Made the following changes:
* Removed wildcard imports
* Replaced long form of GPL header with short form
* Removed get_exception usage
* Added from __future__ boilerplate
* Adjust division operator to // where necessary
For the following files:
* web_infrastructure modules
* system modules
* linode, lxc, lxd, atomic, cloudscale, dimensiondata, ovh, packet,
profitbricks, pubnub, smartos, softlayer, univention modules
* compat dirs (disabled as its used intentionally)
* Fix add_host does not recognise 'host' alias
* add note in documentation that 'hosts' alias of name parameter is only available on >=2.4
* Fix fetch configuration in junos_command
Fixes#26358 Add support to fetch configuration
from device in `xml`, `text`, `json`, `set` display
* Add error message if set display is not supported
* Throw error in case of warning for show commands
* AWS key management service fix; statement may not have a principal, and if there is only one AWS principal it will not be a list as expected. Fixes 25786.
* remove len(), only catch exception in function for json.dumps() failure
* use a defined variable and make formatting python 2.6 compatible
* changed collection arg to argregate on 2.4 network modules
* replace users with aggregate in eos_user, junos_user, nxos_user
* added version_added to places where we replaced users with aggregate in the docs
* fix ios_static_route test
* update tests to reference aggregate instead of collection/users
xfs_info is a bash script located in /usr/sbin/ (/sbin is a symlink to
/usr/sbin/) which calls xfs_growfs command. When neither /sbin nor
/usr/sbin are in the PATH environment variable, filesystem module is able to
call xfs_info because /sbin path is hardcoded in get_bin_path method, then
xfs_growfs isn't found because neither /sbin nor /usr/sbin are in the
PATH environment variable.
"xfs_growfs -n" could be used directly instead of xfs_info, the man page
states that: "xfs_info is equivalent to invoking xfs_growfs with the -n
* Updates docs to match module behavior
* Updates docs to match module behavior
Updated using advice from jimi-c
* Removes snippet about git module before v1.8.3
At suggestion of robinro
* Enable the pylint no-name-in-module check. Checks that identifiers in
imports actually exist. When we do this, we also have to ignore
_MovedItems used in our bundled six. This means pylint won't check
for bad imports below ansible.module_utils.six.moves but that's
something that pylint punts on with a system copy of six so this is
still an improvement.
* Remove automatic use of system six. The exec in the six code which
tried to use a system library if available destroyed pylint's ability
to check for imports of identifiers which did not exist (the
no-name-in-module check). That test is important enough that we
should sacrifice the bundling detection in favour of the test.
Distributions that want to unbundle six can replace the bundled six in
ansible/module_utils/six/ to unbundle. however, be aware
that six is tricky to unbundle. They may want to base their efforts
off the code we were using:
* Update tests for new location of bundled six Several code-smell tests
whitelist the bundled six library. Update the path to the library so
that they work.
* Also check for basestring in modules as the enabled pylint tests will
also point out basestring usage for us.
DNF's base.group_install() function accepts a string as its first
argument. Prior to DNF-2, compatibility code existed which allowed this
function to accept a base.comps.Group object instead. That is no longer
Pass "" to base.group_install() instead of "group" to work
around this.
* Implement state='dist-upgrade'
Implements `zypper dist-upgrade` for the zypper module. This follows
how `zypper upgrade` is invoked, except `state='dist-upgrade'`.
Setting name to anything other than '*' would cause the module to error
out. `dist-upgrade` affects all packages and would not make sense to
apply to a specific package.
* Implement option extra_args
Add option to append additional arguments to zypper command. This
should be able to accommodate other options that are not (yet) covered
by zypper module.
Arguments are given as if written in the command line, complete with
The OpenSSLObject class has been merged[1]. This commit makes the
openssl_publickey rely on this class and standardize the way openssl
module should be written.
[1] #26945