A cloud/domain admin should be able to create a subnet on any
project it is granted on.
This change adds the 'project' parameter that accepts either
a name (admin-only) or id.
A cloud/domain admin should be able to create a network on any project
it is granted to.
This changes adds the possibility to pass either a project ID or
project name.
'server_insecure' maps to the subscription-manager config
(/etc/rhsm/rhsm.conf) value for 'insecure' key in the
'server' stanza. The 'insecure' configures if the https connection
to 'server_hostname' is verified as having been issued by
a CA in 'ca_cert_dir' trust store.
Previous documentation indicating it disables https and
enables http was inaccurate. Connection to server_hostname
always uses https.
* based on cpython os.path.ismount
* includes patch from http://bugs.python.org/issue2466
* fixes#2186
* when the upstream bug is fixed this should be removed/rewritten
* use ismount from module_utils
login_password should not be logged, so mark it as 'no_log'
the others arguments are path to file, and so should be type='path',
which permit to remove the line handling '~' and shell variables.
Fixed type checking to be more idiomatic powershell, also fixes a slew of StrictMode issues and gets error handling back to originally-intended behavior.
A change was merged to the main Ansible core code that can cause
a potential hang if any libraries are called that use threading.
This change was:
This affected the os_object module by causing a hang on the shade
create_object() API call (which in turn calls swiftclient which
uses threading). The fix is to make sure all modules have a main()
that is wrapped with an "if __name__ == '__main__'" check.
In case role policy was deleted, we did not handle at all if there
was authorization issue to do the deletion. Also add message when
role is not found and the policy is skipped.
The default_project is checked at the beginning of the module.
This raises an exception if the project passed does not exist.
This logic only makes sense on resource creation, if a user
puts state=absent the module fails, even though the default
project is not relevant
If a server already exists when os_server is run, but a floating
IP was not assigned to the server when one was requested, the
module will attempt to add an IP to the existing server. But it
would not pass the wait/timeout params to the floating IP APIs.
If wait was True, you could get back a server dict that did not
show the floating IP because it did not wait.
route53 creates Record objects using `health check` and `failover`
parameters. Those parameters only became available in boto 2.28.0.
As some prominent LTS Linux releases (e.g.: Ubuntu 14.04) only ship
older boto versions (e.g.: 2.20.1 for Ubuntu 14.04), users are getting
unhelpful error messages like
TypeError: __init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'health_check'
when running Ansible 2 against their LTS install's default boto.
We improve upon this error message by checking the boto version
Apologies, but I no longer use this module day-to-day myself, and I don't have the bandwidth right now to effectively triage changes in any kind of timely fashion.
I wanted stop the containers matched only by image name, but can't do this, if I not set cmd in playbook.
This behavior confused me.
If cmd or entrypoint is defined for running container, but not defined in playbook, makes matching behavior as this sample:
This is useful for packages that bootstrap their own apt-key setup - only
the initial installation will require overriding. Notable examples are the
Dropbox and Google Chrome packages.
(Setting force=yes is far too strong: I only want to bypass
Signed-off-by: Chris Lamb <chris@chris-lamb.co.uk>
Commit f71542c set the incorrect type for these two parameters to
dict when they are actually list of dicts.
Also, the extra_dhcp_opts was incorrectly named (without the terminal
's') and NEVER worked, so this was corrected.
This update adds exception handling to catch errors when trying to parse
command output to json. It also removes the dependency on importing json
opting to use the AnsibleModule methods instead
This commit adds a new module, ops_command, that handles executing commands
on OpenSwitch over the CLI. Since this module is designed to work with the
OpenSwitch CLI, it only supports the CLI transport option
This commit adds a new module, ops_config, that allows playbook designers
to create tasks for configuring OpenSwitch over the CLI. The module
is designed to work directly with configuration mode in OpenSwitch and
therefore only supports the CLI transport option
This commit address a bug in the ios_config module when using the
match: strict argument. When the argument is used, the module will
compare the configuration block same as match: exact which is not the
intended behavior. This commit updates the behavior to propertly handle
the strict argument.
now uses atomic move to avoid data corruption
correclty cleans up temp files in every case
returns backup_file info if needed
validate validate before temp file gets created
backup AFTER validate
Without this change, a download failure may bail out with the message:
"Failure downloading http://foo/bar, 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'read'"
whereas with this fix, you'd get a proper error like:
"Failure downloading http://foo/bar, Request failed: <urlopen error [Errno 113] No route to host>"
or one of the many other possible download errors that can occur.
The returned list of diffs aims to simulate how a file system diff would
look before and after writing the sources list files.

n.b. Ternary conditional is due to failing integration test for
python 2.4
This commit refactors the arugments used in ops_template to be strictly
typed and handle by declarative / rest and cli based configurations. It
also removes old arguments not supported and cleans up the documentation
This mirrors a nearly identical change made to apt_repository.py.
Also removes the use of apt-get --force-yes as it can be dangerous
and should not be necessary (apt_repository.py does not use it).
Repeating the explanation from the apt_respository change below:
Since use_unsafe_shell is suspicious from a security point
of view (or it wouldn't be unsafe), the less we have, the less
code we have to thoroughly inspect for a security audit.
In this case, the '&&' can be replaced by doing 2 calls to run_command.
Running async_status in an "until: result.finished" loop will mask a module failure (eg, traceback) with a
template failure, because the fail dict doesn't include "finished" (eg, you'll see "ERROR! The conditional check 'bogus_out.finished' failed. The error was: ERROR! error while evaluating conditional: bogus_out.finished ({% if bogus_out.finished %} True {% else %} False {% endif %}"). Because the failure dict still includes "failed: true",
this change has no effect on stoppage/failure reporting, it just prevents the common usage pattern from masking the underlying error message.
Since our validation does conversion as well as validation, I'm not sure
this is entirely correct. May need to take a look at our conversion
code and re-examine to be sure we're doing it right.