* Addition of TCP protocol to ELB target group as target groups support HTTP/S and TCP now
* Fixup stickiness type so that it checks if the current_tg has the stickiness_type key in the dict, as TCP ones do not
* New module = elb_target_group
* Update elb_target_group.py
Adds support for adding and removing targets from a target group
* Better error handling
* Bump version_added
* Minor fixes
* Scope ec2 imports, add better doco, fix up examples, allow for both upper and lower case in protocol
* Yaml fixes
* ci fix
* Added targets parameter to doc and added new modify_targets flag to prevent runs from modifying targets
* Update to metadata_version
* Update to metadata support
* Remove defaults for some params. Add tags parameter
* Use paginator to get target groups
* Add tag support
* Add tg attributes to module
* Quote multilines
* Remove unnecessary defaults. Fix multiline
* Fix line ending