* First pass at a toml inventory
* Make EXAMPLES yaml
* Remove unnecessary comment
* Small formatting changes
* Add ansible-inventory option to list as TOML
* TOML inventory improvements, to allow a more simple inventory, specifically related to children
* changelog
* Simplify logic
* Dedupe _expand_hostpattern, making it available to all inventory plugins
* Don't make the TOML inventory dependent on the YAML inventory
* Quote IP address values
* Add more TOML examples
* Further cleanups
* Enable the toml inventory to run by default
* Create toml specific dumper
* 2.8
* Clean up imports
* No toml pygments lexer
* Don't raise an exception early when toml isn't present, and move toml to the end, since it requires an external dep
* Require toml>=0.10.0
* Further clean up of empty data
* Don't require toml>=0.10.0, but prefer it, add code for fallback in older versions
* Ensure we actually pass an encoder to toml.dumps
* Simplify recursive data converter
* Appease tests, since we haven't limited controller testing to 2.7+
* Update docstring for convert_yaml_objects_to_native
* remove outdated catching of AttributeError
* We don't need to catch ImportError when import ansible.plugins.inventory.toml
* Add note about what self.dump_funcs.update is doing
* Address some things
* A little extra comment
* Fix toml availability check
* Don't create an intermediate list
* Require toml file extension
* Add metadata
* Remove TOML docs from intro_inventory to prevent people from getting the wrong idea
* It's in defaults, remove note
* core supported, indicate very clearly that this is preview status
* handle groups correctly when they are 'null'
- even if defined as mapping but having no keys, objects shoudl still be processed correctly
- also add ansilbe_verbosity to vars not to display in ansible-inventory
* allow to load json marked as unsafe or vault
* centralized json code/decode, add vault support
* use generics to allow for more varied inputs
* allow inventory to dump vault w/o decrypting
* override simplejson also
* add entry for unsafe also
* load vaulted and unsafe json, support unvaulting if secrets provided
* add export option
* added 'export mode' to ansible-inventory
this optimizes the output for exporting inventory vs representing the 'ansible view'
* added group priority when needed
* jsonify inventory
* smarter import, dont pass kwargs where not needed
* added datetime
* Eventual plan for json utilities to migrate to common/json_utils when we split
basic.py no need to move jsonify to another file now as we'll do that later.
* json_dict_bytes_to_unicode and json_dict_unicode_to_bytes will also
change names and move to common/text.py at that time (not to json).
Their purpose is to recursively change the elements of a container
(dict, list, set, tuple) into text or bytes, not to json encode or
decode (they could be a generic precursor to that but are not limited
to that.)
* Reimplement the private _SetEncoder which changes sets and datetimes
into objects that are json serializable into a private function
instead. Functions are more flexible, less overhead, and simpler than
an object.
* Remove code that handled simplejson-1.5.x and earlier. Raise an error
if that's the case instead.
* We require python-2.6 or better which has the json module builtin to
the stdlib. So this is only an issue if the stdlib json has been
overridden by a third party module and the simplejson on the system
is 1.5.x or less. (1.5 was released on 2007-01-18)
* ansible-inventory cli tool
added vars dump to graph
made yaml inventory dump actual yaml inventory format
cleaner dump
fixed graph, no dump needed
add pulling in host/group vars
pep indentation crime
added docstring for manpage autodoc
remove ansible_facts from output
added api compat layer
allow import from new and old APIs
better conditional for <2.4
test stuck on OS X (seems popular today) but passes rest, merging anyways