* initial commit of facts module to return usage of a Memstore cloudstorage product
* switch API wrapper to use basic auth instead of passing the api_key in the body
* add integration tests (disabled until we have a mock API to test against)
* bump ansible release version to 2.8
* * Memset:
* module_utils and associated documentation.
* module to manage DNS zones.
* integration tests to run against Memset's API.
* * memset.py:
* remove import of requests from memset.py in favour of internal Ansible modules.
* import necessary Ansible modules for request and response handling.
* create a response object in order to retain a stable interface to memset_api_call from existing modules.
* rework memset_api_call to remove requests.
* memset_zone.py:
* improve short description to be more verbose.
* ensure all imports directly follow documentation.
* remove any reference to requests.
* correct keyerror carried over from elsewhere.
* remove dependency on requests from documentation string
* disable integration tests until we have a cleanup method available