* add src argument to provide path to config file
* add new choice to match used to ignore current running config
* add update argument with choices merge, replace or check
* add backup argument to backup current running config to control host
* add comment argument to provide comment to commit
* deprecated force argument, use match=none instead
* commands argument now accepts a dict arguments[1]
* waitfor has been renamed to wait_for with an alias to waitfor
* only show commands are allowd when check mode is specified
* config mode is no longer allowed in the command stack
* add argument match with valid values any, all
[1] The commands argument will now accept a dict argument that can
specifiy the output format of the command. To specify a dict argument
use the form of { command: <str>, output: <str>, prompt: <str>,
response: <str> }.
This adds a new module, iosxr_config, that can be used for configuring
Cisco IOS XR devices. It is provides a set of arguments for sending
configuration commands to the device over cli
This adds a new module, iosxr_template, that can be used to template
configurations for IOS XR devices. Templates are then loaded into the
target device over cli