This patch adds the port argument as a valid parameter to the f5_spec.
This argument is supported in bigsuds version 1.0.4 and greater, so
this patch uses the __version__ variable of the bigsuds module to
determine when the port value should be honored by the module.
* Fix to error if validate_cert is True and python doesn't support it.
* Only globally disable certificate checking if really needed. Use
bigip verify parameter if available instead.
* Remove public disable certificate function to make it less likely
people will attempt to reuse that
The contributor's name on line 10 (originally line 7) includes a character
that the default Python encoding (ASCII) raises an error on when interpreting
the file.
Specifying the utf-8 encoding, as is done in other modules, resolves
the error.
The error being raised is
SyntaxError: Non-ASCII character '\xc3' in file /.../lib/ansible/module_utils/
on line 7, but no encoding declared; see
for details