[AWS iam_policy] Avoid the _undefined name_ by catching the raised exception into the variable __e__ so it can be reported on the following line.
flake8 testing of https://github.com/ansible/ansible on Python 3.6.3
$ __flake8 . --count --select=E901,E999,F821,F822,F823 --show-source --statistics__
./lib/ansible/modules/cloud/amazon/iam_policy.py:305:16: F821 undefined name 'e'
if e.errno == 2:
./lib/ansible/modules/cloud/misc/rhevm.py:594:24: F821 undefined name 'e'
./lib/ansible/modules/files/archive.py:391:92: F821 undefined name 'e'
module.fail_json(dest=dest, msg='Error deleting some source files: ' + str(e), files=errors)
3 F821 undefined name 'e'
Certain project functions are not available on the openstack public api. Creating and deleting projects are examples where you must use the admin api.
In most devstack or simple openstack deployments the public, internal and admin apis may live at the IP. However in most production deployments the admin APIs are on a separate network than the public APIs. Therefore for these examples to consistently work, we must specify the admin endpoint_type.
* Add a module parameter to configure the max fetched AWS CFN stack events
* Add version documentation for new configuration option
* Increase default in order to make sure that enough are fetched by default. This align roughly with the limit of manageable resources in CloudFormation.
This fix adds a new parameter 'dvswitch_name' in networks argument spec.
When there are multiple distributed portgroup with the same name in the given
environment, it is difficult to pick particular dvpg. By specifying dvswitch value
we can pin point exact distributed portgroup to attach virtual machine to.
Fixes: #41781
Signed-off-by: Abhijeet Kasurde <akasurde@redhat.com>
* Fix vmware host config for all vmware OptionTypes
Setting some options and option types failed with invalid value errors being return from vmware, this resolves all known ways that issue can occur.
* Add logic for integer inputs as string
For example - "UserVars.ESXiShellInteractiveTimeOut": "20"
Read the Docs moved hosting to readthedocs.io instead of
readthedocs.org. Fix all links in the project.
For additional details, see:
> Starting today, Read the Docs will start hosting projects from
> subdomains on the domain readthedocs.io, instead of on
> readthedocs.org. This change addresses some security concerns around
> site cookies while hosting user generated data on the same domain as
> our dashboard.
* Add aws/core.py function to check for specific AWS error codes
* Use sys.exc_info to get exception object if it isn't passed in
* Allow catching exceptions with is_boto3_error_code
* Replace from_code with is_boto3_error_code
* Return a type that will never be raised to support stricter type comparisons in Python 3+
* Use is_boto3_error_code in aws_eks_cluster
* Add duplicate-except to ignores when using is_boto3_error_code
* Add is_boto3_error_code to module development guideline docs
* Connecting app network to vApp
This fixes connection mechanism for connecting app network to vApp and VM
after vApp creation, returning the IP assigned to the VM as fact 'vm_ip'
* removed duplicate check on task fail for vApp creation. Fixed issue with network_mode value for VCD version > 5.7
* fixed trailing white space
Signed-off-by: Kaneda-fr <sebastien@lacoste-seris.net>
Signed-off-by: Abhijeet Kasurde <akasurde@redhat.com>
* VMware: Allow user to select disk_mode
This fix allows user to select disk modes for given disk configuration
in the given VM.
Fixes: #37749
Signed-off-by: Abhijeet Kasurde <akasurde@redhat.com>
* Review comments
Signed-off-by: Abhijeet Kasurde <akasurde@redhat.com>