* RabbitMQ basic publisher
* Split out of a module_util. Preparing for binary posts.
* Can now send a file to the queue.
* Allowing an empty queue to be used so RabbitMQ returns a random queue.
* Added RETURN docstring.
* Updated and added tests. Now returns a dictionary with msg, content_type and queue published to.
* Extra tests and introduced a none url method of providing server host details.
* Added testing and errors for url/host parameters.
* Updating RETURN sample
* Added an image file for testing binary publishing.
* Minor changes to test.
* Added filename key/value to headers if a binary file is published.
* Adding ability to specify headers.
* Renaming to rabbitmq_publish
* Changed tests to reflect name, and, preparing for testing headers.
* Updated some documentation
* Minor pip install update
* Modifications after feedback.
* Updates based on feedback.
* Fixing pep8 issue.
* Updating module and module_util name to amqp.
* Reverting back to rabbitmq_publish naming.
* Minor addition to notes.
* Enable communication to management API over HTTPS.
* Specify version added tags to new parameters
* Set proper parameter type.
* Corrected version_added numbers.
* Extracted commons to ansible utils.
* Fix PEP8 error
* Fix documentation extension syntax.