* returns support for prompt/response over cli
* now sends native dict instead of str command
* fixes issue with run_commands() in ios to jsonify request
* updates unit test cases
* updates the ios_config module to use the network_cli plugin
* updates the local action plugin to derive from network
* add unit test cases for ios_config
* updates the deprecated ios_template module to use network_cli
* adds unit test cases for ios_template
* adds check for provider argument and displays warning message
stdout lines are now available when certain exceptions occur
(Ref ansible/ansible#18241)
Also noticed that to_lines was essentially handled in
lib/ansible/plugins/action/__init__.py -- only difference was
it didn't handle a list. to_lines() could be removed across
network modules now, but this commit is only for ios_command.
Also adds disconnect() to ios_command that was added
to ios_config in #5247
this fix will now handle loading a multiline banner on ios based
devices without hanging. It separates the processing of banners
from the remainder of the config
link #5318
The module will error if it tries to use a cli command that is not available
on a given platform. This fix will address that problem. If the cli
command is not available, then the command is silently discarded and the
facts that the command output is based on is not returned. Any failed
commands are provided in the module return under the failed_commands
key. This fix also updates the Examples docstring to make it consistent
with other ios_* modules
* 'before' and 'after' are now only applied to 'lines'
* remove update argument
* update doc strings
* add path argument when performing config difference
When the configuration is compared and the results deserialized, the
dumps() function returns a string. This cohereces the return to a list
in case before and/or after needs to be applied
fixes 4707
IOS devices only support a single command output which is structured
text. This removes the ability to specify the command output format
when providing complex arguments to the commands
The CommandRunner will not allow duplicate commands to be added to the
command stack. This fix will now catch the exception and continue if
a duplicate command is attempting to be added to the runner instance.
* merge changes from ios shared module functions into ios_config.
* add src argument to provide path to config file
* add new choice to match used to ignore current running config
* add update argument with choices merge or check
* add backup argument to backup current running config to control host
* add defaults argument to control collection of config with or withoutdefaults
* add save argument to save current running config to startup config
* add state argument to control state of config file
* deprecated force argument, use match=none instead
* commands argument now accepts a dict arguments[1]
* waitfor has been renamed to wait_for with an alias to waitfor
* only show commands are allowd when check mode is specified
* config mode is no longer allowed in the command stack
* add argument match with valid values any, all
[1] The commands argument will now accept a dict argument that can
specifiy the output format of the command. To specify a dict argument
use the form of { command: <str>, output: <str>, prompt: <str>,
response: <str> }. Command and output are required arguments. Output
accepts valid values text and json.