD2VOsCVCcrPNMcpuSzZP8dRTGU9wRREAWXngD0Zq9YJMH38VTxHiskoBw1NnPz me@home"
Currently get_result() can only handle a dict. When requiring facts, and
when there is more than one fact, get_result() should be able to handle
a list of dicts, so the normalization process happens to all the items.