This PR includes:
- Removal of maintainers that are listed as author in the module
- Removal of entries that do not extend the original author list
- Move ignored-statement to namespace/directory (where useful)
- In some cases, fix the authors-list or add missing github id
We end up with a list of exceptions/additions and a large set of
namespace/directory maintainers or team of maintainers.
Some entries could be further improved by discussing with some
ecs_taskdefinition_facts should not populate ansible_facts with
so much information.
Better to just return the contents of the dict directly.
Reduce line lengths, use AnsibleAWSModule, don't reimplement
* Move profile and region checking to module_utils.ec2
Remove ProfileNotFound checking from individual modules
There are plenty of `if not region:` checks that could be removed,
once more thorough testing of this change has occured
The ec2_asg, iam_managed_policy and ec2_vpc_subnet_facts modules
would also benefit from this change but as they do not have tests
and are marked stableinterface, they do not get this change.
* Added ecs_taskdefinition_facts module
* Expanding documentation
Now includes all possible return values
* Fixed boto dependency
* Converting results to snake case.
* Remove EcsTaskManager class, move to main()
Remove unnecessary `except` block
* Change botocore import method
Also make Profile exception message less redundant
* Changing case conversion of the results
Now converts only the root level keys
Commented is a version that would not convert only container_definitions