* removes connection functions refactored into connection
* updates ComplexDict and ComplexList objects to use with AnsibleModule
* updates modules to add new argument to ComplexList & ComplexDict
* updates all vyos modules to use socket connection
* adds vyos local action handler
* adds exec_command() to vyos
* updates vyos_config local action
* update unit test cases
* add base class for testing vyos modules
* Rename vyos2 over vyos
* Update vyos_config to LocalAnsibleModule
Change result key 'updates' -> 'commands'
vyos_config is supported by core
* vyos_config tests
* Enable bracket config use
* Sanitize config before use
* Update documentation for vyos_command
Add information on new environment variable added in #18546.
Add note on command that should not be run via Ansible.
* White space changes
Two spaces after period.
* commands argument now accepts a dict arguments
* waitfor has been renamed to wait_for with an alias to waitfor
* only show commands are allowd when check mode is specified
* config mode is no longer allowed in the command stack
* add argument match with valid values any, all
* arguments for vyos_config for 2.2 are now complete
* adds loading config file from disk (src argument)
* removes unsupported rollback argument
* changes update_config to update with options merge or check
* changes backup_config to backup
* add state argument for state of configuration file
* adds backup argument to backup current configuration
* adds save argument to control if active config is saved to disk
* adds comment argument for setting commit comment
* adds match argument to control configuraiton match
Tested with VyOS 1.7