The accumulated collected_facts was being update
with new facts _after_ filtering them. So only
facts that pass the filter would ever be passed
to other fact collectors.
For 'filter=ansible_service_mgr', even though it requires
the platform and distribution facts and even collects them,
they would get filtered out and never passed to the other
collectors that need them (service_mgr for ex).
Fix is just to add the unfiltered facts to collected_facts.
Adds unit tests for fact filter and collected_facts.
* Fix pkg_mgr fact on OpenBSD
Add a OpenBSDPkgMgrFactCollector that hardcodes pkg_mgr
to 'openbsd_pkg'. The ansible collector will choose the
OpenBSD collector if the system is OpenBSD and the 'Generic'
one otherwise.
This removes PkgMgrFactCollectors depenency on the
'system' fact being in collected_facts, which also
avoids ordering issues (if the pkg mgr fact is collected
before the system fact...)
* Add 2.0-2.3 facts api compat (ansible_facts(), get_all_facts())
These are intended to provide compatibilty for modules that
use 'ansible.module_utils.facts.ansible_facts' and
'ansible.module_utils.facts.get_all_facts' from 2.0-2.3 facts
Some related changes/fixes needed to provide the compat api:
* rm ansible.constants import from module_utils.facts.compat
Just use a hard coded default for gather_subset/gather_timeout
instead of trying to load it from non existent config if the
module params dont include it.
* include 'external' collectors in compat ansible_facts()
* Add facter/ohai back to the valid collector classes
facter/ohai had gotten removed from the default_collectors
class used as the default list for all_collector_classes by and
That made gather_subset['facter'] fail.
It was in lib/ansible/modules/system/ since it
was the only thing using it, but move it back to module_utils
and add a ansible_collector.get_ansible_collector() to build
a facts collector just like the one used by
mv ->
All the code it was testing is now in ansible_collector
rm code to create 'ansible_facts' subkey from namespace
Just leave it up to the caller to do, and just return a
flat dictionary from AnsibleFactCollector.collect()