FieldAttributes will now by default not be post_validated unless a flag
is set on them in the class, as a large number of fields are really there
simply to be inherited by Task/PlayContext and shouldn't be templated too
The other (unrelated to the base issue) in #12084 is also fixed here, where
the roles field is loaded before vars/vars_files, meaning there are no vars
yet loaded in the play when the templating occurs.
`if method in dir(self):` is very inefficient:
- it must construct a list object listing all the object attributes & methods
- it must then perform a O(N) linear scan of that list
Replace it with the idiomatic `if hasattr(self, method):`, which is a
O(1) expected time hash lookup.
Should fix#11981.
Also making PlayContext a child class of the Playbook Base class,
which gives it access to all of the FieldAttribute code to ensure
field values are correctly typed after post_validation
The tags field may contain bad data before it is post_validated, however
some methods assumed it would be a simple list or string. Using itertools
gets us around the problem of the data potentially not being hashable