* Resolve#23239:
- path is missing when state=absent
- update doc for unclear policy ID
- required params based on state
* Fix pep8 + doc
* Fix doc
* Another doc problem...
* doc
* Update doc fot policy ID
* Fix doc string
* fix required in doc
* fix required in doc Required when I(state=present).
The openvswitch_db module uses the ovs-vsctl binary to
address changes.
On other network modules we follow the pattern of returning 'commands'
as part of the result, containing the commands run on the target device.
Follow that for code consistency and maintenance.
Also, adding state param, which allows to add/remove keys on columns.
* Add workaround for evasive in apache2_module
* Fixes#22635
* Clean up workarounds for php/shib
* Add test for evasive workaround
* Remove use of re module, since all searches work with native python
* Add unit tests to apache2_module name replacements
Go back to using re package where needed
* Rename replace_name to create_apache_identifier
* Add ability to use either sec group name or sec group id or combination to ec2_lc. Also fix header size in AWS Guidelines
* Fix ec2 import to only import neccessary packages. Remove pep8 double line
The current implementation matches libreoffice-oldstable when testing for libreoffice.
So uninstalling libreoffice fails when libreoffice-oldstable is installed.
PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> choco list --local-only libreoffice
Chocolatey v0.10.3
libreoffice-oldstable 5.2.6
1 packages installed.
PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> choco list --local-only --exact libreoffice
Chocolatey v0.10.3
0 packages installed.
The solution is easy, just add `--exact`.
Apparently in some devices the filesystems gathering command can return
a dict containing a 'messages' key with the filesystems, instead of a
plain string.
* re-raise exception as expected
The current ThrottlingException handling code hides other actual exceptions from the user, and basically goes infinite loop instead. eg when the api caller doesn't have permission (example below) to use the api, ansible effectively hangs. adding the re-raise stops execution and shows the error to the command line as expected
can test by removing permission to the efs api, and calling the efs: module
The error was: botocore.exceptions.ClientError: An error occurred (AccessDeniedException) when calling the DescribeFileSystems operation: User: <x> is not authorized to perform: elasticfilesystem:DescribeFileSystems on the specified resource
* PEP8 fix
* Remove DryRun parameter in ec2_vpc_igw_facts check_mode
Using DryRun in check mode causes errors, and is not required
(as nothing changes when calling describe_internet_gateways)
Prevents the following error:
{"changed": false,
"failed": true,
"msg": "An error occurred (DryRunOperation) when calling
the DescribeInternetGateways operation: Request
would have succeeded, but DryRun flag is set."}
* ec2_vpc_igw_facts pep8 tidy up
* . switched from 'user.id' to 'account.id' in REST API calls.
+ added ability to select desired account (by name or identifier) from list of accounts to which authorized user have access.
* + added account option addition version.
* Remove pubnub_blocks from PEP8-legacy list
* [cloud][tests] Create fixtures for using placebo to test boto3-using modules
* Use pytest's importorskip instead of manually skipping on missing deps
* Fix imports in cloudformation module
* Delete unused code
* Add maybe_sleep fixtures to speed up recorded test runs
* Build basic placebo-CFN tests
* Commit placebo recordings of basic stack operations
* Add placebo to test-requires
* Allow unit tests to run regardless of environment by setting a default region
* Use explicit relative import for Python 3 compat
* Use __name__ attribute that works on Python 2 and 3
These were deprecated back in the 1.x timeframe, so have been deprecated
for the 2 cycles required. They also do things wrong and should be
avoided anyway. Go ahead and remove them.