This commit introduces a new module called vultr_network_facts.
This module aims to return the list of networks avaiable in Vultr.
Sample available here:
"vultr_network_facts": [
"date_created": "2018-08-02 11:18:49",
"id": "net5b62e8991adfg",
"name": "mynet",
"region": "Amsterdam",
"v4_subnet": "",
"v4_subnet_mask": 24
As of today, self.returns it not the source of truth. If the return
value from querying the resource contains more values than the one
listed in self.returns, those value will be returned even though not
explicitly specified in self.returns.
This commit ensures that only the values listed on self.returns are
actually returned. The other values not listed are supressed.
Vultr API is being inconsisten in what it returns. An empty list when no
resources exists, but a dict of dict when they do. The case needs to be
handled so the module do not fail. An extra test has been added.
This commit introduces a new module called vr_startup_script_facts.
This module aims to return the list of startup scripts avaiable
avaiable in Vultr.
Sample available here:
"vultr_startup_script_facts": [
"date_created": "2018-07-19 08:52:55",
"date_modified": "2018-07-19 08:52:55",
"id": 327140,
"name": "myteststartupscript",
"script": "#!/bin/bash\necho Hello World > /root/hello",
"type": "boot"
This commit introduces a new module called vr_firewall_group_facts.
This module aims to return the list of firewall groups avaiable
avaiable in Vultr.
Sample available here:
"vultr_firewall_group_facts": [
"date_created": "2018-07-17 12:22:51",
"date_modified": "2018-07-17 12:24:47",
"description": "ansible-firewall-group",
"id": "fb5a0876",
"instance_count": 0,
"max_rule_count": 50,
"rule_count": 1
This commit introduces a new module called vr_dns_domain_facts.
This module aims to return the list of DNS domains avaiable avaiable in
Sample available here:
"vultr_dns_domain_facts": [
"date_created": "2018-07-19 07:31:14",
"domain": "",
This commit introduces a new module called vr_user_facts.
This module aims to return the list of user avaiable avaiable in Vultr.
Sample available here:
"vultr_user_facts": [
"acls": [],
"api_enabled": "yes",
"email": "",
"id": "a235b4f45e87f",
"name": "mytestuser"
This commit introduces a new module called vr_plan_facts.
This module aims to return the list of plan avaiable avaiable to use on
booted servers.
Sample available here:
"vultr_plan_facts": [
"available_locations": [
"bandwidth": 40.0,
"bandwidth_gb": 40960,
"disk": 110,
"id": 118,
"name": "32768 MB RAM,110 GB SSD,40.00 TB BW",
"plan_type": "DEDICATED",
"price_per_month": 240.0,
"ram": 32768,
"vcpu_count": 8,
"windows": false
This commit introduces a new module called vr_os_facts.
This module aims to return the list of OSes avaiable avaiable to use to
boot servers.
Sample available here:
"vultr_os_facts": [
"arch": "i386",
"family": "ubuntu",
"id": 216,
"name": "Ubuntu 16.04 i386",
"windows": false
This commit introduces a new module called vr_region_facts.
This module aims to return the list of region avaiable avaiable to use
where boot servers.
Sample available here:
"vultr_region_facts": [
"block_storage": false,
"continent": "Europe",
"country": "FR",
"ddos_protection": true,
"id": 24,
"name": "Paris",
"regioncode": "CDG",
"state": ""
This commit introduces a new module called vr_sshkey_facts.
This module aims to return the list of SSH keys avaiable in Vultr.
Sample available here:
"vultr_sshkey_facts": [
"date_created": "2018-07-10 14:49:13",
"id": "5b43c760d7d84",
"name": "me@home",
"ssh_key": "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQC+ZFQv3MyjtL1BMpSA0o0gIkzLVVC711rthT29hBNeORdNowQ7FSvVWUdAbTq00U7Xzak1ANIYLJyn+0r7olsdG4XEiUR0dqgC99kbT/QhY5mLe5lpl7JUjW9ctn00hNmt+TswpatCKWPNwdeAJT2ERynZaqPobENgewrwerqewqIVew7qFeZygxsPVn36EUr2Cdq7Nb7U0XFXh3x1p0v0+MbL4tiJwPlMAGvFTKIMt+EaA+AsRIxiOo9CMk5ZuOl9pT8h5vNuEOcvS0qx4v44EAD2VOsCVCcrPNMcpuSzZP8dRTGU9wRREAWXngD0Zq9YJMH38VTxHiskoBw1NnPz me@home"