* Squashing all commits to one as suggested by John
* Adding Unit test method for the module enos_facts.py
* Pep8 and Ylint issues addressed
* Trying again to remove blank line. Some scripts are required for this.
* Bug Fixing for interfaces
* Editing for over indenting issue
* E203 whitespace before ','
* Update enos.py
Added warnings argument as to check_args method
* Update enos_facts.py
Added warnings to check_args method
* Adding ciscowlc_command module and unit tests.
* Adding __init__.py for unit test.
* Fixing PEP8 W503.
* Renaming module from ciscowlc_command to aire_command.
* Renaming aire_command to aireos_command.
* Adding aruba_command module along with unit tests.
* Fixing PEP8 E303 too many blank lines.
* Adding default for timeout.
* Removing unused arguments. Moving default for timeout argument. Fixing cliconf to find hostname.
* Fixing PEP8 E302.
* WIP update asa to use network_cli connection plugin
* add asa.py to cliconf plugins
* update asa.py terminal plugin to support regexp and events
* update constants to map asa modules to asa action handler
* update asa action handler to implement persistent connections
* update asa shared module to use persistent connections
* update asa_command module to use new connection
* fixed pep8 issues