The main patch is to remove the traceback generating code. There are
other small fixes that were made in addition to doing that.
* Removed re-def of cleanup_tokens.
* Changed parameter args to be keywords.
* Changed imports to include new module_util locations.
* Imports also include developing (sideband) module_util locations.
* Changed to using F5Client and plain AnsibleModule to prevent tracebacks caused by missing libraries.
* Removed init and update methods from most Parameter classes (optimization) as its now included in module_utils.
* Changed module and module param references to take into account the new self.module arg.
* Minor bug fixes made during this refactor.
This module's purpose is to specifically manage the ssl keys. It
is essentially the key component of the bigip_ssl_certificate module.
The modules were separated and the key portion deprecated from
bigip_ssl_certificate in favor of this module.