rm _del_ as it might leak memory
renamed to tmp file cleanup
added exception handling when traversing file list, even if one fails try rest
added cleanup to finally to ensure removal in most cases
Ansible when there was a percentage that was calculated to be less than
1.0 would run all hosts as the value for a rolling update.
The error is due to the fact that Python will round a
float that is under 1.0 to 0, which will trigger the case of
0 hosts. The 0 host case tells ansible to run all hosts.
The fix will see if the percentage calculation after int
conversion is 0 and will else to 1 host.
- moved to base cli class to handle centrally and duplicate less code
- now avoids duplication and reiteration of signal handler by reassigning it
- left note on how to do non-graceful in case we add in future
as I won't remember everything i did here and don't want to 'relearn' it.
- adhoc now terminates gracefully
- avoid race condition on terminations by ignoring errors if
worker might have been reaped between checking if active and termination call
- ansible-playbook now properly exits on sigint/term
- adhoc and playbook now give exceptions that we should not normally capture
and rely on top level finally to reap children
- handle systemexit breaks in workers
- added debug to see at which frame we exit
partial fix for #14346
pushed it to use the existing propmpt from display and moved the vars prompt code there also for uniformity
changed vars_prompt to check extra vars vs the empty play.vars to restore 1.9 behaviour
sipmlified the code as it didn't need to check for syntax again (tqm is made none prior based on that)
* Move self._tqm.load_callbacks() earlier to ensure that v2_on_playbook_start can fire
* Pass the playbook instance to v2_on_playbook_start
* Add a _file_name instance attribute to the playbook
I inadvertently introduced it in
ca826508d9 and didn't notice, because
there are no unit tests for playbook_executor.py. Sorry!
(The "from ansible.errors import *" was used *only* to get the 'os'
module, which makes go "what?")
* Prompt had to be moved up, as it needed to be done before the first
templating of the play occurs, otherwise vars_files won't be templated
* Fixed a bug related to an earlier fix of vars_files incorporating
extra vars to do the templating of the file name