The Conditional instance will now raise the AddConditionError and this
change instructs eos_command to catch the error and return a nicely formed
error message
* commands argument now accepts a dict arguments[1]
* waitfor has been renamed to wait_for with an alias to waitfor
* only show commands are allowd when check mode is specified
* config mode is no longer allowed in the command stack
* add argument match with valid values any, all
[1] The commands argument will now accept a dict argument that can
specifiy the output format of the command. To specify a dict argument
use the form of { command: <str>, output: <str>, prompt: <str>,
response: <str> }. Command and output are required arguments. Output
accepts valid values text and json.
* This adds support the CommandRunner to handle executing commands on
the remote device.
* It also changes the waitfor argument to wait_for to remain compatable
with other modules and adds an alias for waitfor.
* Restricts commands to show commands only when check mode is specified.
* add version_added to wait_for doc string
This change updates the returns values from eos_command to be consistent
with network modules. It now returns stdout, stdout_lines and failed_conditionals
This adds a new module eos_command to network/eos. The eos_command module
is used for sending arbitrary commands to Arista EOS devices. It includes
arguments that allow the module to wait for specific values before the
module returns control to the playbook or fails