Some do not use the json module directly so don't need import json.
Some needed to fallback to simplejson with no traceback if neither was installed
* Remove leading module parameter on open_url call as it's no longer used
by module_utils.urls.open_url
* Force basic auth otherwise vsphere will just return a 401
Creates a VMware vSwitch
We have an end-to-end playbook that performs bare metal provisioning and
configuration of vSphere.
The playbooks/tasks and results from that testing is what will be listed
in this PR.
If there are any questions please let either @jcpowermac or @mtnbikenc
Tested with version
$ ansible-playbook --version
ansible-playbook 1.9.2
configured module search path = None
Associated tasks used for testing below
- name: Add a temporary vSwitch
module: vmware_vswitch
hostname: "{{ inventory_hostname }}"
username: "{{ esxi_username }}"
password: "{{ site_passwd }}"
switch_name: temp_vswitch
nic_name: "{{ vss_vmnic }}"
mtu: 9000
Verbose testing output and results
TASK: [Configure ESXi hostname and DNS servers]
<> REMOTE_MODULE vmware_dns_config password=VALUE_HIDDEN
hostname=foundation-esxi-01 change_hostname_to=cscesxtmp001
domainname=lordbusiness.local dns_servers=,
<> REMOTE_MODULE vmware_dns_config password=VALUE_HIDDEN
hostname=foundation-esxi-02 change_hostname_to=cscesxtmp002
domainname=lordbusiness.local dns_servers=,
<> REMOTE_MODULE vmware_dns_config password=VALUE_HIDDEN
hostname=foundation-esxi-03 change_hostname_to=cscesxtmp003
domainname=lordbusiness.local dns_servers=,
changed: [foundation-esxi-01 ->] => {"changed": true}
changed: [foundation-esxi-03 ->] => {"changed": true}
changed: [foundation-esxi-02 ->] => {"changed": true}
Due to a software bug in vSphere, it fails to handle ampersand in datacenter names.
The solution is to do what vSphere does (when browsing) and double-encode ampersands.
It is likely other characters need special treatment like this as well, haven't found any.
Due to a spurious newline we corrupted the payload. It depends on the order of the headers and if there were headers added by vSphere.
The Accept header was also not needed.