* adds support for default facts subset
* adds support for config facts subset
* maintain legacy facts from ops_facts pre-2.2
Tested on Openswitch 0.4.0
* add src argument to provide path to config file
* add new choice to match used to ignore current running config
* add update argument with choices merge or check
* add backup argument to backup current running config to control host
* add save argument to save current running config to startup config
* add state argument to control state of config file
* deprecated force argument, use match=none instead
Note: this module only supports transport=cli
Tested on OpenSwitch 0.4.0
* commands argument now accepts a dict arguments
* waitfor has been renamed to wait_for with an alias to waitfor
* only show commands are allowed when check mode is specified
* config mode is no longer allowed in the command stack
* add argument match with valid values any, all
Tested on OpenSwitch 0.4.0
This fix passing the update variable to the str()
so that it avoids the exception when ops.dc.read()
returns a dictionary which contains non-string keys.
This is due to the fact that some of the key types in
OpenSwitch schema are actually defined as integer
and ops.dc declerative config module encode those
in integer inside the dictionary. This could be
the right encoding from the schema point of view
but someone needs to convert it to the string
somewhere, as JSON key should be string.
This adds a new module for collect device facts from remote devices
running OpenSwitch. This module is useful when collecting fact information
over CLI transport.
This commit adds a new module, ops_command, that handles executing commands
on OpenSwitch over the CLI. Since this module is designed to work with the
OpenSwitch CLI, it only supports the CLI transport option
This commit adds a new module, ops_config, that allows playbook designers
to create tasks for configuring OpenSwitch over the CLI. The module
is designed to work directly with configuration mode in OpenSwitch and
therefore only supports the CLI transport option
This commit refactors the arugments used in ops_template to be strictly
typed and handle by declarative / rest and cli based configurations. It
also removes old arguments not supported and cleans up the documentation